顺丁橡胶凝聚过程模拟与优化- 土木工程翻译QQ31700237的日志- 网易博客


2010-04-14 10:08:46 阅读4 评论0 字号:



Simulation and Optimization in Condensing Process of Cis-Butadiene Rubble

摘要:应用干燥动力学理论对顺丁橡胶凝聚过程进行了分析,建立了顺丁橡胶等速凝聚阶段和减速凝聚阶段的动力学模型;采用数值微分法,对凝聚釜温度80~100℃和操作压力101~181 kPa下的工艺参数进行了模拟计算。以蒸汽总耗量最小、凝聚时间最短及两者综合指标最小为目标进行优化,分别确定了凝聚首釜温度与操作压力的关联式,为调整工艺参数优化过程控制,提供了理论依据。

 Abstract: Through applying drying-dynamic theory to analyze condensing process of cis-butadiene, we set up dynamical models in constant and retarding stages; numerical-differentiation method is used to take analog computation under technological parameters of autoclaves temperature 80~100℃ and operation pressure 101~181kPa; Basing on optimizing target in minimizing total consumption of vapor and shortest condensing time and their comprehensive indexes, autoclave temperature of condensing with operation pressure relational formulae is determined, which provides theoretical basis in adjusting technological parameters and optimizing process control.


关键词:顺丁橡胶  凝聚   干燥动力学   相平衡  (补充关键词)

Key words: Cis-butadiene rubble, condensing, drying dynamic, phase equilibrium


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