

2010-03-15 15:16:11 阅读3 评论0 字号:

为了提高油田注水处理精度, 进一步提高油田开发效益, 对比分析了油田现用几种纤维过滤器的结构及过滤、反洗原理, 在此基础上提出一种新型波轮式过滤器的设计方案。该新型过滤器利用波轮的正反转产生水力振荡, 提高纤维球滤料的反洗效果, {zd0}限度减轻对滤料的伤害, 并可节约大量反洗清水, 还实现了过滤、反洗、压紧程度的全自动控制, 可xx满足油田采出液精细过滤要求。 近几年来, 我国油田相继进入开发后期, 对老油田的注水量以及注水水质要求越来越高。在新探储量中, 我国新探明低渗透及特低渗透储量占总储量的70%左右, 全国未动用的低渗透储量占60%以上, 所以进一步提高油田注入水水质, 采用更先进的精细过滤技术, 对开发低渗透油田、提高原油产量具有重要意义。 目前国内油田注水用的过滤器主要有石英砂过滤器、核桃壳过滤器、纤维球过滤器及少量纤维束过滤器。石英砂过滤器、核桃壳过滤器对污水处理精度不高, 难以达到低渗透油田注水水质指标要求。实践证明, 要进一步提高污水处理效果和过滤精度, 采用压紧纤维过滤器既经济实用, 技术上也xx可行。笔者对这类过滤器的结构进行了对比分析, 设计出一种新型结构的过滤器, 该型过滤器具有反洗彻底、对滤料伤害小、过滤精度高和节约反洗用水等特点。油田现用纤维过滤器技术分析11纤维球过滤器纤维球过滤器有非压紧式和机械压紧式2种。 (1) 非压紧式纤维球过滤器该型过滤器滤料较散乱, 紧密度不高, 抗污能力不强, 过滤精度不高, 其过滤水质指标: 进口水质含油质量浓度≤50 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤50 mg/L, 出口水质含油质量浓度≤10 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤5 mg/L,一般用作粗过滤器。非压紧式纤维球过滤器结构见图1。 该型过滤器过滤时滤液高进低出, 反洗时反洗水低进高出, 反洗水不间断, 清水消耗量大; 搅拌桨叶采用标准直叶片或斜叶片, 对滤料伤害大, 桨叶一般不反转, 使纤维球和水流同向旋转运动, 导致反洗水对滤料冲洗力不大, 滤料不易洗净。 (2) 压紧式纤维球过滤器 为提高过滤精度,过滤器生产厂家开发出各种结构的带压紧机构的纤维球过滤器作为二级精细过滤器; 该过滤器过滤水质指标: 进口水含油质量浓度≤30 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤30 mg/L, 出口水含油质量浓度≤5 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤3 mg/L, 视压紧程度及来液污染程度, 过滤精度还可提高。现介绍2种油田使用的这种过滤器。 ①压紧机构上置式纤维球过滤器: 此上部压紧式纤维球过滤器结构见图2。该过滤器上部采用液缸或螺旋带动压盘上下运动, 过滤时下行压紧纤维球, 反洗时上行松开滤料。过滤器构放到下部, 依靠搅拌叶片旋转搅拌。压盘采用筛板, 取代了原非压紧式的配水筛管, 下部仍采用筛管或筛板集水。同非压紧式一样, 过滤时滤液高进低出, 反洗时反洗水低进高出, 反洗水不间断, 清水消耗量大。搅拌桨叶的设计也采用标准直叶片或斜叶片, 不反转。此结构在反洗开始时搅拌叶片对纤维球伤害更大, 可能造成大量纤维球破坏形成散纤维, 滤料易流失, 纤维易堵塞机构间隙; 反洗水对滤料冲刷力不大, 滤料同样不易洗净, 使过滤精度下降, 使用效果不理想。 ②压紧机构下置式纤维球过滤器: 此下部压紧式纤维球过滤器结构见图3。 该过滤器上部安装搅拌电动机及减速器, 下部安装伸缩液缸。过滤时滤液高进低出, 反洗时反洗水低进高出, 反洗水不间断。压盘及滤盘均采用筛板, 纤维球被限制在压盘和滤盘之间, 过滤开始时下部液缸中活塞收缩, 带动托盘、连杆、压盘下行, 压紧滤料; 反洗开始时活塞伸出, 带动托盘、连杆、压盘上行, 松开滤料, 依靠叶片搅拌反洗。该过滤器由于下部安装液缸, 故整体高度较高; 同时由于活塞行程的限制, 反洗空间不大, 滤料不能充分释放, 故反洗不够彻底。采用叶片单向旋转搅拌的方式反洗, 水流对滤料的冲刷力同样不大, 反洗不够彻底; 清水耗费量大; 叶片对滤料伤害大。由于过滤时压盘压紧滤料, 液压系统需长时间保压, 所以系统有一定的故障率, 液路系统需经常保养维护。若无一定的保压, 则滤料压紧程度不够, 达不到过滤精度要求。 从上面2种过滤器来看, 压紧式纤维球过滤器的过滤精度较高, 但由于结构原因, 反洗不彻底,机构较复杂, 故障率较高, 结构需进一步改进。有生产厂家尝试在反洗方面摈弃搅拌叶片, 从罐壁侧向直接泵水反洗, 可减轻对滤料的伤害。但过滤及反洗效果如何未见报道。21纤维束过滤器江汉机械研究所研究开发的压紧式纤维束过滤器结构见图4。 近几年来该过滤器在油田的应用中取得了很好的精细过滤效果。该过滤器过滤水质指标: 进口水质含油质量浓度≤30 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤30mg/L, 出口水质含油质量浓度≤5 mg/L, 悬浮物质量浓度≤3 mg/L, 粒径≤2μm[ 1, 2 ] 。该过滤器滤料采用长1 m的纤维, 捆扎成束,固定在上滤盘。上滤盘起布水的作用。反洗开始时, 反洗水从上进水口进入滤罐, 从下部流出; 下部升降电动机启动通过螺旋带动下托盘下行, 松开纤维束; 上部电动机带动上滤盘交替正反转, 滤料在水中受到较大的水流冲刷。过滤时上部旋转停止, 下部升降电动机带动下托盘上行, 压紧纤维束。滤液从下部进入, 从上部流出。纤维束过滤器水力冲刷力强, 反洗效果非常好, 这就保证了过滤精度的长期稳定。不足之处是更换滤料不方便, 需用吊车开罐取出滤料; 同时滤盘边缘部分纤维束的磨损较严重, 上部电动机启动时功率要求较大。下部空间大, 会导致过滤器整体高度较高。 新型波轮式纤维球过滤器 从上述油田注水过滤器的分析可以看出, 如果解决了反洗问题, 压紧式纤维球过滤器具有很好的推广应用前景。鉴于此, 新设计了一种新型波轮式纤维球过滤器, 其结构如图5所示。 在设计上纤维球被限制在压盘和波轮之间。上部采用旋转电动机通过螺旋传动带动压盘做往复运动, 下部波轮承托。压盘和波轮盘上均匀布满布水孔, 起到布水的作用。反洗时, 反洗水从下部进入罐内, 从上部流出, 罐内充满清水后进出口阀门关闭; 同时压盘上行松开滤料, 下部电动机旋转, 带动大波轮交替正反转, 从而带动罐内静止清水迅速正反转, 使滤料受到较大的水力振荡冲刷。此过程重复数次, 直至滤料洗净。过滤时滤液高进低出,波轮停止旋转, 压盘下行压紧纤维球, 其压紧程度由编码器预先控制。 在罐壁上也可设计捕集管, 以收集散纤维。根据纤维散落多少决定滤料的添加和更换。该过滤器实现了过滤、反洗及压紧的xx自动化控制和调节, 通过编码器及控制系统控制上部旋转轴的旋转圈数和角度, 从而控制压盘的行程, 所有控制均在一个控制面板上实现。这种新型波轮式纤维球过滤器结构简单, 不易出故障。反洗充分利用水力振荡, 反洗彻底; 采用大波轮可实现在水中快速造旋, 故其转速不高且反转容易、迅速, 波轮叶片较平滑, 使其对纤维球的伤害最小。由于在反洗过程中间断使用反洗清水,比原来的反洗方式节约清水, 这在水资源稀缺的北方地区具有很大的环保意义和经济意义。与前述纤维束过滤器相比, 在同等排量下, 旋转电动机功率大为减小, 更换滤料比纤维束过滤器方便得多, 整体高度也较低。

“ Oilfield water level of technology with the fiber filter analysis”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国过滤器网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

In order to improve the accuracy of oil field injection water treatment to further enhance the efficiency of oil field development, comparative analysis of the oilfield is now in several fiber filter structure and filter backwash principle, in this based on the wheel of a new type of wave filter design. The new filter using impeller produces hydraulic oscillation of positive inversion to improve the fiber ball filter backwash effect of the filter would minimize the damage, and can save a large number of anti-washing water, also achieved filtering, anti-washing, compaction degree of automatic control, can fully meet the Oilfield fluid fine filtration requirements. In recent years, the development of China's oil fields have entered the latter part of the old oil field injection water, and water quality requirements are increasing. Exploration in the new reserves, low permeability, and our new proved reserves of ultra-low permeability of the total reserves of about 70% of the country unused reserves of low-permeability accounted for more than 60%, so further improve the oil into the water, using more advanced fine filtering technology, the development of low-permeability oil fields to enhance crude oil production of great significance. The current domestic oil filters used in water are mainly quartz sand filter, Walnut Shell Filter, Fiber Ball Filter and a small amount of fiber bundle filter. Quartz sand filter, walnut shell filters for wastewater treatment accuracy is not high, it is difficult to achieve low permeability oilfield injection water quality index requirements. Practice has proved that to further enhance the precision of treatment effects and filters, using pressed fiber filter is economical and practical, technically entirely feasible. The author of such filter structures are compared and analyzed, designed a new type of structure, filter, this type of filter has a backwash thoroughly, little damage to the filter, filter backwash high accuracy and conservation of water and so on. Oil filter technology are now using fiber analysis of 11 fiber ball filter fiber ball filter and mechanical non-Clamp-Clamp-in two kinds. (1) non-Clamp-fiber ball filter filter filter of this type of more scattered, the tightness is not high, antifouling capability is not strong, filtering accuracy is not high, its water filtration index: imports of oil-water concentrations ≤ 50 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 50 mg / L, the concentration of oil-exporting water ≤ 10 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 5 mg / L, commonly used as a coarse filter. Non-compaction-type fiber ball filter structure shown in Figure 1. This type of filters at low prices higher when the filtrate, and anti-anti-washing, when washing at low prices, anti-washing non-stop, water consumed in large quantities; stirring paddle a standard straight blade or a helical blade on the filter material injury to large , causing the paddle generally not reversed, so that fiber ball and flow with the rotating motion, resulting in anti-washing of the filter flushing little difficult to clean filter. (2) Clamp-fiber ball filter to improve filtering precision, filter manufacturers to develop a variety of structures with a pressed body fiber ball filter as two fine filters; the filters water quality indicators: import water Oil mass concentration ≤ 30 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 30 mg / L, export of water, oil concentration ≤ 5 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 3 mg / L, depending on the extent and pressed to liquid pollution levels, Filter also improve accuracy. Are presented two kinds of oil used in this filter. ① pressed institutional mounted fiber ball filter: This upper Clamp-fiber ball filter structure shown in Figure 2. The filter uses hydraulic cylinder or screw the upper platen drive up and down movement, filtration downstream pressed fiber ball, anti-wash filter when the upstream release. Filter structure into the lower part, rely on mixing blades rotating mixing. Pressure plate with sieve plate, replacing the original non-pressed-type water distribution sieve tubes, sieve or a sieve-plate still use the lower part of the catchment. The same as with non-compaction, high filtration the filtrate at low prices, anti-anti-washing, when washing at low prices, anti-washing non-stop, water consumed in large quantities. Mixing blade design standard straight blade or a helical blade, not reverse. This structure is the beginning of the anti-stirring blade washing the fiber balls hurt even more damage may result in the formation of a large number of fibers the ball loose fibers, filter easy to drain, fiber easy to plug body clearance; anti-scouring power washing of the filter is not, filter Similarly easy to clean, so that filtering precision down, use the result is not satisfactory. ② pressed agencies under the home-style fiber ball filter: This lower Clamp-fiber ball filter structure shown in Figure 3. The filter installation of the upper part of mixing motor and reducer, the lower part of installation of telescopic hydraulic cylinder. High filtrate filtration at low prices, and anti-anti-washing, when washing at low prices, and anti-non-stop washing. Pressure plate and filter plate are used sieve plate, fiber balls is limited to between the pressure plate and filter plate, filter the start of contraction in the lower part of the piston hydraulic cylinder to drive trays, connecting rod, pressure plate down, pressed media; Backwash the beginning of the piston out to drive trays, connecting rod, pressure plate up, release the filter, relying on counter-stirring blade washing. The filter installation of fluid due to the lower cylinder, so the overall height is higher; same time, because the piston stroke limits, anti-wash up little space, filter material can not fully released, it is anti-washing is not thorough enough. Using one-way rotating mixing blade the way anti-washing, water erosion of the filter is not the same force, anti-washing is not thorough enough; of water consumption is high; leaves major damage to the filter. As the filtration pressure plate compaction filter, the hydraulic system will take time and packing, so the system has a certain failure rate, fluid path system need regular maintenance. Without a certain degree of packing, then filter pressed was inadequate, and fail to filter the required precision. From the above two kinds of filters of view, Clamp-fiber ball filter filtration precision is high, but because of structural reasons, anti-washing is not thorough, more complex organizations, failure rates are relatively high, the structure need to be further improved. There are manufacturers try to wash areas in anti-rejection mixing blades, the lateral wall from the tank directly to pump water backwash, reduce the damage to the filter. But the filtration and backwash effectiveness have not been reported. 21 fiber bundle filter Jianghan Machinery Research Institute of Research and Development Clamp-fiber bundle filter structure shown in Figure 4. In recent years the filter in oilfield applications and achieved very good precision filtering effect. The filters water quality indicators: import water oil concentration ≤ 30 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 30mg / L, export quality oil concentration ≤ 5 mg / L, suspended solids concentration ≤ 3 mg / L, size ≤ 2μm [1, 2]. The filter filtration using 1 m length of fiber, tied into bundles, fixed in the filter plate. On the filter plate from the role of water distribution. Backwash the beginning, anti-washing into the filter tank from the outlet of upward mobility, from the lower part of outflow; the lower lift motor starting, driven by spiral tray down, release the fiber bundle; upper filter plate on a motor driven alternately positive inversion, filter the water subject to greater erosion of the water. Filter rotate when the upper stop, the bottom tray lift motor driven upward, pressed fiber bundles. Filtrate from the lower entry, from the upper flow. Fiber bundle filter water erosion and strong anti-washing effect is very good, which ensure the long-term stability of the filtration accuracy. Shortcomings are to replace the filter inconvenient to remove the filter need to use the cable car to open cans; the same time, the edge part of the fiber bundle filter plate wear and tear of more serious, the upper part of a larger power requirements when the motor starts. The lower part of a large space, will lead to higher overall height filter. New wave-wheel Fiber Ball Filter From the above analysis of oil field water injection filter can be seen that, if resolved the issue of anti-washing, Clamp-fiber ball filter has a good promotion prospects. In view of this, the new design of a new type of wave-wheel fiber ball filter, its structure shown in Figure 5. In the design fiber ball is limited to between the platen and the pulsator. The upper rotating motor driven by screw drive reciprocating motion of platen to do, supporting the lower pulsator. Pressure plate and wave wheel uniformly covered with cloth of water holes, played the role of water distribution. Anti-wash, anti-washing from the bottom into the tank, from the upper outflow of the tank filled with clean water after the Import & Export valves closed; the same time, release the pressure plate up filter, the lower part of motor rotation, drive large pulsator alternately positive inversion, thereby stimulating rapid positive inversion static tank of water, so that filter material subject to greater erosion of hydraulic oscillation. This process repeated several times until the filter clean. High filtrate filtration at low prices, impeller stops rotating, the pressure plate down pressed fiber ball, which pressed pre-control level from the encoder. In the tank wall can also be designed to trap tube to collect the loose fibers. According to the number of decisions filter fibers scattered additions and replacement. This filter implements filtering, anti-washing, and pressed fully automated control and regulation by the encoder and control system for control of the upper part of the rotation axis of rotation and angle of laps to control pressure plate of the itinerary, all the controls are in a control panel to achieve. This new wave of wheeled fiber ball filter structure is simple, easy to fail. Backwash make full use of hydraulic shocks, anti-wash thoroughly; using a large impeller can be made to achieve rapid rotation in the water, so the speed is not high and reversed easily and quickly, impeller blade smoother to minimize the damage of fiber balls. Due to intermittent use of anti-washing process backwash water, backwash than the original way to save water, the water scarcity in the northern region of great environmental significance and economic significance. With the aforementioned filter fiber bundle than in the same displacement, the rotary motor power greatly reduced, replace the filter than the filter fiber bundle is much more convenient, lower overall height.

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