
污水泵属于无堵塞泵的一种,具有多种形式:如潜水式和干式二种,目前最常的潜水式为WQ型潜水污水泵,最常见的干式污水泵如W型卧式污水泵和WL型立式污水泵二种。主要用于输送城市污水,粪便或液体中含有纤维。纸屑等固体颗粒的介质,通常被输送介质的温度不大于80℃。由于被输送的介质中含有易缠绕或聚束的纤维物。故该种泵流道易于堵塞,泵一旦被堵塞会使泵不能正常工作,甚至烧毁电机,从而造成排污不畅。给城市生活和环保带来严重的影响。因此,抗堵性和可靠性是污水泵优劣的重要因素。 和其它泵一样,叶轮、压水室、是污水泵的两大核心部件。其性能的优劣,也就代表泵性能的优劣,污水泵的抗堵塞性能,效率的高低,以及汽蚀性能,抗磨蚀性能主要是由叶泵和压水室两大部件来保证。下面分别作一介绍: 1、叶轮结构型式:叶轮的结构分为四大类:叶片式(开式、闭式)、旋流式、流道式、(包括单流道和双流道)螺旋离心式四种,开式半开式叶轮制造方便,当叶轮内造成堵塞时,可以很容易的清理及维修,但在长期运行中,在颗粒的磨蚀下会使叶片与压水室内侧壁的间隙加大,从而使效率降低。并且间隙的加大会破坏叶片上的压差分布。不仅产生大量的旋涡损失,而且会使泵的轴向力加大,同时,由于间隙加大,流道中液体的流态的稳定性受到破坏,使泵产生振动,该种型式叶轮不易于输送含大颗粒和长纤维的介质,从性能上讲,该型式叶轮效率低,{zg}效率约相当于普通闭式叶轮的92%左右,扬程曲线比较平坦。 2、旋流式叶轮:采用该型式叶轮的泵,由于叶轮部分或全部缩离压水室流道。所以无堵塞性能好,过颗粒能力和长纤维的通过能力较强。颗粒在压水室内流动靠叶轮旋转产生的涡流的推动下运动,悬浮性颗粒本身不产生能量,只是在流道内和液体交换能量。在流动过程中,悬浮性颗粒或长纤维不与叶片接触,叶片多磨损的情况较轻,不存在间隙因磨蚀而加大的情况,在长期运行中不会造成效率严重下降的问题,采用该型式叶轮的泵适合于抽送含有大颗粒和长纤维的介质。从性能上讲,该叶轮效率较低,仅相当于普通闭式叶轮的70%左右,扬程曲线比较平坦。 3、闭式叶轮:该型式的叶轮正常效率较高。且在长期运行中情况比较稳定,采用该型式叶轮的泵轴向力较小,且可以在前后盖板上设置副叶片。前盖板上的副叶片可以减少叶轮进口的旋涡损失和颗粒对密封环的磨损。后盖板上的副叶片不仅起平衡轴向力的作用,而且可以防止悬浮性颗粒进入机械密封腔对机械密封起保护作用。但该型式叶轮的无堵性差,易于缠绕,不宜于抽送含大颗粒(长纤维)等末经处理的污水介质。污水泵工作原理 4、流道式叶轮:该种叶轮属于无叶片的叶轮,叶轮流道是一个从进口到出口的一个弯曲的流道。所以适宜于抽送含有大颗粒和长纤维的介质。抗堵性好。从性能上讲,该型式叶轮效率高和普通闭式叶轮相差不大,但用该型式叶轮泵扬程曲线较为陡降。功率曲线比较平稳,不易产生超功率的问题,但该型叶轮的汽蚀性能不如普通闭式叶轮,尤其适宜用在有压进口的泵上。 5、螺旋离心式叶轮:该型叶轮的叶片为扭曲的螺旋叶片,在锥形轮毂体上从吸入口沿轴向延伸。该型叶轮的泵兼具有容积泵和离心泵的作用,悬浮性颗粒在叶片中流过时,不撞击泵内任何部位,故无损性好。对输送物的破坏性小。由于螺旋的推进作用,悬浮颗粒的通过性强,所以采用该型式叶轮的泵适宜于抽送含有大颗粒和长纤维的介质,以及高浓度的介质。在对输送介质的破坏有严格要求的场合下具有明显的特点。 从性能上来讲,该泵具有陡降的扬程曲线,功率曲线较平坦。 污水泵采用的压水室最常见的是蜗壳,在内装式潜水泵中多选用径向导叶或流道式导叶。蜗壳有螺旋型、环型和中介型三种。螺旋形蜗壳基本上不用在污水泵中。环形压水室由于结构简单制造方便在小型污水泵上采用的较多。但由于中介型(半螺旋形)压水室的出现环形压水室的应用范围逐渐变小。因中介型压水室兼具有螺旋的高效率性和环形压水室的高通透性。已越来越受到制造厂家的关注。 综上所述,无论任何系列的污水泵只是不同型式的叶轮和不同型式压水室根据输送介质和安装等要求的一种组合,只要叶轮和压水室能做到优化配置。泵的各种性能就会得到保证.

“ Sewage pump works ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Sewage pump is a pump without blockage, and have many forms: such as diving and dry two, currently the most common type of diving for the WQ submersible sewage pump, the most common dry-type waste water sewage pumps, such as W-type horizontal Vertical sewage pumps and WL pumps two. Mainly used for conveying sewage, manure or liquid contain fiber. Scraps of paper and other solid particles in the media, usually of medium temperature of not more than 80 ℃. Caused by the transmission of the media spotlight with easy to wound or fiber material. Thus, this kind of easy to plug the pump flow, pump once the pump will not work to plug, or even burning motor, resulting in poor sewage disposal. To urban life and environmental protection have serious repercussions. Therefore, the anti-blocking and reliability is an important factor in the merits of sewage pumps. Like other pump, impeller, water pressure chamber, the sewage pump two core components. The merits of their performance, also on behalf of pump performance of the merits of the anti-clogging sewage pump performance and efficiency of the high and low, and cavitation performance, anti-abrasion performance of the main lobe pump and pressure by the two major components to ensure the water chamber. The following is a brief, respectively: 1, impeller structure type: the structure of the impeller is divided into four categories: leaf type (open, closed), swirling, flow type, (including single channel and dual channel) centrifugal spiral of four, open semi-open impeller Zhizaofangbian, Dangyelunnei blockage caused when it is easy to Qing Li and Wei Xiu But long-term operation, the abrasive particles Xia Huishiyepian and Yashuishinei wall of Jianxijiatai so Xiaoshuai lower. And the gap will increase the pressure on the distribution of leaf damage. Generate a lot of damage not only the vortex, and the pump will increase the axial force, the same time, increase the gap, flow in the stability of liquid flow damage to the pump vibration, the species is not easy to transport with type impeller large particles and long fibers of media, from performance perspective, the type of impeller and low efficiency, maximum efficiency is about the equivalent of ordinary 92% of the closed impeller, head relatively flat curve. 2, swirl impeller: the type of impeller pump used as partial or total reduction from the impeller pressure water chamber flow. So, without blocking performance, over capacity and long fiber particles by ability. Indoor particles in the pressurized water flow generated by rotating vortex impeller driven movement, suspended particles themselves do not produce energy, but in the flow channel and fluid exchange of energy. Zai flow process, the suspended particles or long fibers are not with the blades in contacting, TURBINE BLADES UNDER MULTI less wear of the situation, not Cunzai that increased gap Yin abrasive conditions, in long-running and would not create Xiaoshuai serious problem of declining, to adopt the impeller type pump suitable for pumping large particles and long fibers containing medium. From the performance perspective, the impeller less efficient, only about 70% of normal closed impeller around, lift curve flat. 3, closed impeller: the type of impeller normal efficient. And in the long run the situation is relatively stable, with the type of impeller pump to force smaller, and can be set in the cover before and after the deputy leaves. Deputy leaves on the front cover can reduce the import of the vortex impeller losses and the wear particles on the sealing ring. Under the back cover board not only from the leaves of the role of axial force balance, but also to prevent the suspended particles into the cavity of the mechanical seal mechanical seal protective effect. However, the type of impeller poor non-blocking, easy to wound, not in pumping with large particles (long fibers), etc. at the end of the treated sewage medium. Sewage pump works 4, flow impeller: the kind of impeller blades of the impeller is free, impeller is a import to export from a curved channel. Therefore suitable for pumping large particles and long fibers containing medium. Anti-blocking is good. From a performance perspective, the type of impeller efficiency and the general closed impeller less the same, but with the type of impeller pump head curve is more steep drop. Power curve is relatively stable and difficult to produce super-power, but this type of impeller cavitation than normal closed impeller, especially suitable for use in a pressure pump on imports. 5, screw centrifugal impeller: the impeller blades as the distortion of the helical blade, the conical body of the wheel rim from the inhalation of axial extension. This type of pump impeller and displacement pump and centrifugal pump with the role of suspended particles in the leaf mid-stream out of date, do not hit any part of the pump, so destructive of good. Destructive little things on the conveyor. As the spiral of advancing the role of suspended particles through strong, so using this type of impeller pumps suitable for pumping large particles and long fibers containing medium, and high concentrations of media. Damage in the transmission medium, there are strict requirements of occasions with distinctive features. Speaking from the performance of the pump head curve with the steep drop of the power curve relatively flat. Sewage pump pressurized water chamber is the most common volute, Built-in multi-use submersible pump in the flow path guide leaf or leaf-type guide. Scroll a spiral, ring and intermediate type of three. Basically, do not spiral volute pumps in sewage. Loop pressurized water chamber as a simple structure and the convenience in a small sewage pump used more. However, intermediate-type (semi-spiral) the emergence of a pressurized water chamber ring the application of pressurized water chamber gradually becomes smaller. For intermediate-type pressurized water chamber and a spiral of high whims and annular pressure chamber of the high permeability of water. More and more attention by the manufacturer. In summary, regardless of any series of different types of sewage pump is the impeller and the water pressure chamber under different types of transmission media, and installation requirements of a combination, as long as the impeller and the pressure chamber can be optimized allocation of water. Various properties of the pump will be guaranteed.


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