从概念入手,详细介绍了安全阀及泄放阀的区别及选用。并分析了国内主要的安全阀系列,列出了选用安全阀选用一般规则。 一概念: 1、安全阀是锅炉、压力容器和其他受压力设备上重要的安全附件。其动作可靠性和性能好坏直接关系到设备和人身的安全,并与节能和环境保护紧密相关。而有的用户和设计部门在选型时,总是选错型号。为此本文对安全阀的选用加以分析。 2、安全阀的定义:所谓安全阀广义上讲包括泄放阀,从管理规则上看,直接安装在蒸汽锅炉或一类压力容器上,其必要条件是必须得到技术监督部门认可的阀门,狭义上称之为安全阀,其他一般称之为泄放阀。安全阀与泄放阀在结构和性能上很相似,二者都是在超过开启压力时自动排放内部的介质,以保证生产装置的安全。由干存在这种本质上类似性,人们在使用时,往往将二者混同,另外,有些生产装置在规则上也规定选用哪种均可。因此,二者的不同之处往往被忽视。从而也就出现了许多问题。 如果要将安全阀与泄放阀二者作出比较明确的定义,则可按照《ASME锅炉及压力容器规范》{dy}篇中所阐述的定义来理解: (l)安全阀(SafetyValve)一种由阀前介质静压力驱动的自动泄压装置。其特征为具有突开的全开启动作。用于气体或蒸汽的场合。 (2)泄放阀(ReliefValve),又称溢流阀一种由阀前介质静压力驱动的自动泄压装置。它随压力超过开启力的增长而按比例开启。主要用于流体的场合。 (3)安全泄放阀(SafetReliefValve),又称安全溢流阀一种由介质压力驱动的自动泄压装置。根据使用场合不同既适用作安全阀也适用作泄放阀。以日本为例,给安全阀和泄放阀作出明确定义的比较少,一般用作锅炉这类大型贮能压力容器的安全装置称之为安全阀,安装在管道上或其他设设施上的称之为泄放阀。不过,若按日本通产省的《火力发电技术标准》的规定看,设备上安全保障的重要部分,指定使用安全阀,如锅炉、过热器、再热器等。而在减压阀的下侧需要与锅炉和涡轮机相接的场合,都需要安装泄放阀或安全阀。如此看,安全阀要求比泄放阀更具可靠性。另外,从日本劳动省的高压气体管理规则、运输省及各级船舶协会的规则中,对安全排放量的认定和规定来看,我们把保证了排放量的称之为安全阀,而不保证排放量的阀门称作泄放阀。在国内不论全启式或微启式统称为安全阀。 二、分类 目前大量生产的安全阀有弹簧式和杆式两大类。另外还有冲量式安全阀、先导式安全阀、安全切换阀、安全解压阀、静重式安全阀等。 由操作压力决定安全阀的公称压力,由操作温度决定安全阀的使用温度范围,由计算出的安全阀的定压值决定弹簧或杠杆的定压范围,再根据使用介质决定安全阀的材质和结构型式,再根据安全阀泄放量计算出安全阀的喉径。 1)、弹簧式安全阀主要依靠弹簧的作用力而工作,弹簧式安全阀中又有封闭和不封闭的,一般易燃、易爆或有毒的介质应选用封闭式,蒸汽或惰性气体等可以选用不封闭式,在弹簧式安全阀中还有带扳手和不带扳手的。扳手的作用主要是检查阀瓣的灵活程度,有时也可以用作手动紧急泄压用。 2)、杠杆式安全阀主要依靠杠杆重锤的作用力而工作,但由于杠杆式安全阀体积庞大往往限制了选用范围。温度较高时选用带散热器的安全阀。 2、安全阀的主要参数是排量,这个排量决定于阀座的口径和阀瓣的开启高度,由开启高度不同,又分为微启式和全启式两种。微启式是指阀瓣的开启高度为阀座喉径的1/40~l/20。全启式是指阀瓣的开启高度为阀座喉径的1/4。 三、安全阀的选型技巧: 1、安全阀选用的一般规则: (l)热水锅炉一般用不封闭带扳手微启式安全阀。 (2)蒸汽锅炉或蒸汽管道一般用不封闭带扳手全启式安全阀。 (3)水等液体不可压缩介质一般用封闭微启式安全阀,或用安全泄放阀。 (4)高压给水一般用封闭全启式安全阀,如高压给水加热器、换热器等。 (5)气体等可压缩性介质一般用封闭全启式安全阀,如储气罐、气体管道等。 (6)E级蒸汽锅炉一般用静重式安全阀。 (7)大口径,大排量及高压系统一般用脉冲式安全阀,如减温减压装置、电站锅炉等。 (8)运送液化气的火车槽车、汽车槽车、贮罐等一般用内装式安全阀。 (9)油罐顶部一般用液压安全阀,需与呼吸阀配合使用。 (10)井下排水或天然气管道一般用先导式安全阀。 (11)液化石油气站罐泵出口的液相回流管道上一般用安全回流阀。 (12)负压或操作过程中可能会产生负压的系统一般用真空负压安全阀。 (13)背压波动较大和有毒易燃的容器或管路系统一般用波纹管安全阀。 (14)介质凝固点较低的系统一般选用保温夹套式安全阀。 2、国内主要厂家的比较及连接尺寸的选择 国内生产安全阀的厂家比较多,连接尺寸也大多不统一。主要分以下几个大类: (1)以JB/T2203-1999《弹簧式安全阀结构长度》为主的通用类。目前国内大多数安全阀生产厂家均按本标准设计生产。如浙江罗浮锅炉附件厂、杭州阀门厂、江苏吴江阀门工具厂、上海阀门厂、开封高压阀门厂、海安阀门厂等。但本标准也不尽xx,规格不全,微启式安全阀{zd0}公称通径为DNI00,全启式安全阀{zd0}公称通径DN200,中间缺少DN65、DN125两个规格。根据我厂所生产的安全阀规格及掌握的资料来看,目前微启式安全阀公称通径{zd0}达到DN250,全启式安全阀公称通径达到DN400。经本人考证,各厂家连接尺寸也不尽统一,如DN150全启式安全阀,浙江罗浮锅炉附件厂、上海阀门厂及江苏吴江阀门工具厂各不相同。为了有一个统一的标准,用户在选用及安装时同一规格能够互换,建议合肥通用机械研究所对JB/T2203-1999《弹簧式安全阀结构长度》进行修订。建议设计院及用户按标准选用,安全阀生产厂家按标准设计制造。 (2)以API526《钢制法兰连接安全泄放阀》(FlangedSteelSafetyReliefValve)为主的美标体系。国内进口化工设备等所配的安全阀连接尺寸一般按照本标准,如图5所示。本标准公称通通径为DN25~DN200(l”~8”),公称压力为2~42MPa,喉径从D-T(9.5~146mm)。本标准比较科学规范,对压力、材料、温度、喉径等统筹考虑。依照喉径确定规格,同一喉径可以有好几个规格,相反同一规格可能有好几个喉径可以选择。如DN100~DN150(4”~6”)喉径有L、M、N、P四种可以选择。随着国际贸易及进口设备国产化的不断推进,该标准将在国内得到很大推广。目前该标准还没有转化为国标。 (3)以在国际上影响比较大的安德森·格林伍德公司(AndersonGreenwood&Co.)为依据的活塞式导阀操作安全泄压阀(PilotOperatedPressureReliefValves)系列。国内一般称之为先导式安全阀,如图6所示,先导式安全阀由主阀和导阀组成,导阀操作主阀的开启和关闭。这种阀门排量大;不受背压的影响;可以在非常接近开启压力下进行不泄漏操作;启闭压差小等优点。一般适用于天然气管道等。目前国内还没有先导式安全阀标准及连接尺寸标准。并且这种类型的阀门刚刚开发,还没有广泛推广。据我厂的经验及所掌握的资料来看,国内大多数厂家按照该公司的数据设计制造,如浙江罗浮锅炉附件厂、航天十一研究所等。建议合肥通用机械研究所尽早起草并发布先导式安全阀标准。 (4)以中国航天工业总公司第十一研究所设计研制的安全阀自成一个体系。航天十一所研制的HT系列安全阀品种多,有HTO普通安全阀(如图1所示)、HTB平衡波纹管式安全阀、HTR泄流阀、HTN特殊安全阀、HTGS高性能蒸汽安全阀。HTXY液体泄压阀、HTXD先导式安全阀等,且性能良好。但是除HTXD系列先导式安全阀与安德森·格林伍德公司连接尺寸相同外,其余与美标、国标均不相同。这一点请选用时务必注意。 (5)以兰州炼油厂设计研制开发的A型、TA型封闭全开启弹簧式安全阀自成一个体系。该系列口径DN25~DN150(1”~6’),公称压力l.6~4.0MPa,喉径D~R(9.5-115mm)。该体系连接尺寸与美标及国标均不相同,为兰炼专用。 (6)为锅炉、电站设备、减温减压装置配套的冲量式安全阀系列(如图8所示)。如哈尔滨锅炉厂、东方锅炉厂、武汉锅炉厂、青岛电站辅机厂等配套的专用安全阀。此类系列阀门结构及连接尺寸各厂家一般不相同,可能有部分相同。选用时一定要注意阀门喉径及连接尺寸的区别。 3.喉径的计算 喉径的计算一般按照《锅炉压力容器安全技术规范》附件五所列的公式。或者按照APIRP520炼厂泄压系统设计和安装的推荐实施方法{dy}部分设计》中所列的公式。上述两种公式计算结果基本相同或相差不大。 四、结束语 安全阀的选型是一项比较重要的工作,选型恰当与否将直接影响设备的安全。上述所列一些经验总结,供大家参考。
“ The concept of safety valves and Selection Skills ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。
Start from the concept introduced in detail the difference between safety valve and the discharge valve and Selection. And analyzed the major domestic safety valve series, sets out the general rules of choice of safety valve selection. A concept: 1, safety valve is a boiler, pressure vessels and other pressure equipment subject to the security of an important attachment. Reliability and performance of its actions have a direct bearing on the safety of equipment and personal, and with energy-saving and environmental protection are closely related. However, some users and the design department at the selection, it always chose the wrong model. In this paper, the choice of safety valve for this analysis. 2, the definition of a safety valve: the broad sense, including the so-called safety valve discharge valve, from a management point of view the rules, directly installed in the steam boiler or pressure vessel on a class of its necessary conditions for technical supervision departments must be approved by valves, a narrow sense, is called safety valve, the other commonly known discharge valve. Safety valve and the discharge valve in the structure and performance is very similar, both are more than open automatically when the pressure within the discharge medium, in order to ensure the safety of production equipment. From the dry nature of the existence of such a similar nature, people use, often confuse the two, In addition, some production facilities are also provided in the rules which can be chosen. Therefore, the difference between the two are often neglected. Which also appeared in many problems. Safety valve and the bleed valve if you want to make a comparison between the two clear definition may be in accordance with "ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code," first enunciated in the definition to understand: (L) safety valve (SafetyValve) a static pressure from the valve before the media-driven automatic pressure relief device. It is characterized by a sudden opening of the full-open action. For gas or steam occasions. (2) Relief Valves (ReliefValve), also known as the relief valve of a hydrostatic pressure from the valve before the media-driven automatic pressure relief device. It is with the pressure over opening force to open in proportion to the growth. Is mainly used for fluid occasions. (3) The safety relief valve (SafetReliefValve), also known as the safety relief valve of a pressure-driven by the medium of automatic pressure relief device. According to the use of different occasions, both valid for the safety valve is also valid for the discharge valve. Japan, for example, to the safety valve and the bleed valve less clearly defined, the general large-scale energy storage such as a boiler pressure vessel safety device called the safety valve, installed in the pipeline or other established facilities in the said of the discharge valve. However, if according to MITI's "thermal power technology standard," looks at the provisions on the device an important part of security, specify the use of safety valves, such as the boiler, superheater, reheater, and so on. Of the lower side in the valve needs and connecting the boilers and turbines of the occasion, they need to install the bleed valve or safety valve. This perspective, safety valves required more reliable than the bleed valve. In addition, from the Japanese Ministry of Labor of the high-pressure gas management rules, the Ministry of Transport and all levels of the ship association rules, the identification of safety and emissions regulations, we take the guarantee of the emissions called safety valve, but not guaranteed emissions, called the discharge valve valve. Kai-type in the country, whether full time or Enlight-type collectively known as the safety valve. 2, classification At present there are mass-produced spring-loaded safety valve and the rod two broad categories. There are also impulse-type safety valve, pilot-type safety valve, safety valve switching, security, decompression valve, safety valve and other static weight. The decision by the operating pressure of the nominal pressure safety valve, relief valve by the operating temperature determine the operating temperature range, from the calculated values of the decision constant pressure relief valve spring or a lever set pressure range, and then decide according to the use of media material and the safety valve structural type, and then calculated under the safety valve safety valve to vent the hose heavy volume diameter. 1), spring-loaded safety valve spring force which mainly rely on the work of another spring-loaded safety valve in the closed and non-closed, generally flammable, explosive or toxic media should be used enclosed, steam or inert gas, etc., may selection is not closed, in the spring-loaded safety valve with a wrench in there and without wrench. Primary role is to examine the wrench valve flap degree of flexibility, and sometimes can also be used manually with an emergency pressure relief. 2), lever-type safety valve mainly rely on the force lever heavy hammer to work, but because of lever-type safety valve is often bulky and limit the scope of choice. Use at high temperature safety valve with a radiator. 2, the main parameter is the safety valve displacement, the displacement determined by the caliber of the valve seat and valve flap opening height, from the opening a high degree of difference Enlight is divided into two kinds of style and all-Kai style. Enlight-type refers to the height of the opening flap valve seat jets Trail 1 / 40 ~ l/20. All Kai-type refers to the height of the opening flap valve seat throat diameter of 1 / 4. Third, a safety valve selection techniques: 1, valve selection of the general rules: (L) hot water boilers generally is not closed with the Enlight-type safety valve with a spanner. (2) The steam boiler or steam pipe is not closed to general use type safety valve with a wrench Kai-wide. (3), water and other liquids in a closed incompressible media in general Enlight-type safety valve, or safety relief valve. (4) High-pressure water in general with the closure of full-Kai-type safety valve, such as the high-pressure feedwater heater, heat exchanger, etc.. (5) The gas compressibility medium usually in a closed full-Kai-type safety valve, such as the gas tank, gas pipelines and so on. (6) E-class steam boiler safety valve generally static weight. (7) large-diameter, large displacement and high pressure systems are generally used pulsed valve, such as temperature and pressure reduction devices, boiler and so on. (8) train transporting liquefied gas tankers, car tankers, storage tanks and other general use built-in safety valve. (9) oil tank at the top of a general hydraulic safety valve, be used in conjunction with the breathing valve. (10) Underground drainage or natural gas pipelines in general with the pilot safety valve. (11) Liquefied petroleum gas station tank liquid pump outlet pipe tends to be used to return safe return valve. (12) or negative pressure during operation may produce negative pressure systems are typically used vacuum relief valve. (13) back-pressure volatile and toxic flammable container or piping systems are generally used bellows valve. (14) medium low freezing point of the system generally used in thermal insulation jacket safety valve. 2 Comparison of major domestic manufacturers and connection size selection Domestic production safety valve manufacturers are more connections are mostly non-uniform size. Mainly consists of the following broad categories: (1) JB/T2203-1999 "spring-loaded safety valve structure, length," the main general-purpose class. Most of the current domestic valve manufacturers designed and manufactured according to this standard. Such as the Louvre Boiler Accessories Factory, Zhejiang, Hangzhou Valve Factory, Jiangsu Wujiang Valve Tool Factory, Shanghai Valve Factory, Kaifeng High Pressure Valve Factory, MSC valve factory. However, this standard is also not perfect, specifications incomplete, Enlight-type safety valve for the largest nominal diameter DNI00, the largest full-Kai-type safety valve nominal diameter DN200, the middle of the lack of DN65, DN125 2 specifications. According to my factory specifications and safety valves produced by the information available at this moment Enlight safety valve to reach the largest nominal diameter DN250, full-Kai-type safety valve DN to DN400. After my research, to connect the various manufacturers are not quite uniform size, such as the full-Kai-type safety valve DN150, Zhejiang Luofu Boiler Accessories Factory, Shanghai and Jiangsu Wujiang Valve Valve Factory Tools Factory vary. In order to have a unified standard, the user in the selection and installation of the same size when you can swap, it is recommended Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of JB/T2203-1999 "structure, the length of the spring-loaded safety valve," to amend it. Design Institute and the user recommends the standard selection, safety valve manufacturer of standard design and manufacture. (2) API526 "Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valve" (FlangedSteelSafetyReliefValve)-based American Standard system. China imported chemical equipment, etc. equipped with safety valve connection sizes generally in accordance with this standard, as shown in Figure 5. Them altogether in this standard nominal diameter DN25 ~ DN200 (l "~ 8"), nominal pressure of 2 ~ 42MPa, throat diameter from the D-T (9.5 ~ 146mm). This standard more scientific norms, pressure, material, temperature, throat diameter and so overall consideration. Throat diameter determined in accordance with specifications, the same throat diameter can have several specifications, the opposite may be the same size throat diameter of several to choose from. If DN100 ~ DN150 (4 "~ 6") diameter hose with L, M, N, P 4 kinds to choose from. As international trade and imports continued to promote the localization of equipment, the standard will be expanded greatly in the country. At present the standard has not yet translated into national standard. (3) the relatively large influence in the international firm of Anderson, Greenwood (AndersonGreenwood & Co.) Piston-based Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves (PilotOperatedPressureReliefValves) series. Domestic commonly known as pilot-type safety valve, as shown in Figure 6, the pilot-type safety valve from the main valve and valve guide the composition, guided valve operation of opening and closing the main valve. This valve displacement large; from the impact of back pressure; can be very close to the opening under pressure does not leak operation; headstock advantages, such as pressure. Generally applicable to natural gas pipelines. Currently no standards and the pilot safety valve connection size standards. And this type of valve has just been developed, there is no widely. According to my factory experience and the available statistics show that most domestic manufacturers in accordance with the design and manufacture of the company's data, such as the Louvre, Zhejiang Boiler Accessories Factory, Space Research Institute 11. Hefei General Machinery Research Institute suggested as early as possible to prepare and publish standards for pilot safety valve. (4) The 11th Institute of China Aerospace Industry Corporation designed and developed a system of self-contained safety valve. Space 11 HT series of safety valves developed varieties, there are HTO general safety valve (shown in Figure 1), HTB balanced bellows safety valve, HTR Discharge valve, HTN special safety valve, HTGS high-performance steam safety valve . HTXY liquid pressure relief valve, HTXD pilot safety valve and so on, and good performance. But apart from HTXD series of pilot safety valve connected with the Anderson Greenwood's the same size, the other with the U.S. standard, national standard vary. This is important to note that when the requested use. (5) to Lanzhou refinery design developed by A-type, TA-type closure of all open a spring-loaded safety valve independent system. The series bore DN25 ~ DN150 (1 "~ 6 '), nominal pressure l.6 ~ 4.0MPa, throat diameter D ~ R (9.5-115mm). The system to connect the size and American Standard and the national standard are not the same as the Lan Lian-specific. (6) For boilers, power station equipment, reducing temperature and pressure equipment and supporting facilities of the impulse-type safety valve series (as shown in Figure 8). Such as the Harbin Boiler Works, Dongfang Boiler Factory, Wuhan Boiler Factory, Qingdao Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Factory and other supporting a special safety valve. Such series of valve structure and the connection size of the manufacturers is generally not the same, there may be some of the same. Use when must pay attention to the valve and connecting pipe diameter size of the difference. 3. Calculation of pipe diameter Calculation of pipe diameter in general accordance with the "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Technical Specification," the formula set out in Annex 5. APIRP520 refinery or in accordance with system design and installation of pressure relief recommended implementation methods first part of the design "listed in the formula. The results of these two is basically the same formula, or more or less. IV Conclusion Selection of safety valve is a more important job or not will directly influence the selection of appropriate safety equipment. Some lessons learned listed above, for your reference.