洗衣机内部阀座- 中国控制阀- 中国控制阀- 和讯博客
洗衣机内部阀座 [转贴 2010-03-09 16:03:57]   

I have replaced the washer in my 30-year-old bathroom sink three times, each time making certain the washer is the same size and style as the original one. Yet within a short time that faucet starts leaking again. I tried different brands of washers, as well as different shapes, but the same thing happens again. Any idea what else I can do, short of replacing the entire faucet? A--It's likely that the valve seat--the metal seat inside the body of the faucet against which the washer presses when the faucet is shut off--is scored or otherwise damaged. This prevents a watertight seal when the rubber washer presses down on it. The problem can be corrected by smoothing the seat with a valve seat-dressing tool. Sold in hardware stores and plumbing supply outlets, this inexpensive tool will enable you to grind down and polish the internal valve seat to remove any burrs and scratches that are preventing a proper seal. After shutting off the water, completely remove the faucet stem. Then screw the seat-dressing tool down into the faucet body in place of the stem. A few turns on the handle of this tool while pressing down with moderate pressure will dress the seat smooth and ensure a proper seal when the stem is reinstalled in conjunction with a new washer. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
原文来自: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune/access/26506451.html?dids=26506451:26506451&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Feb+20%2C+1998&author=Bernard+Gladstone%2C+New+York+Times+Special+Features.&pub=Chicago+Tribune&desc=DRIP%2C+DRIP%2C+DRIP+VALVE+SEAT-DRESSING+TOOL+CAN+CURE+LEAKY+FAUCET&pqatl=google

DRIP, DRIP, DRIP VALVE SEAT-DRESSING TOOL CAN CURE LEAKY FAUCET;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及蓄能器式(紧急切断)快关蝶阀,蝶式缓冲止回阀,美标波管截止阀,微阻缓闭止回阀,旋启式止回阀蝶阀,欢迎您的选购。)

我已经取代了我的洗衣机30岁的浴室水槽3次,每次使某些洗衣机是相同的大小和原来的风格。然而,在短期内启动的水龙头漏水了。我尝试不同品牌的洗衣机,以及不同的形状,但同样的事情再次发生。是否知道还有什么我可以做,取代整个龙头短? 阿 - 这可能是阀座 - 内部的反对而洗衣机压水龙头时,关闭水龙头,是身体的金属座椅 - 是得分或其他损坏。这可以防止防水密封橡胶圈时,按下它。这个问题可以得到纠正,平滑与阀座修整工具的席位。销售水暖五金商店和供应点,这个廉价的工具将使你能够碾碎和抛光内部阀座,以xx任何毛刺和划痕是防止适当的印章。 后关掉水,xx删除水龙头干。然后再拧座位,修整工具下到在干的地方龙头机构。关于这个工具的处理,同时推进适度的压力会打扮座位顺利,并确保适当的密封干时,在一个新的洗衣机一起重新安装了一些曲折。 转载与著作权人许可。进一步复制或发行未经允许不得。


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