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增压系统适用于以下情况,例如,当供水公司提供的水压难以满足建筑物内饮用水系统的需求时。此时,规划师、投资人和运营商会特别钟情于节能的、满足客户需求的、使用寿命长并可靠的运转系统。 通过配备有电控泵的{zxj}增压系统可以实现可观的能源和成本节约。以下篇章将阐述规划时应考虑的事项。 当抽取点静压头过高或管道系统压力损失过高造成所需的供应压力低于所要求的压力水平时,须采用增压系统。甚至在分布广的管道网中,增压系统可以保证每一个水龙头处有持续的水供应。增压系统被应用于大型建筑物中,例如,住宅和办公大楼、酒店、大型购物中心、医院、学校和其它场所。除饮用水和工业用水外,增压系统能够抽取任何水样的流体,因此它适用于冷水系统和不同的工业应用系统。 饮用水供应的增压系统规划 对增压系统的组件、设备和材料都有特殊的要求。必须考虑与饮用水接触的所有组件,这同样适用于增压系统的各泵体,根据2001饮水条例、DVGW(德国水气专业协会)和KTW规范(德国《水务法规咨询计划》)来规划、实现、启用和维护。 此外,公共饮水供应增压系统必须至少使用两台同功率的泵,即一主泵和一备用泵,但每台泵{zd0}流量须达到{bfb}。{wy}的例外是小型建筑,例如,单户居室和双户居室就不需要提供备用泵。 另外,有必要防止饮水停滞和由此而引起的饮水潜在xx污染。为此,多泵系统要求周期性的泵交替使用,也就是说每台泵在24小时内必须至少运行一次。此外,必须确保当一台泵发生故障时,备用泵能实现继续供应,并显示和报告该故障。 划分压力区 常规阀的要求流动压(pmin Fl)在DIN EN 806-3中具体规定。为了在大型建筑物的每一处都能实现{zj0}的水供应,必须划分不同的压力区。通常,供水公司供应的水压都能达到建筑物各部分的要求。当该压力区划分为正常区时,不需要提供增压系统。建筑物的其它部分(压力区)有增压系统供应。在这种情况下,必须保证水阀和最不利的液压抽取点所要求的最小流动压。另一方面,任何抽取点的静压都不能超过5柱。因此,在某些区域使用减压器装备冷水系统是非常必要的。在大型的建筑物内,有时候使用多个不同排量的增压系统。因此,与低层相比,多层建筑的高层通常由一个不同的增压系统来实现供应。 根据DIN1988,计算泵的要求排量。 ? {zd0}体积流量V. maxP依照DIN EN 806-2 和DIN EN 806-3的规定;   ? 输出压力 ΔpP 依照DIN EN 806-2的规定;  缩写 描述 Δpgeo 在使用增压系统后静态压头差的压力损失[柱] pmin Fl 最不利的液压抽取点的最小流动压 Δp = Σ(I ? R + ΔpF)after 在使用增压系统后由于管壁摩擦和单独的阻力点造成的压力损失 ΔpAp 在使用增压系统后由于配件如冲洗阀、混合器、冲洗淋浴等造成的压力损失 上表中:确定计算增压系统要求输出压力的各个系数(Δp)。 在其它事项中,管道系统的长度和抽取点的数量被记录下来标示供水泵和增压系统的尺寸。另外还包括启动压力和供水公司提供的供应压力。 此外,还应考虑建筑物的用途,因为它会影响增压系统的流动值。交变载荷状态通过多泵系统可以很有效地达到平衡。由于该泵的排量是分配的,所以单泵的运行可以接近{zj0}效率。一泵作为基本负荷泵,另一泵作为高峰负荷泵,根据负载必要时将二者串联起来。 威乐向规划师和专业技术人员提供了标示泵和水泵系统尺寸的Wilo-Select软件工具。通过此工具可以考虑到任何给定的操作条件。使用者可以逐步地获得所有相关信息和数值。万一数据丢失,将启用计算器功能。如果计算器功能被选用,例如,通过建造特殊数据确定准确的容积流量。在计算结束时,系统将推荐一个或几个适合各部分使用的增压系统。 供水用电控泵 在冷水系统中,无论哪部分要求提供供水泵,就必须把耗电量作为一成本费用加以考虑。根据使用和运行的时间,增压系统每年可以消耗总计几千欧元的电量。相当大的能量和成本节约可以通过电控高压多级离心泵和增压系统来实现。这些考虑到了不同系统状态的可变调节。因为有了集成或外部频率转换器,水泵可自动补偿进气压力的波动,并且使水龙头处的供应压力保持恒定。因此多特蒙德的水泵生产专家威乐泵业欧洲股份有限公司为不同应用领域提供了一款多样化的电控高压多级离心泵和增压系统,其不但有高效节能的特点而且非常易于维护。 高效液压增压系统 新一代的增压系统是基于“Helix-V”高压多级离心泵或它们的电控变体“Helix VE”而研发的,其配备有EFF1电动机作为标准电动机,并具有高效液压。由于带有方便使用前接口、新颖的且易接入的“X-Seal”卡盘系统,增压系统的水泵具有明显的降低维修耗费的特点。因此,简单、节省时间的“X-Seal”卡盘系统更换或节省费用的机械密封盒内组合的更换都已成为可能。 基于“Helix”高压多级离心泵并根据系统配备有一台或最多六台泵的Wilo-Economy、Wilo-Comfort和Wilo-Comfort-Vario增压系统被作为准备连接到联合基础框架上的单元体而供应。另外,全部管路包括所有液压元件、压力传感器和完整的线路,一个开关设备和控制设备也在供应范围之内。 考虑到经济和高效的水供应,新增压系统采用以极其xx的激光焊接技术制造的液压系统,可使用较少的泵阶段创造一个较高的单位压力。与此同时,优化的泵壳体使流动损失降到{zd1}。一般的标准下,增压系统的寿命周期成本可以通过降低维修成本、提高整体效率和减少电量消耗来大大降低。 电控泵的优点 电控泵考虑到针对建筑物饮水装置的交变载荷状态对增压系统液压输出的调整。在无控泵的传统系统中,这些泵体是根据{zd0}排量来选择的,即使按照平均水平,也要求在20%运作时间内达到{zd0}排量。和传统系统相比,电控泵的运转速度与实际要求的泵排量相对应。在大多数情况下,更经济的分载荷运转已经足够使用,而且实现了相当程度的能源节约。 与无控制泵相比,能源节省的潜力根据应用领域和泵型{zg}达到50%,在个别情况下可能会更高。冷水系统运行成本的降低不仅仅只通过降低电耗,还通过延长泵的使用寿命来实现。事实证明,比起{yj}满载运转,磨损在分载运转中较少发生,所以进一步节约了成本。 电控泵的另一个优点是如果在饮水网内发生压力波动,它们可以动态的调节自己的排量。当建筑物供应饮水的水压由于城市供水网中的交变载荷状态而在{yt}中发生非常大的变化时,这点就显得尤为重要,因为当{yt}中的某段时间内供应压力明显高于供水公司保证的最小水压,xx点和失活点被非速度控制系统中的更高容积流量所取代,而这个非速度控制系统另一方面又取决于泵波动。因此,即使系统仍在大量地抽水,部分系统或泵电源已被切断。结果压力突然迅速下降,增压系统立即重启,这样造成系统内强大液体冲击以及抽取点频繁的压力波动。建筑物内的水消耗还根据其用途而有所不同,并与分配网中的压力波动有关。 增压系统的全自动控制 一系列智能化解决方案可以用来监控该增压系统。对于并联切换的多达四个电控泵的应用系统,威乐提供,例如,一个中央控制单元 VR(“Vario控制器”)。 例如,“CE+”控制器已经使带有“螺旋状”泵连同一个新的压力传感器的Wilo-Economy系列单泵系统具有xx控制性,这是因为供水系统流压的测量非常的xx。 其中{zxj}的系统之一是“CC-Booster”(“Comfort Controller”)开关设备。CC-Booster的核心是带有威乐公司开发的逻辑线路的可编程逻辑控制器,该逻辑线路通过接管以六个单机泵作为标准的增压系统的全自动控制。在这种情况下,供水系统的压力以负载敏感的方式通过信号传送器来控制。CC-Booster影响频率转换器,而且影响基本负载泵的速度。改良后的速度引起容积流量的改变,此容积流量的改变再次改变增压系统的额定功率。根据系统和负载要求,附加的高峰负荷泵自动开启和关闭,其中定位点的微调通常通过基本负载泵的电子变速器来实现。或者,CC-Booster不通过频率调节器供应。这种情况下,系统中的泵体根据负载连续地开启或关闭。 配电箱门的多功能触摸屏使得CC-Booster非常容易使用。在其它方面,泵和系统状态以及电流系统压力也可{yj}显示其上。清晰设置的菜单导航简化了定位点的操作和设置。背光灯使大部分工作状态可以显示出来。绿色代表运行正常,红色代表故障,橙色代表收到错误信息。错误或报警信息也通过文本消息或其他的类似互联网的数据传送方式来选择性地发送。对应地,远程确认也以同样的方式进行。程序升级通过移动电话、互联网或局域网来完成。 CC-Booster可以用可选模块来扩充,进行远程测试和维护,同时还可以用一个模拟调制解调器、ISDN终端、GSM调制解调器或Web服务器来扩充。增压系统可以被轻松地整合到建筑物管理系统内,经由总线系统如现场总线、网络通讯协议、局部操作网络或总线;也经由进一步的数据协议如,以太网超文本标记语言或传输控制/网络通讯协定。因为智能型建筑物技术接管了控制和监控更多建筑物内不同功能区的任务——除了建筑设备外,在其它事物中,也监控通路限制和防火。有了它,用户舒适度的增加和经营成本的进一步降低成为可能。 新一代的电控水泵和增压系统能够立刻提高舒适度并节约能源。正是因为智能控制技术,才能以负载敏感的方式操作。由于分载操作中,较少的磨损不仅降低了电耗,也降低了维修成本。因此{zxj}的增压系统有助于维持建筑物冷水供应的尽可能低的寿命周期成本。

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Pressurization system applies to the following conditions, for example, when the water pressure provided by drinking water systems in buildings can not meet the demand. At this point, planners, investors and mobile operators are particularly keen on energy conservation to meet customer demand, long service life and reliable operation of the system. Through the electric pump is equipped with the most advanced turbocharging system can achieve considerable energy cost savings. The following chapters will address the planning issues that should be considered. When the extraction point of hydrostatic head is too high or piping system pressure loss caused by excessive supply pressures below the required pressure level required to be applied when the pressurization system. Even in the wide distribution of the pipeline network, the pressurization system can ensure that every one tap at a sustained water supply. Pressurization systems are used in large buildings, for example, residential and office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, schools and other venues. In addition to drinking water and industrial water, the pressurized water system to take samples of any kind of fluid, so it applies to cold-water systems and various industrial applications. Pressurized drinking water supply system planning Right turbocharging system components, equipment and materials have special requirements. Must take into account all the components in contact with drinking water, which also applies to the various pump pressurization system, according to the 2001 Drinking Water Regulation, DVGW (German Association of water vapor) and KTW specification (Germany "Water regulations Advisory Scheme") to plan , implementation, commissioning and maintenance. In addition, public water supply systems must be pressurized with the power of using at least two pumps, namely a main pump and a standby pump, but the maximum flow for each pump is required to achieve {bfb}. The only exception is a small building, for example, single-family room and two-bedroom family do not need to provide a backup pump. In addition, there is the need to prevent water stagnation and the consequent potential bacterial contamination of drinking water. To this end, multi-pump systems require periodic pump used interchangeably, meaning that each pump in operation within 24 hours must be at least once. In addition, we must ensure that when a pump failure, the standby pump to achieve to continue to supply, and display and report the failure. Divided into pressure zones Conventional valves require flow pressure (pmin Fl) in the DIN EN 806-3 in the specific provisions. Everywhere in the large buildings in order to be able to achieve the best possible water supply to be divided into different pressure zones. Typically, water companies supply water pressure to achieve the requirements of all parts of the building. When the pressure divided into the normal areas, the need to provide the pressurization system. Other parts of the building (pressure zone) has pressurization system providers. In this case, you must ensure that the hydraulic valve and the most unfavorable point of taking the required minimum flow pressure. On the other hand, any point of the static pressure can not be taken more than 5 columns. Therefore, in some areas the use of pressure reducer equipped with cold water system is very necessary. In large buildings, sometimes using several different emissions pressurization system. Thus, lower than the high-level multi-storey buildings are usually pressurized by a different system to achieve the supply. According to DIN1988, calculate the requirements of displacement pumps. ? Maximum volume flow rate V. maxP in accordance with DIN EN 806-2 and DIN EN 806-3 requirements; ? Output pressure ΔpP in accordance with DIN EN 806-2 requirements; Abbreviations Description Δpgeo using the pressurization system after static pressure head difference between pressure loss [column] pmin Fl extract most disadvantageous point of minimum flow of hydraulic pressure Δp = Σ (I ? R + ΔpF) after using the pressurization system and a separate post due to wall friction resistance point of the pressure loss caused by ΔpAp subsequent to the use of turbocharging system components, such as flush valves, mixers, washing shower pressure loss caused by On the table: determining the calculation of the output pressure booster system requirements for the various coefficients of (Δp). In other matters, the pipeline system length and the number of extraction points are recorded for the marked size of pumps and pressurization system. It also includes providing start-up pressure and water supply pressures. In addition, the use of the building should also be considered, because it will affect the flow of pressurized systems. Alternating load condition through a multi-pump systems can be effectively used to achieve a balance. As the pump's discharge is assigned, so running a single pump can be close to optimum efficiency. A pump as a basic load of pumps, one pump, as peak load pump, according to the load when necessary, the two series together. Vela to planners and professional and technical personnel of the marked size of pumps and pumping systems Wilo-Select software tools. With this tool can take into account any given operating conditions. The user can gradually access to all relevant information and value. The event of data loss, will enable the calculator feature. If the calculator function is selected, for example, through the construction of a special data to determine the exact volume of traffic. In the calculation of the end of the system will recommend one or a few suitable in different parts of the pressurization system. Water Power Control Pump In cold water system, no matter what part requests for the pump, it is necessary to power as a cost consideration. Based on usage and run time, supercharger system, a total of several thousand euros per year of electricity consumption. Considerable energy and cost savings can be electronically controlled high-pressure multi-stage centrifugal pumps and booster systems to achieve. These considerations to a different system state variable adjustment. Thanks to an integrated or external frequency converter, pumps can automatically compensate for fluctuations in inlet pressure and to make the supply of tap at constant pressure. Therefore, the production expert Ville Dortmund pump Pump Co., Ltd. for different application areas in Europe, offers a variety of electronically controlled high-pressure multi-stage centrifugal pumps and booster systems, the characteristics of not only energy efficient and very easy to maintain. Efficient hydraulic pressurization system Turbocharging system is based on a new generation of "Helix-V" high-pressure multi-stage centrifugal pumps or their electric variant of "Helix VE" and R & D, its equipped with EFF1 electric motor as the standard motors, and have high hydraulic pressure. As before with easy to use interface, innovative and easy access to the "X-Seal" chuck system, pressurization system pumps have significantly lower maintenance cost characteristics. Thus, simple, time-saving "X-Seal" chuck system replacement or cost-saving combo box the replacement of mechanical seals are possible. Based on the "Helix" high-pressure multi-stage centrifugal pumps, and according to the system is equipped with a pump or a maximum of six units Wilo-Economy, Wilo-Comfort and Wilo-Comfort-Vario Booster system is as ready to connect to the unit on a basic framework of the joint body of the供应. In addition, all hydraulic piping, including all components, pressure sensors and complete lines, a switching device and control equipment are also within the scope of supply. Taking into account the economic and efficient water supply, new pressure system uses an extremely precise laser welding technology manufacturing hydraulic system which can use fewer pump stages of the creation of a higher unit pressure. At the same time, optimizing the flow of the pump housing so that the loss to a minimum. General standards, the pressurization system life cycle costs by reducing maintenance costs, improve overall efficiency and reduce power consumption to be greatly reduced. The advantages of electric pump Electronic Control Unit of buildings, drinking water installations, taking into account the alternating load state of the hydraulic pressurization system output adjustment. Control the pump in the absence of traditional systems, these are based on the maximum displacement pump to choose, even if based on an average level, also requested in 20% of the operational time, maximum displacement. And traditional systems, the electronic control pump speed and practical requirements of running the pump displacement corresponding to. In most cases, more economical operation of the sub-load enough to use, but also achieved a considerable degree of energy conservation. Compared with the non-control pumps, energy saving potential of the area and the pump depending on the application of up to 50%, in individual cases may even be higher. Chilled water system operating cost savings not just by reducing power consumption, but also by extending the service life of the pump to achieve. Facts have proved that, compared to a permanent full operation, wear less in operation at the sub-set, so this further cost savings. Another advantage of electric pump is that if the net in the water pressure fluctuation occurs, they can dynamically adjust their displacement. When the building supply water pressure due to urban water supply networks in the state of the alternating load occurred during the day a very big change, this point is particularly important, because when the day within a certain period of time was significantly higher than the supply pressure water companies to ensure a minimum water pressure, activation and deactivation points points by non-speed control system replaced by a higher volume of traffic, and this non-speed control system on the other hand depends on the pump fluctuations. Therefore, even if the system is still pumping in large numbers, some system or pump power supply has been cut off. The results of a sudden rapid decline in pressure, pressure system immediately restart, so that the liquid causing a strong impact within the system and collect points, frequent pressure fluctuations. Water consumption within the building also vary according to their purposes, and with the pressure distribution network in the fluctuations. The automatic control pressurization system A series of intelligent solutions that can be used to monitor the pressurization system. Parallel switching for up to four electric pump applications, Ville provide, for example, a central control unit VR ( "Vario controller"). For example, "CE +" controller has made with the "spiral" pump with a new pressure sensor Wilo-Economy series of single-pump system with a precision controlled, it is because the water supply system flow pressure measurements are very precise. One of the most advanced systems is one of "CC-Booster" ( "Comfort Controller") switching devices. CC-Booster is the core of the logic developed with the Vela line programmable logic controller, the logic circuit through the take over the six single pump booster system as a standard automatic control. In this case, the water supply system pressure to the load-sensitive manner through the signal transmitter to control. CC-Booster affect the frequency converter, but also affect the basic load pump speed. Improved the speed of change in volume flow caused by this change in volume flow pressurization system once again change the rated power. According to system and load requirements, an additional peak load pump automatically open and close, which anchor point is usually fine-tuning the pump through the basic load of electronic transmission to achieve. Or, CC-Booster is not supplied through the frequency modulator. This case, the system continuously pump according to the load on or off. Distribution box door multi-function touch-screen makes the CC-Booster is very easy to use. In other areas, pump and system status as well as the current system pressure can be permanently displayed on it. A clear set menu navigation simplifies the operation and set the anchor point. Backlight of the majority of working conditions can be displayed. Green operating normally, red for failure, orange Representative received an error message. Error or alarm information is also via text messages or other similar means of the Internet, data transmission selectively send. In contrast, a long-range confirmed in the same manner. Program to upgrade via mobile phone, the Internet, or LAN to complete. CC-Booster can use an optional module to the expansion of remote testing and maintenance, but also can be an analog modem, ISDN terminals, GSM modem or Web servers to expand. Booster systems can be easily integrated into building management system, via the bus systems such as fieldbus, network communication protocols, local operating network, or bus; also through further data protocols such as Ethernet, Hypertext Markup Language, or Transmission Control / network protocol. Because the intelligent building technology to take over the control and monitoring of more buildings in different functional areas of the task - in addition to construction equipment, in other things, also monitor the access restrictions and fire. With it, the user comfort and operating costs increased to further reduce possible. A new generation of electronically controlled pumps and booster systems to immediately increase the comfort and save energy. It is precisely because intelligent control technology, in order to load-sensitive manner in order to operate. As the sub-set operation, less wear and tear not only reduces power consumption, while also lowering maintenance costs. Therefore, the most advanced turbocharging system help to maintain the building cold water supply at the lowest possible cost of life-cycle.

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