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The Australian Bureau of Statistics website features a “population clock” that ticks over with an extra Australian resident every one minute and eleven seconds. At that rate, we'll rack up our 22,200,000th resident on Thursday evening.

Thursday also sees the release of the latest ABS quarterly demographic report which will give detailed population numbers and breakdowns up to September 30. Potentially, it could alter the speed of the population clock by a second or two, but it would be a surprise if it showed much change to the June 30 annual population growth rate of 2.1 per cent.

For the last financial year, we managed gross migration of more than half a million people and net migration of 285,300. There's roughly two chances in three that our 22.2 millionth resident will arrive by plane, one chance in three that he or she will be get here by birth and a remote, statistically irrelevant possibility that the newcomer steps off a boat. And I might win Oz Lotto.

What the combination of the ABS stats and the population clock's round number might do though is focus a little attention on the unspoken third arm of official economic policy. Along with monetary (interest rates) and fiscal (government spending and taxing) policy, immigration has a major bearing on economic demand and inflationary forces, particularly wages pressure.

Thursday's figures will be the first of the current financial year and therefore should show just how serious the federal government was about immigration levels in framing the last budget – with the answer likely to be that it wasn't serious at all, just paying a little lip service to union grumbles back in May 2009 when we thought we were going into a recession.

And with our skills shortages starting to show again, it's just as well. The little tightening in the budget's skilled migrant program and section 457 guest-worker visas won't last long as the resources boom rolls on and our educational and social failings are exposed by effective “full” employment that features an unemployment rate that starts with a 4.

The guest worker and skilled migration schemes greatly benefit our economy by making growth possible in fields and geographies where we don't have the right people, but they also help keep a lid on wages that would otherwise be bid higher by competition for scarce resources. With hair dressers and chefs falling off the government's list of most desired occupations, the chances of higher wages for both those occupations increases.

That a population growing by 2.1 per cent automatically creates increased demand for business across the board doesn't go astray either.

Now, if only efficient and intelligent politicians and bureaucrats were a job category we could easily import, we might be able to tackle our failed housing and transport issues and handle that growing population.

Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor.
  • 积分 +4 谢谢奉献 2010-3-24 18:15
  • 积分 +3 感谢分享 2010-3-24 11:31