Stock price or prices of meat or linked people how to resist the ...

from the stock price doubled, and prices firm, and then the meat prices soaring, just like a chain reaction, prices began to spread to all fields. These people are closely related to the topic, it seems that in an instant has attracted the attention of all public and talk about why there is such a chain reaction? This link between what is in the end? How ordinary people resist the inflationary pressure?

shares up the appreciation of the renminbi is the fundamental reason why

Industrial Bank Nanjing Branch, chief financial analyst Zhao嘉健believe that excess liquidity is the stock price meat prices rose the root causes of the chain. The so-called excess liquidity, the most direct manifestation is more money, and remove the country’s huge savings, which is the most critical foreign hot money. Why is the international hot money gathered to domestic? The most fundamental reason is that the appreciation of the renminbi.

as early as 2003, foreign institutions began to gamble on the appreciation of the renminbi, which brought large amounts of hot money into China, of course, at first in the domestic purchase of fixed assets such as real estate, etc. This has led to domestic Since prices started rising a few years ago channel. With the July 21, 2005, the RMB appreciation begins to come out of substantial step, while the domestic share reform started to promote, these international hot money they have toward the stock market, then there’s the myth of the mainland market to double, This began a series of knock-on effect - people see the stock market’s wealth effect, will also be their own savings from the bank moved into the stock market, then beat Chuan flower-like mode of operation so that the stock market one after another to create a new high.

negative interest rates to speed up housing prices up excess liquidity

“negative interest rates,” the word was also fired in the near future too hot, Zhao嘉健said that since the beginning of the official openly admitted that negative interest rates, and the people even more reluctant to put money in banks because the money is the depreciation of the bank, wants to come up with to make the investment, which accelerated the currency in circulation in the market.

Why was there the “popular stocks”? I can honestly say that is negative interest rates forced people out of money to invest in the stock market, and the wealth effect of the stock market has also attracted a dial-up wave of investors. Zhao嘉健introduced from abroad will be also included in CPI price index, while the domestic price has not been included in the consumer price index will be calculated on the already negative interest rates, which undoubtedly inspired the desire of ordinary people to invest. Because the capital is a profit-driven, where there are profits to run就往where people start putting their money into bank stocks, and then moved to the property market from the stock market, the interests of traction around the capital can get profits in each market.

At present, the stock and property markets are basically two major areas of public investment, beginning this year, the risk of the stock market for all to see, he moved to the property market investors, which promoted the rise in house prices. Everyone wants to buy a house, but was not enough money, they look for bank loans, while developers are also looking for bank loans of the paragraph, which caused the bank’s credit funds run too fast, too fast profit growth, a flow of funds after so on they give birth to many of the money, which is exacerbated by excess liquidity.

meat rising meat prices have been seriously underestimated

increased by more than a month, up almost 70 percent rise, the past two months, including Nanjing, including the major cities of the country’s pork prices are skyrocketing. Why the continuing rise of meat prices can not fall? One fundamental reason is excess liquidity, because we had no money, and meat prices also jumped to buy the meat, in the final analysis this is excess liquidity to support a strong meat prices rose only not fall. This is Zhao嘉健view.

Huai’an Jiangsu Branch Bank陆岷peak that had been seriously underestimated the price of meat has led to this round of rising meat prices, which also belong to the normal cyclical adjustment. Overall, the market for less than the price of meat demand, but meat prices have been have not reached the level should be recognized in the same period last year, pork prices of only 45 yuan a pound, the lowest even down to 2.7 Meta catty has seriously affected the enthusiasm of pig farmers. “Therefore, the meat market prices there are also cyclical adjustment factors. Of course, the price of meat the most direct cause or increase the cost of feed. “陆岷Feng said.

investors respond to the market to avoid high-risk

accompanied by price increases in various fields, investors are most concerned about inflationary pressures continued to intensify the situation , the how to keep the hands of non-devaluation of assets? Zhao嘉健recommends investors should try to avoid high-risk investment market, such as stocks do not know how not to do on the stock, I would like to receive the proceeds of the stock market can purchase fund for the professionals to help you stocks. In addition, the recent gold speculation also very fire, on the one hand, because the gold market has been optimistic about the near future, on the other hand is more important reason is that gold as an inflation risk against the primary hard currency, it should be under the current situation as an asset allocation of investors to invest varieties one.

At the same time, investment in real estate for the public, Zhao嘉健also suggested that investors should buy lots of small and medium-sized urban real estate, and avoid buying the outskirts of the villa. Because with the urban expansion of small and medium-sized real estate lots good risk is very small, very easy to sell, and lots of villas in the suburbs because the price high, bad hand, investors assume the risk of liquidity and inflation risks will be compared Great.

● Market Analysis

not the pork shares when the Golden

rising pig meat prices so keen on the stock market investors will be part of sights on the pork-related stocks with the hope that can make a profit. Experts remind that the meat can not see that the pork price shares also rose.

Nanjing Securities researcher尹建辉told reporters that prices for pork and pork-related stocks for a low air news.尹建辉said that because of our eating habits of China’s problems, pork in the market occupies an important position is absolutely on the stock market, shares in the number of pork are not many. Although the price of pork has changed, but these listed companies are mainly for pork processing enterprises, relatively speaking, belong to high-end products, and the form of cold meat for the majority of supermarket sales, such as Shineway development, so the company’s sales decline is not very big, there will not be much of the gross margin impact.尹建辉also told reporters that many investors ignore the fact that pork prices will be made for the acquisition of pork dropped, the output will be reduced, sales will continue to decline in the absolute amount of the interest rate will also decline, As a result, shares of these pork prices will not rise, but will decline slightly. Of course, the rising price of meat, live pigs reared on favorable related businesses, such as the new five-feng, another for the production of pig feed business would be a good thing, such as a new hope.

尹建辉also reminded shareholders that if you want to do pork stocks investment, we must choose a larger scale, a complete industrial chain of leading enterprises in the gross profit margins remain unchanged under the premise of the acquisition of the volume of these enterprises a certain degree of assurance that stock prices will be relatively minor impact.








为什么在那里的“热门股” ?我可以诚实地说是负利率迫使人们的资金投资于股票市场,以及财富效应的股市也吸引了拨号波的投资者。赵嘉健从国外引进将消费物价指数中还包括价格指数,而国内价格并没有被包括在居民消费价格指数将已计算的负利率,这无疑激发了普通百姓的愿望进行投资。由于资本是利润驱动,那里有利润运行就往那里人们开始把他们的钱到银行股,然后转移到房地产市场从股市的利益牵引首都周围可以获得利润每个市场。




江苏淮安分行陆岷峰已被严重低估的肉类的价格,导致这一轮肉价上涨,这也属于正常的周期性调整。总体而言,低于市场价格的肉类需求,但肉类价格一直尚未达到应该承认在去年同期,猪肉的价格只有45元,英镑,{zd1}的甚至下降到2.7元一斤严重影响了农民养猪积极性。 “因此,猪肉市场价格也有周期性的调整因素。当然,肉类价格的最直接原因或增加的费用,饲料。 ”陆岷峰说。









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