潜水排污泵未来的发展方向- 中国离心泵- 中国离心泵- 和讯博客
潜水排污泵未来的发展方向 [转贴 2010-04-07 13:13:54]   

潜水排污泵为立式布置,泵与电动机同轴,这样就使得转动部件的重量与叶轮承受的水压方向向同;其次,潜水排污泵是在液下使用,输送的污水介质中含有杂质、淤泥等物质;第三,潜水排污泵属于离心泵的一种,在其运行时,功率总是随着流量的增加而增加,当流量超过设计流量并达到一定值时,电机就会因过载而烧毁。以上些问题都会不同程度的影响潜水排污泵的使用寿命。 针对潜水排污泵存在的问题,有些国内的生产厂家把精力放在了开发泵的保护系统上:在水泵运行发生异常时自动报警或者切断电源。虽然这种办法可以起到一定的效果,而且这种保护也是有必要的,但这并不是解决问题的根本方法,我们还要把重点放在提高水泵的性能上,把问题从根本上解决。潜水排污泵今后需要解决的问题是提高使用的可靠性,能适应多种工作环境,优化其结构设计,进一步完善潜污泵的性能. 潜水排污泵的现状及其发展方向分析 潜水排污泵因其安装简单、占地面积小、维护方便、无噪声等优点,在工程中广泛用于市政工程、工厂、商业、医院、宾馆、住宅区等的污水排放。目前中国国内的潜水排污泵主要由国内的生产厂家生产和制造,少部分的产品由国外进口。市场前景十分广阔。但由于潜水排污泵的可靠性方面有待加强,所以,提高其产品的技术含量是厂商今后发展的主要方向。

“ Submersible sewage pump direction of future development ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Submersible sewage pumps for the vertical layout, pump and motor axis, thus making the weight and impeller rotating parts exposed to the same pressure orientation; Secondly, the submersible sewage pump is used in the liquid, the sewage transport medium containing impurities, silt and other substances; third, submersible sewage pump is a centrifugal pump, in its run time, power is always increased with increasing flow, when the flow exceeds the design flow and reaches a certain value, the motor will be due to overloading burned. These issues will be different than the degree of diving sewage pump life. Submersible sewage pump for the problems, some domestic manufacturers to focus on the development of protection systems on the pump: the pump to run automatically when the alarm 或者 abnormal power off. While this approach may play a certain effect, 而且 also have need of such protection, but this is not the solution to the problem Genbenfangfa, we also place the Chongdianfangzai the performance of Pump, to fundamentally solve the problem. Submersible sewage pump is required in the future to solve the problem to increase the results of reliability, can adapt to various working environments, optimizing the structure design, further Wan Shan sewage pump the Xingneng. Submersible Sewage Pump Status and Development Direction Fenxi submersible sewage pump Yinqi simple installation, small footprint, easy maintenance, no noise etc., are widely used in public works projects, factories, commercial, hospitals, hotels, residential and other sewage discharge. At present, China's domestic sewage submersible pump manufacturer mainly by domestic production and manufacture, a small number of products imported from abroad. Market prospects are bright. However, the reliability of submersible sewage pumps to be stronger, so, to improve the technological content of their products is the main direction of future development firms.

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