就是说这个游戏主要采用了什么机制,熟悉这些机制的话,就可以了解这个游戏大概的玩法了。 我想对大家设计游戏也有一些帮助的。 粗略地翻译了一下,有些战棋的东西实在不知所云 还有很多东西要意译的,大家挑挑错吧 Acting表演 Players must represent another/perform theatrically 玩家需要表演 代表游戏:Time's Up! Action Point Allowance System 行动点数分配系统 Players get a set number of points each turn to devote to various actions, at their discretion 每一轮玩家得到一定的行动点数,玩家需要分配这些点数来执行不同的行动。 代表游戏:Tikal , Jambo Area Control区域控制 Players score points or gain abilities by having more of their units in an area than other players. 玩家因在某区域内有更大的影响力而获得分数 代表游戏:Samurai(武士) , Carcassonne(卡卡送) Area Enclosure 区域包围 Fence off or surround. 将一个区域围起来 代表游戏:Blokus(角斗士), 围棋 Area Movement 区域移动 Chiefly for war games, movement traverses irregular areas rather than a grid. 主要是在战棋中,棋子在不规则的区域里移动,而不是方格里。 代表游戏: Risk(大战役) War of the Ring (魔戒战争) Area-Impulse Each impulse, players activate map areas and move units in those areas to accomplish movement and combat. Used in Avalon Hill titles such as Storm over Arnhem, Thunder at Cassino, Turning Point: Stalingrad and Breakout: Normandy. Auction/Bidding拍卖出价 Evaluation and bidding for elements. 为一个物品估价、出价 代表游戏:Modern Art现代艺术 Power Grid电力网络 Betting/Wagering下注 Players risk money to gain more money, based on the outcome of the game or sub-game. 玩家为了获得金币而下赌注,基于整盘游戏或游戏某一部分的结果。 代表游戏:Colossal Arena(竞技场) Liar’s Dice(大话骰) Campaign/Battle Card Driven 卡牌驱动的战役或战斗 War games featuring card-driven battles and/or general game events. 由卡牌来引导战斗或激发游戏事件的战棋游戏 代表游戏:Memoir ‘44(44年回忆录) Card Drafting 手牌规划 Players make selections from a number of open card choices. 玩家从几种出牌方式中做出选择。 代表游戏:Magic (万智牌) Lost Cities(失落古城) Ticket to Ride (车票之旅) Chit-Pull System In war games, drawing chits which give extraordinary abilities. Co-operative Play 玩家合作 All of the players, or all but one, play as a team and win or lose together. 所有的玩家(或除一个玩家之外的所有玩家)作为一个团队共享胜利或失败 代表游戏:Shadows over Camelot(卡美洛的阴影) Scotland Yard (苏格兰场) Commodity Speculation投机 Players acquire commodities or other speculative elements in the hope that the value will rise. 玩家取得一些商品或者别的元素,期望其增值而赚取差价。 代表游戏:Acquire, Modern Art Crayon Rail System 着色铁路系统 Players draw (usually railroad) tracks between cities. 玩家在城市之间绘制路线(通常是铁路) 代表游戏:Empire Builder Dice Rolling 掷骰子 无需解释 代表游戏:Settlers of Catan卡坦岛 Yspahan Hand Management手牌管理 Players are given a collection of cards with which to accomplish a set of goals with the caveat being that players should be very frugal with the cards 玩家通过大量的卡牌来完成一系列的目标,且要求玩家对卡牌的使用很有节制。 代表游戏:Magic (万智牌) Ticket to Ride (车票之旅) San Juan(圣胡安) Hex-and-Counter 六边形地图格战棋 Played by moving cardboard counters over a map superimposed with a hexagonal grid as in many wargames 很多战棋游戏中,移动六边形地图上的棋子的一种游戏。 Line Drawing 画线 Players produce a likeness by making lines on a surface. 玩家用线勾勒出一些形状 代表游戏:Pictionary, Squint Memory记忆力 Memorizing hidden game states is useful in playing well. 想要玩好游戏需要记忆隐藏的游戏要素 代表游戏:Mamma Mia Modular Board可变游戏板 The playing surface of this game is composed of changeable elements which are vary with each playing (different setup), or mutate during play. 游戏板由可变的要素组成,每一次游戏均不相同,或可以在游戏进行中改变。 代表游戏:Settlers of Catan(卡坦岛) Memoir ‘44(44年回忆录) Paper-and-Pencil 纸和笔 Plays mostly using pencil and paper. Does not include games like Bridge where it only includes scorekeeping or Boggle where where it is merely used to record information. 大部分需要用到纸和笔(但不是用来记录分数或游戏信息) 代表游戏:Cranium(但这个游戏不需要纸和笔……),1000 Blank White Cards (1000张白卡) Partnerships搭档 Each player cooperates with at least one other, winning or losing as a team. 每位玩家至少和另一名玩家合作,作为一个团队共享成功或失败。 代表游戏: 斗地主(Tichu) 桥牌(Bridge) xx游戏(Werewolf) WOW(魔兽世界) Pattern Building 图案组合 BGG没有做出解释,这一类游戏其实就是比较传统的Puzzle Game,根据不同配件的图案、颜色或者形状的相同性质或不同性质,按照一定规律组合起来。 代表游戏: Ingenious Pattern Recognition 图案识别 仍然是没有解释,跟上一个机制比较相似,但更强调“识别” 代表游戏: Blokus(角斗士) Pick-up and Deliver 拾取和运送 Players need to physically move resources around the board to fill demands or game requirements. 玩家需要在地图上移动游戏配件,为了某种需求或游戏需要 代表游戏:Niagara(尼亚加拉) Point to Point Movement 点对点运动 按字面理解 代表游戏:Hey! That’s MY FISH Rock-Paper-Scissors 剪刀石头布 Based on the simple children's game of the same name, players attempt to out wit opponents by correctly guessing and countering others' moves. Also, Rock-Paper-Scissors requires that some moves are 'better' than others. 与剪刀石头布的原理相似的游戏机制——玩家需要猜测对手的行动,同时,玩家的一些行动可能会比别的行动要好。 代表游戏:剪刀石头布, Hoity Toity(上流社会) Role Playing 角色扮演 无需解释 代表游戏:Munchkin(小白牌), Betrayal at House on the Hill(山屋背叛?) Roll and Move 掷骰子移动 大概……也不需要解释吧? 代表游戏:Monopoly (强手棋 / 大富翁), Backgammon (双陆棋) Secret Unit Deployment 秘密单位调度 Player's on-board resources are not implicitly known by all players, all the time. 玩家棋盘上的单位对于其它玩家来说是神秘的。 代表游戏:军棋, Fury of Dracula(德古拉的狂怒) Set Collection收集手牌 Players seek to acquire particular sets of elements and usually more of one type is better. 玩家需要收集一定的卡牌组合,通常某一种组合会优于另一种组合。 代表游戏:Lost Cities(失落古城) Bohnanza(种豆) Simulation 模拟 BGG没有解释,应该是以模拟真实为目的。 代表游戏:War of the Ring(魔戒战争),Wings of War(战争之翼) Simultaneous Action Selection 同时行动 Each player picks his action for the turn secretly, and then all moves are resolved simultaneously 每位玩家同时秘密进行行动,然后一起揭开。 代表游戏:Category 5 / 6 Nimmt , For Sale Singing 唱歌 发出声音就算 代表游戏:Cranium Stock Holding股份持有 Players acquire interest through purchasing stock, which usually means one player doesn't have exclusive control/benefit over an element. 玩家从股份中获得红利,而不拥有对某物{jd1}的所有权和全部利益。 代表游戏:Acquire Storytelling 讲故事 都能理解 代表游戏:Once Upon A Time (很久很久以前) Tile Placement 放置板块 This game features non-moving tiles arranged on a playing surface. 以放置不移动的游戏板进行游戏为特征 代表游戏:Carcassonne(卡卡送) Tigris & Euphrates(两河流域) Trading 交易 Players exchange resources to better suit their individual needs. 玩家之间为了更好的资源组合进行交换 代表游戏:Settlers of Catan(卡坦岛) Bohnanza (种豆) Trick-taking 诡计 A genre of card games which has players serially putting cards up with the winner (by whatever means ) getting some sort of reward/penalty for his troubles. 由一个玩家打出牌,玩家连续地跟牌,从而得到某种形式地奖励或惩罚。 代表游戏:斗地主(Tichu),Frank’s Zoo Variable Phase Order可变回合顺序 Order of the phases changes from turn to turn; not all phases may be present every turn. 游戏的回合进行顺序每轮都不同,并且一轮中有一些回合可能不会出现。 代表游戏:Puerto Rico(波多黎各) Variable Player Powers 可变玩家能力 More than 2 players; each has different abilities. 游戏需要两个以上玩家进行,且每个玩家都具有不同的能力。 代表游戏:Citadels(富饶之城),Bang! Votingxx Players make game decisions together by voting. 玩家依靠xx做决定 代表游戏:Werewolf(狼人/ xx游戏) |