虚拟内存SuperCharged 1.03|iPhone游戏·软件讨论区- 威锋网全球{zd0}的 ...

Greenpois0n的开发成员之一P0sixninja近期在其博客发文,解析了greenpois0n, spirit的相关信息,和Geohot{zx1}发布的漏...

级别: 小苹果
UID: 237892
精华: 0
发帖: 13
we券: 27 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 23 分
人气: 31 ℃
在线时间: 297(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-28
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
What‘s SuperCharged ?

SuperCharged is a tweak that will install a daemon on your phone that will do disk-writes and allow you to have extra speed and performance that your device was missing couse of the jailbraking process. /该软件是一个安装在后台的能提高系统读写或速度的软件

it has also been noted that it will help with the battery performance too... allowing it to go down as low as 1% before deing VS 5% before the tweak.

it will allow it to wake up on 2%-5% after deign VS 15% meaning there is no more 10-15 minute wait for your phone to come back on to be used.

this tweak will give the Device an extra MB to allow it run smooth and fast...
how fast? on a 2g you will be blessed with 40-50 mb
on a 3g you will run 65-75mb
and on a 3gs you will have 180-200mb

* please note that these numbers will vary from one device to another depending on what u have running and installed...

SuperCharged will allow you to run as many apps in the background as you like plus have the biggest heaviest theme you always wanted but was too scared to install it.

some are enjoying games on their 2g that they were never able to play before.

SuperCharged is the only tweak you will need for your Device. no need to remove languages, no need to remove daemons, no need to remove anything. just install this tweak and thats it.


*this tweak also comes with MemoryTap by DaveAshman " thanks " for allowing me to add it with this tweak to be used with activator...

or you can just use SBSetting by bigboss from cydia.

SuperCharged comes in a .deb format

to install it you need to SSH into your iDevice.
You will need SBSettings or activator both can be found on Cydia

Once you have SSH'd into the iDevice
navigate to /tmp
now place the .deb file there.


1: the easy way, using iFile from cydia ( free ), open iFile and navigate to /tmp,
a: click on the SuperCharged.deb
b: choose the installer option.
c: Reboot your iDevice .... some needs to reboot twice..
d: go to your settings app of your iDevice, navigate to activator and choose the gesture of activation and select memorytap

e-a: Activate supercharged by the gesture you chose with activator
e-b: Activate supercharged by SBSettings by freeing up memory from processes

人气:+1(bossmt2) 恩。。。比VM2稳。。。顶lz。。。推荐更换 2010-04-11 23:25:49
人气:+2(lovexb520) 冒失有点效果 不知道喝vm2有什么区别 2010-04-11 21:33:48
人气:+5(chenhao5418) 效果怎们样? 2010-04-11 21:27:14
人气:+3(txd177) 你知道的! 2010-04-11 20:48:07
人气:+5(honey198811) 感谢分享^_^ 2010-04-11 19:22:01
经验:+5(honey198811) 感谢分享^_^ 2010-04-11 19:22:01
we券:+10(honey198811) 感谢分享^_^ 2010-04-11 19:22:01
人气:+3(lqlq666888) 这个好点 支持了 2010-04-11 18:27:49
人气:+1(jaychou009) 虚拟文件在 /private/var/SuperCharged 下 默认是65.54MB 2010-04-11 17:27:30
人气:+5(shangwangderen) 感谢分享^_^ 2010-04-11 15:52:42
人气:+5(dannyliuliu) 前排支持一下,谢谢分享,对这4个字敏感。 2010-04-11 13:44:55
人气:+1(richealyau) 感谢分享^_^ 2010-04-11 13:05:15
级别: 小苹果
UID: 795620
精华: 0
发帖: 23
we券: 5 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 23 分
人气: 0 ℃
在线时间: 253(时)
注册时间: 2010-01-14
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 青苹果
UID: 787914
精华: 0
发帖: 188
we券: 196 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 191 分
人气: 6 ℃
在线时间: 413(时)
注册时间: 2010-01-10
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 白苹果
UID: 12684
精华: 0
发帖: 1088
we券: 1082 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 1119 分
人气: 129 ℃
在线时间: 2408(时)
注册时间: 2007-07-02
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 青苹果
UID: 928126
精华: 0
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we券: 120 张
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经验: 129 分
人气: 42 ℃
在线时间: 274(时)
注册时间: 2010-03-06
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 红苹果
UID: 11789
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贡献: 1 点
经验: 446 分
人气: 165 ℃
在线时间: 1961(时)
注册时间: 2007-06-27
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 青苹果
UID: 286882
精华: 0
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贡献: 0 点
经验: 91 分
人气: 27 ℃
在线时间: 395(时)
注册时间: 2009-02-28
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
级别: 金苹果
UID: 193116
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经验: 1510 分
人气: 1723 ℃
在线时间: 1280(时)
注册时间: 2008-10-14
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
貌似不错 3G3.12 装上后 在SBS清理了一下内存 剩余81M内存~~~~看数字是很兴奋 不知道具体使用怎么样

重新安装了WEFIT输入法 现在还有61M内存~
级别: 青苹果
UID: 242008
精华: 0
发帖: 154
we券: 161 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 163 分
人气: 1 ℃
在线时间: 415(时)
注册时间: 2009-01-05
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-12
级别: 白苹果
UID: 12684
精华: 0
发帖: 1088
we券: 1082 张
贡献: 0 点
经验: 1119 分
人气: 129 ℃
在线时间: 2408(时)
注册时间: 2007-07-02
{zh1}登录: 2010-04-11
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