




谁来到上海国际羊毛局董事,意法半导体甘先生表现出爱玛乐甜酒能出现显着美酒和质地光滑。意法半导体甘说:国际羊毛局是一个伟大的荣誉能够引进更多的时装能出现的青少年,使他们体验到极妙的共同感受。 ,并与承诺和SA将能出现Distell公司的品牌成为一个更具活力的市场,可以在中国的一切成为增长最快的葡萄酒品牌的能出现。

World’s second-largest rum brand into the Shanghai market

The world’s second largest selling rum brand - from South Africa Amarula Cream liqueur Lok Emma recently came to Shanghai, to the fall of the city are concentrated brought a glimmer of African savanna natural fragrance.

originating in southern Africa, only there fertile savannah and the warmth of the climate and environment can only come out for the production of Marula liqueur Emma Le fruit, known as God’s gift.

in the annual spring and early summer, local people will be carefully Marula fruit collected together and carefully extract the pulp, an initial and fermented sweet deal.

then will be extracted “Marula wine” in oak saved 2 years, pending alcoholization. Finally, after aging of the wine and fresh cream for the perfect blending, which will be made today, we enjoy the taste爽滑flavor unique music Emma Amarula Cream liqueur.

In addition, be able to bear the substantial light yellow egg Marula fruit Marula fruit trees in Africa, local tribes also enjoy the “marriage tree” the reputation of being, where the spread of a beauty legend. So far, the tribe’s wedding are still in the Marula tree branches held the following. Marula fruit is said to be able to inspire lust, fertility ceremony in Africa play an important role. At the same time, these fruits have the efficacy of medical treatment, they were widely used in the treatment of local people and other stomach diseases, is a natural gift of the precious gift.

who came to Shanghai IWS Managing Director, Mr. ST GAN demonstrated Emma Le Amarula Cream liqueur distinctive fine wines and smooth texture. ST GAN, said: IWS is a great honor to be able to introduce more fashion Amarula young people to enable them to experience the极妙common feelings. And, together with commitment and DISTELL SA will Amarula the brand into a more dynamic market, can do everything by Amarula in China become the fastest-growing wine brands. (07-11-20)

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