• Date: 2010.05.01 | Category: | Tags: ,,,,,,,,,

    胆囊癌ProClick刺是一个伟大的方式,让您的文件的专业看你的需要,同时为你提供方便你应该得到的。这些物资可以让您编辑您的小册子结合过程即使在已经结束,他们将为确保您的文件,方便阅读的单位。一机即与这些刺兼容GBC的ProClick P210E。以下是该产品的优势和弱点,以便您可以决定是否这是正确的方法you.


    The P210E is equipped with a patented Guide Right system that will help you accurately punch your paper every time you use it. You just pop your paper in the punching tray and the machine will perfectly punch your pages with the touch of a button. It can punch up to 15 sheets at once.

    This device has a 3:1 punching pattern. That means it will punch 3 holes per inch. This is the pattern that you need to use if you want to bind with color coil 刺,所以你有两个选择时, 结合使用P210E。颜色线圈是伟大的,因为他们在许多不同的颜色(因此得名可用)和大小不同的很多。你甚至可以使用双线圈本机如果您有电线接近可用。

    本机有一个“厚5 / 8 结合容量为110页的小册子是。这个长度是足够多了很多文件的专业。

    有一个综合性脊椎guide that allows you to measure the thickness of your booklet so you can choose the appropriate spine. Plus, you can store your supplies in the machine’s built-in storage tray.

    This is an electric machine so you’ll be able to bind your documents much more quickly that you would be able to with a manual device.


    This device comes with a limited one-year warranty. During the warranty, GBC will most likely just replace the machine if there is a problem. However, after the warranty, you might have difficulty finding parts for the machine since GBC replaces rather than repairs this model.

    Fifteen sheets will be a good punching capacity for most users. However, this capacity could prove to be tedious if you need to create a lot of booklets, so it’s not recommended for high-volume operations.

    While the punching pattern the P210E produces is compatible with color coil spines, this machine does not include a set of coil crimpers. However, you can manually bind your documents with these supplies, if you want. (Just be sure to have coil crimpers handy. Otherwise your booklet will fall apart.)

    Finally, the P210E is really only good for binding documents that are letter-sized (8.5″ x 11″), as well as punching slightly oversized covers. This is due to the both the machine’s design (i.e. no disengageable pins) and the fact that ProClick spines are really best for binding letter-sized booklets. Users 需要不同大小的绑定文件应该选择不同的方法一起。

    总体而言,GBC的ProClick P210E做什么它的意思做,它确实很好。这是一个伟大的设备,如果你喜欢的外观和方便的ProClick棘也想选择的材料颜色线圈装订文档的。如果这听起来像你,这台机器是xx的选择。如果不是,有很多考虑的其他机器和有约束力的制度可以。

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