

  We will promote the steady development of agriculture and a continuous increase in rural incomes. We will keep grain production stable; expand the total area sown with oilseed; increase supplies of important agricultural products in short supply; implement a large-scale effort to increase the production of grain, cotton, oilseed, and sugar; standardize farming practices in horticulture, animal husbandry, and aquaculture; and ensure the security of the “rice bag” (grain supply) and “vegetable basket” (non-staple food supply)。 We will continue to provide direct subsidies for grain producers, and increase general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies and subsidies for purchasing superior crop varieties and agricultural machinery and tools. The central government will allocate 133.5 billion yuan for this purpose, a year-on-year increase of 6.04 billion yuan. We will further raise minimum grain purchase prices. The minimum prices of early indica rice, middle-season and late indica rice and japonica rice will be raised by 0.06 yuan, 0.1 yuan and 0.2 yuan per kilogram respectively, and the minimum price of wheat will be raised by 0.06 yuan per kilogram. We will continue to implement the policy of purchasing and temporarily stockpiling major agricultural products and give farmers more tangible bene?ts. We will increase ?scal support for major grain-producing, pork-producing, and cattle farming counties. We will vigorously develop the processing industry for agricultural products, promote industrialization in agriculture, support the upgrading and renovation of wholesale markets and markets for farm produce, and promote closer linkage between production and the market. We will help rural residents and jobs or start their own businesses, and increase rural incomes through a variety of channels. We will intensify poverty alleviation and development and work tirelessly to eradicate poverty and backwardness so that rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.


  We will strengthen agricultural infrastructure. We will continue to give high priority in government spending to supporting agricultural and rural development. In the budget, our priority for ?xed asset investment will be agricultural infrastructure and projects that improve the wellbeing of rural residents, and our priority for use of proceeds from the transfer of land-use rights will be developing agricultural land and building rural infrastructure. The central government plans to allocate 818.3 billion yuan for agriculture, farmers, and rural areas, an increase of 93 billion yuan over last year, and local governments at all levels will also increase their investment. We will comprehensively implement the plan to increase grain production by 50 billion kilograms nationwide, with the emphasis on major grain-producing regions. Focusing on water conservancy, we will improve agricultural infrastructure, accelerate related upgrades of large and medium sized irrigated areas, expand the area in which water-conserving irrigation methods are used, create high-grade cropland, and ?nish reinforcing dilapidated large, medium-sized, and key small reservoirs. With the focus on breeding improved crop varieties, we will accelerate innovation in agricultural technology and the widespread adoption of scienti?c and technological advances, and carry out a major science and technology project to create new crop varieties using gene transfer technology. We will move forward with the construction of modem agriculture demonstration sites. We will accelerate the development of public services for extending agricultural technology, preventing and controlling animal and plant diseases, and providing quality oversight of agricultural products in townships, towns and regions.


  We will deepen rural reform. We will uphold the basic rural operation system; quickly improve relevant laws, regulations and policies; and maintain existing land contract relationships over the long term. We will strengthen supervision of and services for the transfer of contracted land? use rights, and develop diverse large-scale farming operations on the basis of legal, voluntary, and compensated transfers of land-use rights. We will continue to carry out comprehensive rural reform, improve supporting policies for the reform of tenure in collective forests, and launch the reform of state tree farms. We will continue to reform the basic system for the use of grasslands, develop specialized farmer cooperatives, improve the organization of agriculture, more quickly develop small rural ?nancial institutions, actively promote micro-credit loans in rural areas, and improve rural ?nancial services. We will also deepen reforms in township and town government departments.


  We will balance promoting urbanization and building a new countryside. We will keep to the path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics. We will promote balanced development between towns and large, small and medium-sized cities; increase the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns; ensure that cities stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas; and promote positive interaction between urbanization and the building of a new countryside. We will strengthen county economies, improve infrastructure and environmental protection in county towns and hub towns, guide an orderly ?ow of nonagricultural industries and rural people to small towns, and encourage returned rural migrant workers to start businesses in their hometowns. When developing urban and rural areas, we must adhere to the strictest possible systems for protecting arable land and economizing land use to genuinely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. We will carry out reform of the household registration system and relax requirements for household registration in towns and small and medium-sized cities. We will solve employment and living problems rural migrant workers face in cities and towns in a planned and step-by-step manner, and gradually ensure that they receive the same treatment as urban residents in areas such as pay, children's education, healthcare, housing, and social security. We will further increase spending on the development of rural work and living facilities, begin a new round of upgrades of rural power grids, expand the construction of rural methane facilities, provide safe drinking water to another 60 million rural people, carry out the project to build a clean countryside, and improve working and living conditions there. We will allow eligible workers who have left agricultural work to gradually become urban residents, and develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life.


  4. Fully implementing the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation through human resource development


  Education, science, and human resources are the cornerstones of national prosperity and rejuvenation, and are also at the core of overall national strength.


  We will give high priority to the development of education For a country to become strong, it must ?rst strengthen education. First-class educatian is a prerequisite for cultivating high-caliber personnel and buildirtg a great country. We will promptly begin to implement the Outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Education Reform and Development. We will focus on the following ?ve areas.

  First, we will advance education reform. We need to emancipate our minds, boldly make breakthroughs and innovations, encourage experimentation, and carry out a systematic reform of the system for operating schools, curricula, teaching methods, and evaluation systems. We will continue to give top priority to cultivating the integrity of students and vigorously promote well-rounded education. We will explore systems of school management and ways of providing education that ?are suitable for different types of education and the development of people with different skills, so that we run schools better and turn out better graduates. We will encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools in order to meet people's diverse demands for education.

  Second, we will promote the balanced development of compulsory education. On the basis of a rational allocation of resources, we will accelerate the renovation of itmior secondary school buildings in the central and western regions. We will also accelerate implementation of the nationwide program for safe primary and secondary school buildings, and engtire that buildings, equipment and teaching staff in all schools reach established standards as soon as possible. We will provide multimedia distance learning facilities for rural primary and secondary schools so that children living in the vast rural and remote areas have access to quality education resources. We will improve preschool education and develop special education schools. We will increase educational support for ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas.

  Third, we will continue to strengthen vocational education. With the goal of helping students ?nd jobs, we will integrate education resources, improve teaching methods; and focus on nurturing students' employability and entrepreneurial abilities.

  Fourth, we will reform the management and adMissions systems of institutions of higher learning. We will give them more decision-making power, encourage them to adjust their majors and curricula to Meet employment needs and the needs of economic and social development; more intimately integrate personnel training; scienti?c and technological innovatioit, and academic development; inspire their teachers to concentrate on education; and become high-level universities with their own distinctive features. We will develop a number of ?rst-class universities that produce outstanding personnel. The central government will increase support for the development of higher education in the central and western regions.

  Fifth, we will improve the ranks of our teachers. We will take a variety of measures to attract outstanding personnel to pursue careers in education and devote their lives to it. We will focus on strengthening training for teachers and principals of rural compulsory education schools, and encourage excellent teachers to teach in impoverished rural areas. We will intensify education to improve the professional ethics of our teachers, and enhance their sense of responsibility and mission. Hundreds of millions of families place their hopes for a better life on education, and education has a direct bearing on the quality of the nation and the future of the country. A country cannot become strong and prosperous if it does not make education universal and improve its quality. We must always keep this in mind.


  We will vigorously develop science and technology. We need to earnestly implement the policy of independent innovation, comprehensively build an innovative country, and accelerate the implementation of our major science and technology programs. We need to concentrate on making breakthroughs in key scienti?c and technological problems that can drive the technological revolution forward and promote industrial invigoration, in major scienti?c and technological problems related to public welfare that can improve people's health and the quality of their lives, and in problems in strategic, high-tech ?elds that can enhance our country's international competitiveness and safeguard our national security. We will make farsighted arrangements for basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies in the ?elds of biology, nano science, quantum control, information networks, climate change, aerospace and oceanography. We will deepen the reform of the system for managing science and technology; strive to bridge the gap between science and technology and the economy; promote the development of a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market provides orientation, and the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes are integrated; and promote optimal allocation, open sharing, and highly ef?cient use of scienti?c and technological resources. We will vigorously implement the strategy for intellectual property rights and strengthen the creation, application and protection of them. We will further arouse the creativity of scientists, engineers and all of society.


  We will accelerate the development of human resources. Talented personnel are the primary resources. We need to develop all types of human resources in a coordinated and all-round way, with the focus on producing innovative scientists and engineers, and experts and professionals in key areas of economic and social development, and energetically attract high?caliber personnel from overseas. We will set up a mechanism for diversifying ?mding for personnel training, so that the government, nongovernmental bodies, employers and employees all do their part. We will make full use of the basic role of market forces in allocating human resources, strive,Aa.etreate an institutional environment conducive to bringing forth talented people in large numbas atttL tapping their full potential, and make our country rich in human resources.

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