引用原文由 windeast 发表:
引用原文由 wxwdoctor 发表:
1.Porphyrize the Pd/AC.
2.Dry at 105 oC for one hour.
3.Weigh 0.1-0.5 g (accurate to 0.0001 g) to 100 ml conical flask.
4.Add 20 ml concentrated nitric acid , heat to near no solution. Add 5% HNO3(加多少?).
5.Transfer to 50 ml volumetric flask for constant volume.
6.After standing, get the upper transparent solution for ICP analysis.

4.Add 20 ml concentrated nitric acid , heat to near no solution. Use
5% HNO3 10mL to elute the flask with 3 times.

thank you very much!!

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