东北地区最长臂架泵车落户冰城哈尔滨市- 中国隔膜泵- 中国隔膜泵- 和讯博客
东北地区最长臂架泵车落户冰城哈尔滨市 [转贴 2010-04-06 11:08:33]   

4月3日,“三一重工2010年混凝土成套设备全国巡展”活动走进黑龙江省。活动现场,“三一重工”与哈尔滨广大混凝土制造有限公司签订合同,东北地区最长臂架泵车??“三一重工”60米泵车落户哈尔滨市。 “三一重工”股份有限公司党委副书记周涤非介绍,臂架泵车是目前被广泛应用的一种混凝土设备,臂架越长给施工带来的便利就越大,同时也标志着制造方的制造水平越高。目前世界上最长的72米长臂架泵车也是由“三一重工”生产的。 三一重工股份有限公司党委副书记周涤非:从臂架的长短看起来高几米,显得长度不大,但是从臂架制作技术来说,高出一米它的制造难度都是非常大的,并且也不是简单地能用金钱来衡量的。 记者在展示现场看到,泵车四个有力的“爪子”牢牢地“抓”住土地,健硕的“身躯”巍峨地耸立。周涤非向记者表示,“三一重工”一向重视黑龙江市场,作为湖南的xxxx企业,他希望通过三一在黑龙江市场的开拓,带动“龙”、“湘”两地的共同发展。 三一重工股份有限公司党委副书记周涤非:黑龙江这几年发展非常快,今年的混凝土(需求)应该在去年的基础上基本上增加一番,这么大的建设工程空间,三一的产品为市政建设和基础建设会发挥更大的作用。 据介绍,“三一重工”除在哈尔滨举行展览外,还将在全国20多个城市继续巡展,推广其混凝土成套设备。2009年,“三一集团”实现销售收入306亿元,是全球工程机械50强企业。

“ Settled the longest boom pump in Northeast ice city of Harbin City ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

April 3, "Sany concrete equipment in 2010 National Tour" activity into the province of Heilongjiang. The event, "Sany" Concrete Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Harbin large contract, the longest boom pump in Northeast China - "Sany" 60 m pump settled in Harbin. "Sany" deputy party secretary Zhou Difei Inc. introduced boom pump is widely used as a concrete device, the longer to the construction boom has brought greater convenience, but also marks the manufacturing side The higher level of manufacturing. The world's longest is 72 meters long arm frame pump from "Sany" production. Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Party Secretary Zhou Difei: high appears from the boom length of a few meters, the length appears not, but from the production technology boom, the higher the difficulty of making a meter it is very large, and Can not simply measured in monetary terms. Reporters on the scene show that the four powerful truck "claw" firmly "grasping" housing land, strong build of the "body" towering skyward. Zhou Difei told reporters, "Sany" has always attached importance Heilongjiang market as the industry leading companies in Hunan, he hoped that by 31 market development in Heilongjiang to bring "Dragon", "Xiang" the common development of both. Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Party Secretary Zhou Difei: Heilongjiang developing very fast in recent years, this year's Concrete (demand) should be largely based on last year to increase some, such a large construction project space, 31 products for municipal construction and infrastructure will play a bigger role. According to reports, "Sany" In addition to the exhibition held in Harbin, more than 20 cities across the country will continue to tour to promote its concrete equipment. 2009, "31 Group" sales revenue 30.6 billion, is a global engineering machinery 50 companies.

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