植酸/总磷量检测试剂盒(Phytic Acid / Total Phosphor 阿里巴巴whsjdq ...
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Phytic Acid / Total Phosphorus
A simple method for the measurement of phytic acid / total phosphorus in food and feed samples. This method does not require purification of phytic acid via anion-exchange chromatography making it amenable to high numbers of samples.

Catalogue Number: K-PHYT
Content: 50 assays

Appearance Four glass vials and two 60 mL polypropylene containers.
Specific Gravity Not applicable
Solubility in Water Readily soluble.
pH Value 7.0
Odour none
Form powders and liquids
Stability stable in a freezer for ten or more years
Ingredients Name CAS Proportion
Sodium acetate buffer One 60 ml vial (polypropylene)
Glycine Buffer One container (polypropylene)
Phytase suspension One 7 ml vial (glass)
Alkaline phosphatase suspension One 7 ml vial (glass)
Phosphorus standard solution One 25 ml vial (glass)
Oat flour control One 12 ml vial (glass)

Kits suitable for performing 50 assays are available.The
kits contain the full assay method plus:
Bottle 1: Sodium acetate buffer (25 mL, 200 mM, pH 5.5) and
sodium azide (0.02 % w/v) as a preservative.
Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 2: Phytase suspension (1.2 mL, 12,000 U/mL).
Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 3: Glycine buffer (25 mL, 400 mM, pH 10.4), plus MgCl2
(4 mM), ZnSO4 (0.4 mM) and sodium azide
(0.02 % w/v) as a preservative.
Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 4: Alkaline phosphatase suspension (1.2 mL, 80 U/mL).
Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 5: Phosphorus standard solution (24 mL, 50 μg/mL).
and sodium azide (0.02 % w/v) as a preservative.
Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.
Bottle 6: Oat flour control powder (5 g; Phosphorus content,
see bottle).
Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.

Phytic acid (phytate; myo-inositol 1,2,3,4,5,6, hexakisphosphate) is the
primary source of inositol and storage phosphorus in plant seeds
contributing ~70 % of total phosphorus. The abundance of phytic acid
in cereal grains is a concern in the foods and animal feeds industries
because the phosphorus in this form is unavailable to monogastric
animals due to a lack of endogenous phytases; enzymes specific for
the dephosphorylation of phytic acid. In addition, the strong chelating
characteristic of phytic acid reduces the bioavailability of other
essential dietary nutrients such as minerals (e.g. Ca2+, Zn2+, Mg2+,
Mn2+, Fe2+/3+), proteins and amino acids.1 High phytic acid content
feeds are generally supplemented with inorganic phosphate, however
this causes increased faecal phosphate levels and subsequent
eutrophication of waterways. Alternatively, supplementation with
commercial phytases is becoming increasingly popular and reduces the
requirement for inorganic phosphate supplementation as well as the
associated environmental issues.
Currently, there is no commercially available, simple, quantitative
method for phytic acid and while such measurement is relatively
complex the generally accepted AOAC Method 986.11 has
limitations.2 For each individual analysis the method requires
cumbersome anion-exchange purification and a major inherent
assumption here is that only phytic acid is purified. While this
assumption is viable for non-processed grains for which phytic acid
comprises at least 97 % of total inositol phosphates, it is not viable for
processed foods and feeds which can contain higher levels of some
lower myo-inositol phosphate forms (i.e. IP3, IP4, IP5) that would coelute
with phytic acid and contribute to overestimation of the phytic
acid content.3,4
Given the complexities of the purification and measurement of phytic
acid separate from lower myo-inositol phosphate forms, Megazyme
has developed a simple, quantitative method (K-PHYT) to measure
total “available phosphorus” released from food and feed samples that
is amenable to high numbers of samples and does not require tedious
anion-exchange purification. This method involves acid extraction of
inositol phosphates followed by treatment with a phytase that is
specific for phytic acid (IP6) and the lower myo-inositol phosphate
forms (i.e. IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5). Subsequent treatment with alkaline
phosphatase ensures the release of the final phosphate from myoinositol
phosphate (IP1) which is relatively resistant to the action of
phytase. The total phosphate released is measured using a modified
colorimetric method and given as grams of phosphorus per 100 g of
sample material.5,6
Alkaline phosphatase will also release phosphate from
monophosphate esters other than myo-inositol phosphate, however
analyses of a broad spectrum of samples using K-PHYT indicated that
phosphorus released from monophosphate esters other than myoinositol
phosphate is small.

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