
液化石油气减压阀是直接关系到人身财产安全的高危产品,近日,宁波、慈溪两级质监部门联合对我市18家液化石油气瓶减压阀生产企业进行专项执法检查,从源头遏止劣质减压阀“流入”市场,确保消费者使用上“放心”减压阀。 这次专项检查重点是企业必备的生产、检验设备和检验记录,从检查情况看,企业按液化石油气减压阀发证实施细则要求配置的生产和检测设备基本齐全,但还是查处到无证生产液化石油气瓶减压阀企业1家,当场扣押违法生产的液化石油气瓶减压阀2550只;查处涉嫌生产不符合强制性国家标准的液化石油气瓶减压阀企业1家,现场封存产品300只并抽样送检。 据介绍,家用液化石油气调压器是燃气具的一个重要配套产品,其功能是起减压作用,保证与之配套的燃气具安全使用。调压器的调压性能的好坏和已调定的压力偏高或偏低都将影响燃气具的使用性能和使用安全。但是近年来,因使用不合格减压阀产品而引发的严重人身伤害事故,受害者均是购买了一些价格便宜的减压阀。在我市除了18家正规生产厂家外,还有部分减压阀产品都是从无照加工的家庭作坊中生产出来的。 据悉,两级质监部门将继续加大对液化石油气瓶减压阀生产领域内违法现象的打击力度,并积极引导企业规范生产行为,推广减压阀新标准的施行。

“ Thorough investigation of inferior quality supervision departments valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Liquefied petroleum gas valve is directly related to the personal and property safety of high-risk products, recently, Ningbo, Cixi city level quality supervision departments jointly liquefied petroleum gas cylinder 18 valve manufacturer for special law enforcement inspection, from the source to stop inferior valve "into the" market, to ensure that consumers use the "ease" valve. The special inspection focuses on essential business production, testing equipment and inspection records, from the examination situation, business licensing by liquefied petroleum gas valve Regulations require configuration of the production and testing equipment basically complete, but still no investigation into permit the production of liquefied petroleum gas cylinder valve company a spot illegal seizure of the production of liquefied petroleum gas cylinder valve 2550; investigate suspected production does not meet the mandatory national standard of liquefied petroleum gas cylinder valve company a spot Archive Product 300 and sample submission. It is reported that domestic liquefied petroleum gas appliance pressure regulator is an important accessory products, from the decompression and its function is to ensure coordinated with the safe use of gas. Voltage regulator voltage regulator performance is good or bad, and have adjusted the pressure is high or low setting will affect the performance and the use of gas appliances safe. But in recent years, the use of substandard products valve caused serious personal injury accident victims are cheaper to buy some of the bed. In the city in addition to 18 regular manufacturers, there are some valve products are processed from the unlicensed family workshop in produced. It is reported that two quality supervision departments will continue to increase production of liquefied petroleum cylinder valve crackdown in illegal behavior, and actively guide the behavior of enterprises standardize production, promote the implementation of new standards regulator.

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