液位开关常用英语词语_电动车电池/中式装修/四合院装修-杰西卡橱柜www ...



1.我们提供广泛之产品服务,如温度控制器、指示器、温度阻抗组件、热电偶、温度传送器、固态电驿、硅控整流器、加热器、The company has a wide range of products solutions varying from the Temperature controller, Indicator, RTD, Thermocouple, Temperature transmitter, S.S.R, SCR, Heater, Level sensor are among the many offering.

2.凝结水回收箱(E1183)收集空气冷凝器及集液箱中的中的凝结水,其中的凝结水由液位变送器(LT450)(LS451LS452)对凝结水泵(它方供货)的电机(它方供货)进行控制,凝结水被送到除氧器。Condensate Receiver Tank(E1183) collect the condensate from ACC and Drain Pot, and the condensate will be pump to Deaerate through Condensate Pump, and the Condensate Level controled by the Level transmeter(LT450) and Switch (LS451, LS452).

3.研究设计了由电磁式液位传感器、隔离开关、单片机控制器及报警系统组成的潜艇蓄电池注水装置,确保了各蓄电池液面误差不大于5mm.The flooding device of submarine accumulator battery, which consists of electromagnetic water level sensor, isolating switch, single chip controller and alarm system, is researched and designed. The liquid surface error of accumulator battery is less than 5mm.


来源:-专业服务网(转载标记 http://www.aisuntech.com

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