浴缸水龙头马桶等卫浴产品的俄罗斯进口海关数据_俄罗斯海关数据俄罗斯 ...

海关编码      商品名称       英文名称
69101000 瓷制固定卫生设备(包括:陶瓷浴缸、陶瓷小便斗、陶瓷妇洗器、陶瓷洗手盆、陶瓷柜盆、陶瓷座便器也叫陶瓷马桶等) Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals & similar sanitary fixtures, of porcelain or china
94060000 活动房(也叫:桑拿房) Prefabricated buildings
69109000 陶制固定卫生设备 Other ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals & similar sanitary fixtures
39229000 塑料坐浴盆、便盆、抽水箱及类似卫生洁具 Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns & similar sanitary ware, of plastics
39221000 塑料浴缸、淋浴盘、洗涤槽及盥洗盆(也叫:xx浴缸) Baths, shower-baths, sinks & wash-basins, of plastics
39222000 塑料马桶座圈及盖 Lavatory seats & covers, of plastics
39249000 塑料制其它家庭用具及盥洗用具 Other household & toilet articles of plastics
74182000 铜制卫生器具及其零件 Sanitary ware & parts thereof, of copper
76152000 铝制卫生器具及其零件 Sanitary ware & parts thereof, of aluminium
73241000 不锈钢洗涤槽及脸盆 Sinks & wash basins, of stainless steel
73242100 铸铁浴缸 Baths of cast iron
73242900 其它钢铁浴缸 Other baths of iron or steel
73249000 未列名钢铁制卫生器具及其零件(包括:淋浴器(花洒套件))Other sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel
90191010 按摩器具(也叫:xx浴缸) Massage apparatus
90191090 机械疗法器具及心理功能测验装置(也叫:电脑蒸汽淋浴房)Mechano-therapy appliances; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus
84818090 龙头、旋塞及类似装置(包括:自动感应水龙头)Taps, cocks & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like
90328900 其它自动调节或控制仪器及装置(有把自动感应器归到这个编码的) Other automatic regulating or controlling instruments & apparatus
90329000 自动调节或控制仪器及装置的零件及附件(有把自动感应器归到这个编码的) Parts & accessories of automatic regulating or controlling instruments & apparatus
90330000 第90章机器、仪器等用本章未列名零、附件(有把自动感应器归到这个编码的) Parts and accessories ( not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter ) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Ch. 90

84798990 未列名具有独立功能的机器及机械器具(有把全自动洗手器归到这个编码的) Mach & mechanical appliances having individual functions
85437099 未列名具有独立功能的电气设备及装置 Other electrical machines & apparatus, having individual functions



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