宝宝会爬? « BABY宝宝百科


(一)发展时机: 八~九个月左右
大致上分为两个阶段,为俯爬以及狗爬式。一般而言,宝宝在八个月左右时懂得自然的爬行。在学习爬行的初期,几乎都是以同手同脚的移动方式进行,之后会 分缓慢。在九个月大时,身体才能慢慢离开地面,采两手前后交替的方式,开始顺利的往前爬行。
爬行是所有粗动作发展的基础,让宝宝爬行几个月的时间是有许多好处的。首 还会左右转动,这样的举动对颈部的发展有很大的帮助;另外小宝宝爬行时用手腕支撑身体重量,能训练手腕的力气,对宝宝未来拿汤匙吃饭、拿笔涂鸦都有所助益。在宝宝爬行的过程中,更可训练宝宝膝、臂动作的协调与四肢关节的灵活度。


months General 宝宝 will crawl?

6,7,8,9 climbing months are normal.
宝宝 crawling stage
(a) the development of time: about eight-nine months
(b) the development of:
generally divided into two stages, in order to climb down and the dog paddle. In general, about eight months when your 宝宝 naturally know how to crawl. Crawling in the early stages of learning, almost all of the same hand with the way the movement of the foot, and then will be slow. In nine months, the body can slowly leave the ground, take both hands before and after the turn of the way and began to crawl forward smoothly.
(c) represent the significance of: crawling all
foundation for the development of gross motor, let children crawl a few months there are many benefits. The first rotation will be around, so move on the neck of the development of great help; another child crawling wrist support when the body weight, can train the wrist of the effort, the future of the children get a spoon to eat, have a pen graffiti helpful. In the process of crawling babies, more babies can be trained knee, arm movements, coordination and flexibility of the joints of limbs.
(d) on the bones of the problem: Some
crawling 宝宝 in one leg when crawling in order to boost the way the other leg, so easy to let the parents into thinking that another 宝宝 legs dysplasia, Scarborough Dr. Liu pointed out that such cases occur because the 宝宝 in the beginning when learning to crawl , two legs and an imbalance of forces, often a foot less flexible, this situation is normal, parents do not have to worry about over, but if this situation for too long without improving, it is necessary to suspect that your 宝宝 may be suffering from the muscle nerve, such as cerebral palsy or abnormal situation. Crawling is the most prone to head injuries, when the 宝宝 hit the head, regardless of whether or not there was uncomfortable with the situation, parents should carefully observe the 宝宝, it is best to sleep when the 宝宝 will wake him up 2 or 3 times to see if there is异状, if the child severe headache, vomiting, drowsiness, symptoms such as smoking should bear immediately to hospital, in particular, to remind parents of head injuries in the event of three days, should be carefully observed.
(e) supporting parents to give way: Parents should
recommendations as far as possible 宝宝 on the floor, and the use of color, rich in toys or other interesting things, induced 宝宝 crawling forward, when the 宝宝 efforts to climb, the end when the parents do not forget to be given timely encouraged. In addition, in order to allow your 宝宝 climb, and the environment must be well prepared to crawl. Soft and hard place to be crawling moderate friction must not be too large or too small, parents can be a pad site on the laying of plastic or hard floors, clever accessories for your 宝宝 to crawl to create a safe environment.
(vi) the proposed aid:
all kinds of colorful toys, pictures, cushion, floor fight skillfully.
(vii) the arrangements for the security environment: When the 宝宝 to
crawling stage, easy to run into the risk of local or more diverse articles, and to remind parents吴芬芬physicians must take note of these accident-prone areas:
1. floor:
cement, terrazzo, tile floor, such as the laying of the 宝宝 is learning to crawl, are vulnerable to fall accidentally, and cause irreparable regret. To avoid danger, may be hard to lay a pad on the floor above, but attention to the use of the thickness of the cushion to achieve a higher function, and to avoid buying a lot of small patterns of cushion in case of small pattern to pull the 宝宝 up to eat.
2.桌角, cabinets angle:
sharp angle桌角or cabinet, on the home school for the 宝宝 to climb it is a danger zone for its improvement: the best are all put桌角or chest pad angle, even if infants and young children accidentally hit, but also to minimize injury.
3. power points:
宝宝 in the process of crawling around, you may climb near the outlet, if not there will be careful about the risk of electric shock, the parents can power outlet protective covers in unused sockets to install such a device, or the use of security socket.

My 宝宝 eight and a half months when the climb is very agile.

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