2010-04-01 18:26:50 阅读7 评论0 字号:大中小
[关键词] 晶闸管投切电容器(TSC);触发器;
The technical requirements and standards of the trigger in a Thyristor Switched Capacitor(TSC)
, Jianning Yang
(Beijing XINRONGZONGHENG Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd
ADD:Room 401, Unit.3, Building No.6, SHANSHUIWENYUAN 3th Residential Quarter ,East HONGYAN Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100122, China)
Abstract: The authors of this article have tried to observe the technical performance, parameters, requirements, and standards of the trigger in a Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC), from various viewpoints of the load requirements, the structure of compensation devices, the voltage levels, and the thyristor structure, in order to advance the technology of the trigger in a TSC.
Keywords:TSC(Thyristor Switched Capacitor), Trigger