
     消息人士透露,家电零售巨头国美电器(00493.HK)即将进入体育用品市场,以运动城以及店中店等形式销售体育用品及运动器械。分析人士认为, 体育用品市场前景广阔以及该行业零售业务{zg}达到30%的利润率是国美涉足该市场的重要原因。

2009年11月,北京国美锐动投资有限公司成立(下称“国美锐动”),其企业简介显示,这家公司主要从事竞技体育、科技运动、极限运动、时尚运动 和户外运动等体育及运动休闲用品销售和服务。据国美某高层透露,国美进军体育用品零售行业,将有一个新名字,但目前不方便透露。
昨日,记者向国美电器新闻发言人何阳青求证,他表示国美电器范围内没有听说过这件事情,但是国美对体育用品比较感兴趣,体育用品的消费者与数码家电 产品的消费者都是年轻人,有重合的地方。
消息人士说,国美锐动的渠道模式主要包括开设大型运动城。国美运动城模式与其电器城相似,拟布局在主流商圈,大面积、多品牌,涵盖国内主流品牌,引 进国外新品牌;多品类,包含运动鞋服、运动器械、户外用品、健身器械等;产品价位段高低兼顾,将运动城打造成体育用品一站式购物式的MALL。依托国美电 器城,开设店中店。店中店依托国美电器现有门店优势,在现有门店中先做评估,筛选出部分门店试点开设中小型体育用品零售店,店中店商品集中在日常需求的、 消费频次较高的体育用品,利用电器门店的影响力辐射到周围社区。
此外,国美锐动还会借重电子商务和目录式销售,拟建立体育用品电子商务网站,并向国美电器现有会员投递体育用品DM单,即电子商务与目录式销售结 合。消息人士说,国美锐动还会依托国美电器客户资源平台,发展企事业单位定制、行业客户集体采购、团购业务。
业内人士介绍,与家电零售行业17%左右的毛利率相比,体育用品零售行业30%左右的毛利率可谓不低,相信这也是吸引国美进入该行业的重要原因之 一。

Household Electrical Appliances Giant Gome May Target At Sporting Goods Market
      Chinese household electrical appliances giant Gome(00493.HK)may enter sporting goods market by selling sporting goods and equipment in malls and in-shops , according to sources.

Back to November 2009, Beijing Gome-Rayspo Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter be to referred as Rayspo) was established. The company introduction shows its ambition in sports, outdoor and leisure activity market.
Sources said that Rayspo will set up one-stop sports malls, similar to Gome's household electrical appliances retail outlets, which are usually located at central business district. The sports malls are projected to sell a broad range of sports and outdoor goods from both home and abroad, covering sports apparel, shoes, equipment and outdoor gears. At the same time, taking the advantages of the successful household electrical appliances retail outlets, Rayspo in-shops will be also set up to sell the products of daily use. It is said that Rayspo will sell products via Internet and DM, combining E-business with catalogue sales; and tailer-made services and group buying services offered to companies and public insitutions will also be provided by Rayspo.
Analysts said that compared to the 17% gross profit rate of household electrical appliances industry, the 30% gross profit rate of sporting goods industry and its promising future is the key lure to Gome. Although the spokesman of Gome has not confirmed or denied the information, he agrees that Gome is interested in sporting goods field.

郑重声明:资讯 【家电零售巨头国美电器欲“兼职”售体育用品_雅典娜国度_百度空间】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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