
为进一步提高上海世博会期间应对防汛突发事件和灾害的应急处置能力,确保世博会期间的防汛安全,上海世博会浦西展馆均在上海半淞园路社区街道的辖区内。半淞园街道地势低洼,有多处易积水点。上海世博会举办期间正值当地主汛期,一旦遭遇特大暴雨或突发性灾害天气,可能会给世博展馆参观人员和居民的出行带来不便。为了有效解决这一问题,提供高效的防汛服务,确保世博会期间的安全,上海城市排水公司与半淞园路社区街道建立共建关系,成立防汛志愿者服务队,并聘请街道负责人为防汛义务监督员。 根据相关共建协议,上海浦西世博园区防汛排水网格化管理体系将形成特定联系人制度,防汛义务监督员将到泵站现场观摩、检查和监督,社区街道定期作出防汛服务质量的鉴定。同时,各方整合资源,组成防汛巡视抢险队伍,加强对世博防汛重点区域的监控,“20毫米雨量出门防汛,40毫米雨量到场必访”。遇防汛突发事件,街道要及时将现场情况进行反馈;防汛排水公司立即启动应急预案,严格按照预案执行抢险任务,抽水车、突击队、志愿者联合出动,做到“退水快、排水畅、无人为积水”。 直联式自吸排污泵是在反复研究国内外同类技术的基础上开发成功的一种结构新颖的产品。该自吸排污泵集自吸和无堵塞排污于一体,采用轴向回流外混式,并通过泵体、叶轮流道的独特设计,即可象一般自吸清水泵那样不需要安装底阀和灌引水,又可吸排含有大颗粒固体和长纤维杂质液体,可广泛适用于市政排污工程、河塘养殖、轻工、造纸、纺织、食品、化工、电业、纤维、浆料和混合悬浮等化工介质最理想的杂质泵。该自吸式排污泵采用直联式结构与国内同类产品相比,具有结构简单紧凑、振动少,自吸性能好、排污能力强、高效节能,使用维修方便等特点,在排污泵系列产品中属国内xx。各项技术性能指标居国内{lx1},达到国际先进水平,具有广阔的应用市场和发展前景。

“ Shanghai World Expo will be selected Bo Yu licensing board self-priming pump Self-Priming”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


To further enhance the response to flood control during the Shanghai World Expo emergencies and disasters, emergency response capacity to ensure safety of flood control during the World Expo, the Shanghai World Expo exhibition hall are in Puxi, Shanghai semi-Sung Park Road within the jurisdiction of the community streets. Semi-Sung Park, low-lying streets, there are many easy to water points. The Shanghai World Expo will be held locally during the time when the main flood season, once encountered heavy rains or sudden disasters, weather, it might give the Expo exhibition hall visitors and residents travel inconvenience. In order to effectively solve this problem, providing efficient flood control services to ensure security during the World Expo, the Shanghai Urban Drainage Company and the establishment of semi-Sung Yuen Street, build community relations and the establishment of flood volunteer service teams, and hired the street is responsible for supervision of man-made flood control obligations members. Build in accordance with relevant agreements, Flood Control and Drainage District, Puxi, Shanghai World Expo grid management system will form a special contact system, flood control duties to the pumping station on-site supervisor to observe, inspect and supervise the community to flood the streets on a regular basis the quality of service identification. At the same time, the parties combine resources to form a flood emergency inspection teams, to strengthen key areas of the Expo flood monitoring, "20 millimeters of rainfall out flood control, 40 mm of rainfall will visit the scene." The event of flood emergencies, street scene to conduct timely feedback; Flood Control and Drainage Company immediately activated an emergency plan, in strict accordance with plans for the implementation of emergency tasks, pump trucks, commandos and volunteers mobilized a joint, so that "withdrawal of water fast, drainage Chang , no one is water. " Direct-type self-priming sewage pump is the same technology at home and abroad in the repeated studies on the basis of a novel structure developed products. The self-priming sewage pump sets self-priming and non-clogging sewage in one, using external mixing type axial reflux and, through the pump body, impeller Road, unique design, can be as general self-absorption did not need to install at the end of the Qing pump valve and irrigation water, but also suction containing large particles of solid and liquid impurities long fiber can be widely used in municipal sewage works, Hetang farming, light industry, papermaking, textile, food, chemical, electrical, fiber, pulp and mixed suspension the best medium of impurities such as chemical pumps. The self-priming sewage pump Direct-coupled structure with the domestic similar products, compared with a simple structure, compact, vibration small, self-priming performance is good, sewage capability, high efficiency energy-saving, convenient repair and maintenance characteristics of the sewage pump series products is a national initiative. The technical performance indicators lead at home to reach the international advanced level, with wide application market and development prospects.

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