
制约长沙引水工程进度的“瓶颈”——浏阳崔家冲隧洞将在本月底解除。日前,副市长李军深入隧道调研工程进展,要求在确保安全施工的前提下,争取在3月底实施崔家冲隧洞全线贯通。 长沙引水及水质环境工程于2005年10月动工,工程原计划于2009年10月1日实现通水,但施工在浏阳崔家冲洞段遭遇罕见断层,先后发生三次涌泥涌水塌方。全长43公里的隧洞差这108米未能贯通,成为制约整个引水工程建设进度的“瓶颈”。在优化施工方案后,去年10月19日,崔家冲洞段复工,目前工程进展顺利。按照目前2米/日的掘进速度,崔家冲隧洞将在本月底全线贯通。 而随着这一“瓶颈”的解除,也为整个引水工程在7月实现全线通水扫清了障碍。据介绍,目前与引水工程配套的花桥、新开铺污水处理厂已经投入运行,6个泵站也基本完工。输水工程株树桥水库至星沙全长76公里,除崔家冲段的37米隧洞外基本完工。输水管线星沙至五水厂总长22公里,管道敷设已完成18.8公里。星沙净水厂设备安装已经完成,开始制定设备联动调试方案。

“ Changsha Diversion Project bottleneck Cui Chong tunnel this month, six pumping stations to lift the basic completion of ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Constrained progress Changsha Diversion Project "bottleneck" - Liuyang Cui Chong Tunnel will be lifted at the end of this month. Recently, Li Jun, vice mayor of the tunnel in-depth research progress of the works required under the premise of ensuring safety of construction and strive to the end of March to implement Cui Chong Tunnel Completed. Changsha Diversion and Water Environment project was commenced in October 2005 the project originally scheduled for October 1, 2009 to achieve pass water, but the construction segment in Liuyang Cui Chong-dong encounter a rare fault, has occurred three Bay mud water gushing cave. Length of 43 kilometers of tunnel 108 meters difference that failed to link up, as a constraint to the progress of the construction of water diversion project "bottleneck." In optimizing the construction plan last year after October 19, Cui Chong-dong Duan return to work, the current project has progressed smoothly. According to the current 2 m / day of tunneling rate, Cui Chong tunnel at the end of this month will be Completed. With this "bottleneck" of the lift, but also for the entire water diversion project to achieve across the board in July Pass the water cleared the obstacles. According to reports, current and water diversion works huaqiao supporting the new shops that have been put into operation the sewage treatment plant, six pumping stations has been largely completed. Reservoir water diversion project to Xingsha Zhushuqiao length of 76 kilometers, in addition to Cui Chong paragraph 37 meters outside the tunnel basically completed. Xingsha water pipeline total length of 22 km to the five waterworks, pipeline laying has been completed 18.8 kilometers. Xingsha waterworks equipment installation was completed and began to develop equipment, linkage to debug the program.

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