
为了进一步转变镇机关干部的工作作风,增强广大干部工作责任感,提高机关办事效能,确保各项目标任务及重点工作的落实,瞿靖镇通过健全完善工作制度、公开透明办事程序、简化便民服务环节、强化干部责任意识"四项"措施,不断激发调动镇村干部的积极性和工作热情,推进全镇各项重点工作有序顺利开展。 一、健全完善工作制度。重新修定《瞿靖镇进一步严肃纪律加强作风建设的"十七项"暂行规定》,制定了《2010年机关干部绩效工作考评考核办法》,实行工作情况报告制、检查通报制及重点工作和项目建设包保责任制、挂账销号、xxx工作制和领导AB岗补位工作制。进一步建立和完善了首问责任制、限时办结制、服务承诺制、责任追究制等效能制度,形成了"周安排、周落实、周通报"、"月初建帐、月中查账、月底销帐 "及"用制度管人、靠制度管事"的长效工作机制,切实解决了为群众办事推诿、积压延误等现象,加快重点工作落实,提高工作效率,进一步巩固和扩大机关效能建设的工作成果。 二、公开透明办事程序。今年初,镇党委、政府将向全镇人民承诺的"十项利民实事"及镇领导班子成员分工、包村、包项目情况,镇领导及站所长联系电话和《瞿靖镇镇村干部管理"十七"项暂行办法》,印制成宣传手册,发放到全镇8000余农户手中,公开接受群众监督,让群众充分享有知情权,同时杜绝了干部以权谋私和随意办事的现象。 三、简化便民服务环节。为了进一步规范政府行政行为,简便群众来访办事程序,镇上开设便民服务中心,家电下乡办理中心,电话预约,将计划生育奖励扶助资金、低保救济金等主动为群众"送上门"等服务形式,为来访群众实行一站式服务,热情接待群众来访、咨询服务,变过去群众上门求服务,变现在干部主动下乡送服务;变过去群众唉声叹气等着办,为现在群众高高兴兴在家等着"送",不仅规范了机关公务人员行为,还让办事的群众高兴而来,满意而归。 四、强化干部责任意识。面对今年重点工作任务重,头绪多,要求严。镇党委、政府及时印发了《关于对重点工作、项目建设实行包保责任制挂账销号、xxx工作制的通知》,并将今年市委、政府下达给我镇的7项指标任务、8项重点工作任务、10共性工作任务,分解到各主管领导、各站所室、各村,层层签订了目标管理责任书,使责任贯穿始终,促使镇村干部把主要精力放在抓工作落实上。镇重点工作、项目建设督导检查小组定期对各项工作进展情况进行周督查、月通报,在全镇形成"想干事、能干事、会干事、干成事"的良好氛围。 截至目前,全镇共落实订单富硒小麦11178亩、有机富硒水稻13147亩、玉米制种6000亩、水稻、小麦制种550亩,与塞外香公司、法福来公司签订了24000亩的优质粮食订单;落实大、小弓棚瓜菜1300亩,露地蔬菜2050亩,酿酒葡萄2124亩;建造设施蔬菜制种基地400亩;在友谊、蒯桥村发展港菜种植1800亩;西片7个村3900余户1.6万人的饮水安全问题得到有效解决;东片毛桥、瞿靖等6个村的 3万亩土地治理项目前期准备工作基本就绪;5个村547户旧庄点改造任务得到落实,1600户卫生改厕和新建农村户用沼气已开工建设;大罗渠、桑叶渠、朝阳3个泵站已开工建设,力争4月25日前完工。蒋西农业综合开发项目区和末级渠系改造项目区渠道砌护工程正在紧锣密鼓地建设中,230条农田林网的8.6万棵树木栽植任务已全面完成。

“ Qu Jing town, has started construction of three pumping stations ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


In order to change the work style of the town cadres, strengthen the work of responsible cadres to improve work efficiency organizations, to ensure that the objectives and tasks and focus on the work of, Qu Jing Town, by improving and perfecting the system of work, open and transparent procedures, simplify the convenience service links , tighten the sense of responsibility, "four" measures, continue to stimulate the enthusiasm town and village cadres, enthusiasm and passion for work, the focus of the town to promote smooth and orderly work. First, improving and perfecting the system of work. Revised the "Qu Jing Town, further strengthening the work style of strict discipline," 17 "Interim Provisions", set "2010 cadres assessment methods, evaluation of work performance," the report of the implementation of the work of the system, check the notification system and the priorities and construction package insurance responsibility, losses are eliminated No. countdown work system and fill the leadership position post-work system AB. Further establish and improve the Asking System, within specified time and service commitment, accountability and other performance systems, the formation of a "week arrangements, weeks to implement, Zhou informed," "early builds accounts, mid-audit, at the end of write-offs "and" system of control with people who rely on the system steward "of the long-term work, and effectively solve the buck for the masses, the backlog of delays and speed up the implementation of priorities, improve efficiency, to further consolidate and expand the effectiveness of the construction of organs results of the work. Second, open and transparent procedures. Earlier this year, the town party committee and government will promise the people of the town "10 facts benefit the people" and leading members of the team division of the town, including the village, including project information, station director of the town leadership and telephone and "Qu Jing Town, Towns and Villages cadre management, "17" entry Interim Procedures "published as brochures, distributed to 8,000 farmers hands of the town, open to supervision by the masses, so that the people fully enjoy the right to put an end to the cadres at the same time abuse of power and the phenomenon of random things. Third, simplify the convenience services sectors. In order to further regulate the government administrative behavior, simple procedures people visit the town to open convenient service center, processing center appliances to the countryside, the telephone booking, will help fund family planning incentives, subsistence allowances and other relief initiative for the people "get home" and other services form, to visit the people to practice one-stop service, warm hospitality people visit, consultation services, change the past, people seeking home services, change service delivery to rural areas are active cadres; change the past, the people sighed waiting to do for now people happy at home waiting to "get", not only to govern the behavior of officials who, acting also for the people happy and satisfied. Fourth, we should tighten the sense of responsibility. Faced with a heavy focus on work tasks, clues and more strict requirements. Town Party Committee, the Government promptly issued a "key work on the Project to implement the responsibility system packet losses are selling insurance number, notice the countdown work system", and this year's Party, the Government issued to the our town's seven targets and tasks, eight focus tasks, 10 common tasks, decompose to the competent leadership, the station room, villages, layers of management by objectives signed letters of responsibility, so that responsibility throughout, and led town and village cadres to focus on the implementation of the routine work. Town priorities, project construction supervision and inspection on a regular basis the progress of work carried out on all week supervision, on notification, in the town form a "think-General, to Director General, Council officers, dry succeed" in a good atmosphere. Up to now, the town implemented a total of 11,178 orders for enriched wheat acres, 13,147 acres of organic selenium-enriched rice, 6,000 acres of seed corn, rice, wheat seed 550 acres, and beyond the Great Wall Hong Companies, signed a blessing to 24,000 acres of high-quality food orders; implement large and small gongpengzi vegetables 1300 acres, 2050 acres of open field vegetables, wine grapes 2124 acres; the construction of base facilities, 400 acres of vegetable seed; in friendship and the development of Hong Kong Kiu village Kuai planting 1,800 acres of vegetables; films seven villages 3900 More than 1.6 million household water security issues are effectively addressed; East tablets hair Bridge Qu Jing and other 6 villages of 3 million mu of land management and project preparation work basically completed; five villages 547 points, rebuilding the old village have been implemented, 1600 Health lavatories and new rural household biogas has been started; large Romanian channel, mulberry drainage, sun three pumping stations are under construction, and strive to be completed April 25. Chiang Western agricultural development project area and the final canal system reform project area channels assemble care projects are under construction in full swing, 230 agroforestry 8.6 million trees planted task has been fully completed.

郑重声明:资讯 【瞿靖镇3个泵站已开工建设】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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