2010-03-17 14:28:48 阅读3 评论0 字号:大中小
济宁市南水北调工程建设管理局深入开展 “三学三创”,进一步转变工作作风,提高工作效能,加强党风廉政建设,坚持“五必须、五不让”,全力全速推进南水北调工程建设。 截至目前,我市境内南水北调东线水资源控制工程韩庄泵站、二级坝泵站、姚楼河闸、大沙河闸、杨官屯河闸进展顺利;长沟泵站、邓楼泵站、引黄灌区灌溉影响处理工程陆续开工;济宁市、曲阜市、微山县、鱼台县、金乡县、嘉祥县、梁山县7项截污导流工程已完成3项,其余4项正顺利推进;南水北调地方配套续建工程前期工作正加紧推进,争取今年下半年开工建设,确保与主体工程同步建设、同步发挥效益。
“ Jining City 2 Dam pumping station progressing well ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。
Jining City Water Diversion Project Construction Authority to conduct the "three school three hit," further improve their work style, improve efficiency, building a clean government, adhere to the "five must, 5 let," full speed ahead full Nanshui North transfer projects. Up to now, the city water control project in south-east line Hanzhuang pumping station, 2 Dam pumping station, Yao F, Sluice, Dasha gates, Yang Guantun Sluice smoothly; long ditch pump station, Deng House pumping station, affected the Yellow River Irrigation Project was begun; Jining City, Qufu City, Weishan, Yutai County, Jinxiang, Jiaxiang County, Liangshan Prefecture 7 Sewage Interception 3 diversion works have been completed and the remaining 4 is well advanced; south-supporting continued construction projects where preliminary work is stepping forward, towards the second half of this year started construction, to ensure synchronization with the main project construction, synchronized to play a benefit.