
瀛﹁€呯帇蹇犺壇 鍙戣〃浜? 2009-12-21 6:42:24
鍒嗙被锛氭暀鑲茬鐮斺攤锛? 鈹? 娴忚锛?69       鎺ㄨ崘缁欐湅鍙?/span>

鏈€杩戯紝鍦↗ournal of Materials Chemistry鏉傚織涓婃帴鏀朵簡涓€绡囨枃绔狅紝寰堥珮鍏达紝鍜屽ぇ瀹朵竴璧峰叡浜€?/p>




Chemically Responsive Luminescent Switching in Transparent Flexible Self-supporting [EuW10O36]9–-Agarose Nanocomposite Thin Films


Europium-containing polyoxometalates (Eu-POMs) is widely used for fabrication of the hybrid inorganic-organic luminescent materials. A few efforts have been devoted to develop active Eu-POM-based luminescent sensors and switches. In this study, highly transparent flexible self-supporting decatungsteuropate(EuW10)-agarose thin films were successfully fabricated by a facile hydrogel casting technique. It was identified that strong interaction between agarose and EuW10 by hydrogen bonds at the hydroxyl sites and densely-packed 3D network structure of agarose in the gel state account for the homogenous distribution of EuW10, and good mechanical properties of the nanocomposite films. More importantly, the obtained thin films displayed strong red emission of Eu(III) ion, and the luminescence of these thin films was sensitive to the acid and base gases. When the thin films were exposed to HCl gas, their luminescence was sharply decreased, while the luminescence was recovered upon subsequent exposing the films to NH3 gas. Such process could be repeated many times and a portable switch based on these thin films was proposed.

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