消费类电子市场的反季节销售:利益和风险与« oursolo.net










Consumer electronics market-of-season marketing: benefits and risks with

To alleviate the pressure

Stock-of-season marketing to become life-saving straw

as China’s home appliance market to accelerate the pace of development, major appliance manufacturers have in production capacity, air-conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines and other products of the production Every year, a larger rise, although the market is also increasing sales, but home appliance makers can not avoid the realities are: increasing product inventory, increasing pressure on enterprises. How can we effectively expand sales and reduce inventory, appliance manufacturers must face to become the primary mission.

with air conditioning as an example, although the air conditioning this year, the average unit price increased by 15%, unit price of 1,000 yuan basically disappeared following the air-conditioning, the living conditions of the industry as a whole improved significantly. However, since January to May this year, marketing is true that manufacturers have enough horsepower increase production, Unfortunately most of the country are 6,7,8 in March but had to suffer the traditional rainy season days, air-conditioning market popular combat, making this year air-conditioning industry stocks rising sharply. It is understood that this air-conditioning industry inventory will be up to 1,000 million units to 12 million units, more than last year’s inventory levels higher than a full 15-20%.

so enormous inventory pressures, coupled with the market long off-season, so that appliance manufacturers can not stand. At this juncture, the anti-quarter marketing, to do high and low seasons and the market, naturally become the first choice for manufacturers.

buyer seller both benefit

both sides should pay even more attention to avoid risks

appliance manufacturers launched marketing-of-season World War, though have their own needs, but the band-of-season marketing to substantially lower prices to consumers is indeed brought great benefits. However, experts advise purchase ready consumers of household electrical appliances-of-season: As the anti-quarter of the characteristics of their own household appliances and consumer use are unique, at the time of purchase should not only cheaper, but more cautious, many think a few questions. First, we must understand it is not outdated products; Second, it is necessary to see its expected value. As the season of general merchandise to be used every other year, which there are two risks, First, the value of risk, and the other is the risk of repair.

be able to buy the best season home appliances on the spot test machine, because buyers have to face the risk of repair, if the purchase is now a fan, to be useful next summer, and when problems are detected, Product returned view passed. Also consumers should be required to purchase and pay attention to size and product specifications housing area, chamber structure, consumer demand, such as whether the family in line, do not yield to the temptation of cheap, but caused lots of idle and wasted. In addition, old promotional products, we must know whether it is obsolete, if they are outdated or out of production products, is best not to buy, because the future use of parts and components in the event of damage, repair will be very troublesome.

face-of-season marketing of home appliances, consumers should not only alert, pay attention to avoid risks, as the initiators of the marketing-of-season - home appliance makers also should pay attention to risk-averse. China Consumer Association Deputy Secretary-General of the high-wu Han in an interview with reporters, pointed out that the risk of appliance manufacturers trust is risk. Some enterprises for their own interests, the use of poor quality-of-season sales of Product Marketing, in the after-sales service on the jockey and deceive consumers, harm the interests of consumers, such enterprises can get a little immediate benefit, but consumers will eventually lose trust, damaged will be their future survival and development. (07-11-20)

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