1、加拿大籍在北京的留学生(本科或硕士),必须为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省中学毕业(即完成了该省全部中学课程); 2、男,年龄:20—26岁,青春阳光、积极向上,有良好心态,无不良嗜好; 3、学习辅导时间为:每天,17:00—20:00,地点:北京朝阳区朝阳北路; 4、待遇为:月薪人民币10000—15000元;
Seeking for a tutor for high school student in Chaoyang District with the following requirements:
1. Canadian Nationality, undergraduate and above, living and studying in Beijing; 2. Graduated from a high school in the Province of British Columbia, i.e. completed all courses of the province; 3. Male preferred, between 20-26, energetic, ambitious, without any bad habits; 4. Tutoring time:17:00---20:00 daily, North Chaoyang Street; 5. Salary: 10000—15000 RMB per month.