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Socket to switch attention to detail design

Medium in the Home, sockets and switches are very inconspicuous areas, but these small link with the people daily lives. Hidden because they belong to the project, once the design is not in place, to take the dark-line project larger than the trouble and take the hidden cables or use plug-line board is not only eyesores created, but also to the future lives of a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, in the early to do a good job communicating with the designer for the switch socket designed to be one step.

very important to communicate with owners

switch socket design a very detailed design, many people ignore this aspect, but in living life, dealing with this aspect of the frequency is very frequent, switch socket design is reasonable, whether the convenience of living a great impact. Therefore, the designer in the design, you need to fully communicate with the owners in order to understand the needs of owners.

Although some owners are not very clear what they need, but the designers to the details of life has fully taken into account. Decorative Island Jimei聂颖Division senior designer said that the location of switch socket set, we must first fully understand the living habits of the owners, through the feelings of the owners of the living environment and talk to understand whether there are special loving owners. For example, owners have a certain time in the potty reading books, bubble bath in the habit of drinking red wine, when, in the design of switches, sockets, when necessary in the Toilet on the side of light source settings, and to consider whether in the tub side set temperature control whether the necessary details such as small refrigerators.

According to the owners of living and the actual demand, as well as the owners of the economic conditions and investment programs throughout the design finalized, the designer would also like to communicate with the owners to see whether or not the actual needs of the owners of such design. Only really understand the living habits of the owners in order to design a truly meet the needs of owners switch socket system, so as to bring the owners living considerate convenience.

decoration style to match

in the pre-switch panel and choice of outlet, a senior designer width Tatsu decorative DENG Zong-feng said that the switch has silver white black consumers to buy products consider color, style and the furniture and decoration style matched.

聂颖said selector switch panel, they generally do not determine the brand, such as shape, feel, color, texture and so on, and domestic switch panel colors are generally white, gray, black, and sometimes difficult to match with the overall style of decoration. Such as retro-style decoration, if the switch panel is white, there is a great difference to the overall style of the decoration also has some influence. Generally speaking, you can choose a crystal panel switch, through the use of dissection in the same or similar style wallpaper or decorative壁布conducted, nor has the role of shield-shaped.

Although comfortable from the human perspective, are generally placed in the socket to 30-35 cm away from the place, it is said that a high degree of people stoop most comfortable, but聂颖express, taking into account height and decorative style, the kitchen and the room has the appropriate socket can be changes in the kitchen such as 80-85 cm high waistline, it may consider appropriate to raise or lower switch panel, to reinforce the theme of the decoration style.

carefully designed to increase convenience

聂颖said that if the design to ensure 3-5 years of persistent, it is necessary to foresee 3-5 years home owners have occurred in the pattern of life treatment, especially are prone to changes in place, such as the location of drinking fountains. Owners will consider the general vicinity on the sofa, but the designers have to refer to the entire living room of the flat layout, which has considered the sofa can be placed in several ways, according to such considerations to set the socket switch position, as far as possible not because of changes in the space of impact on the whole decoration.

“but also fully aware of ergonomics, namely, in the whole space, where people are most comfortable.”聂颖introduction, in the switch design, it is necessary to consider the people in each space conversion most comfortable, and then to consider the settings according to the pattern of switch position, as far as possible to minimize the inconvenience factor.

details of the design can give a whole lot of room hyperchromic, designer boutique industry Lei Feng introduction, if the terrace has ironing board can stay on the balcony on each side of a socket, so ironing also have to choose, in the face of the face of the living room window, or chat with others easily. Study, if you have scanners, computers, printers and Play like the best land, neither accounted for a more beautiful space. Mirror front lamp on the room door, and washing machines can have a best lighting, look detergent when washing clothes to facilitate dose; wash the Taiwan side to arrange a socket can be placed, such as hair dryer or razor, and in the cloakroom and debris between the , the best lighting set up in the back doors, convenient to find clothes. If these designs can advance the idea that life would be less the late owners much inconvenience. (07-11-19)

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