
今年以来,农行浙江温岭市支行加大对水泵行业的资金支持,对泵企发放流动资金xx5.17亿元,帮助当地水泵中小企业扩大生产,全力支援西南旱区抗旱。 进入3月份后,该行在信贷规模比较紧张的情况下,组织人员研究对泵企的支持方案,将中小水泵企业列入优先重点拓展对象,为客户经理拓展泵业xx扫除了障碍。为激发全行上下营销泵业xx的积极性和主动性,该行还制订和完善了考核办法,确保水泵企业资金需求得到及时供应。在该行开户的浙江利欧股份有限公司是我国微小型水泵行业的xx上市公司,目前公司上下正全力配合抗旱,抓紧生产小型水泵。同时,位于大溪山市泵乡的许多小型水泵企业因接到大量旱区订单,扩大生产急需增加流动资金。该行从接到企业xx申请后,立即整理xx资料,采取特事特办,xx审批一路开绿灯,从受理申请到发放xx,环环紧扣,在最短时间办理xx。该行除了为一批规模较大的水泵企业提供信贷支持外,并利用个人综合授信xx和存贷积数挂钩xx等个人xx产品,为个私水泵生产者提供资金扶持,使这些个私户抓住时机扩大生产,增加水泵产量。

“ Wenling, Zhejiang Province Branch of Agricultural Bank of 500 million yuan loan to expand production to help pump prices ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


This year, Wenling, Zhejiang Branch of Agricultural Bank of China to increase financial support to the pump industry, on the pump prices paid 517 million working capital loans to help local small and medium enterprises to expand production of water pumps and spare no effort to support south-west arid and drought. Entering in March, the scale of the bank credit tight budgetary situation, organizations, researchers, support programs for the pump prices will be included in the priorities of small and medium enterprises to expand pump object, as the client manager to remove the obstacles to expanding lending pump. To stimulate sales pump up and down the whole bank loans to the enthusiasm and initiative, the Bank has formulated and improved assessment methods, and ensure that the water pump timely supply of corporate demand for funds. Open an account at the Bank of China Zhejiang Leo Co., Ltd. is the industry's first micro pump listed company, is currently the company is in full swing up and down with the drought, pay close attention to production of small water pump. Meanwhile, at Tai Creek Township, city of many small water pump pump companies received a large number of drought-stricken areas because of orders, urgent need to increase working capital to expand production. The bank loan application from the receipt of business immediately after finishing loans, to take special plans for special loans given the green light the way for approval, from the receiving application to extend loans and interlocking, with loans in the shortest time. This line in addition to a number of large-scale water pump business to provide credit support, and integrated use of personal credit loans and deposits and loans linked to plot the number of personal loan products for individual and private funding to support producers pump so that these individual and private households seize the opportunity to expand production and increase pump output.

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