[9] 鏍囬锛?
鍙戣〃璇勮浜猴細[娓稿]鏈夎叮鐨勭粡鍘?[2010-3-24 10:46:57] ip:210.73.41.*
"...returned a notice that the "page cannot be displayed." It also caused the Web browser to
disconnect for several seconds."
鈥淚f the Chinese leaders really want to foil Google, they could block all mainland
access to the Hong Kong service. Or they could exert their control of Chinese
telecommunications companies to slow the speed of queries and responses, to help
drive traffic to homegrown rivals.鈥?br>
鎴戞槰澶╁湪鏌ユ壘涓€涓拰鏁忋€傛劅銆傝瘝瀹屽叏涓嶇浉骞诧紝 鏈夊叧瀛︽湳璧勬枡鐨勬椂鍊欙紝 灏遍亣涓婁簡涓婇潰绾㈣壊瀛椾綋鐨勭幇璞★紝 www.google.com
鎯呭喌锛?鎬绘槸鏈夊洓涓姹傝繛鎺ワ紝 鍙兘鍥炴潵涓変釜锛?绗洓涓鈥滀汉涓衡€濋樆鏂簡銆?浣嗘槸杩囦竴浼氬効锛屽張鑱旈€氫簡銆?缃戞病鏈夐棶棰?br>
鍥犱负鍏跺畠缃戠珯鑱旈€氭病浜嬶紝 鎵€浠ヤ笂杩拌摑鑹插瓧浣撴槸浜嬪疄銆?杩欑浜嬫儏浠ュ墠鐢╣oogle鏃朵篃閬囧埌杩囥€傝嚦浜庡叾鐩殑锛?鎴戝氨涓嶇煡閬撲簡銆?br>
杩欑灏忕殑浼庝咯锛?鏃犻潪璁╂垜浠娇鐢╣oogle涓嶆柟渚匡紝 浣嗗張涓嶆槸瀹屽叏闃绘柇锛?浣犺繕鐪熶笉濂借浠栨€庝箞鏍凤紝 姣斿浠栧彲浠ヨ鏈夊緢澶?br>