皮革和制鞋机械专业委员会将举行首次会议« oursolo.net









Leather and footwear machinery Professional Committee will hold the inaugural meeting

By the Ministry of Civil Affairs (Democratic Socialist Gordon 〔〕 No. 2006 No. 1200) approved the formal establishment of China Leather Association, leather and shoe-making machinery of professional committees, and will be December 25-26 in Sanya, Hainan Province held the inaugural meeting. Thus, the China Leather Association, the Professional Committee of the establishment has reached 12, including leather, fur (fur), shoes, travel shoes, leather clothing, leather, leather chemicals, leather hardware, leather technology, ball, cap, management and leather Professional Committee of shoe machinery. China Leather Industry

industrial chain integrity, and high upstream and downstream linkages, leather and shoe-making machinery of professional establishment of this Committee will be conducive for the tanning, footwear and leather processing industries provide an excellent production equipment and ancillary facilities, the promotion of leather and footwear machinery industry independent research and development, technological innovation and improve the overall quality of, and actively explore the international market, promote China’s leather industry from country to country grand goals.

will be held in Sanya China Leather Association, leather and footwear machinery Professional Committee of the inaugural meeting of the main contents are:

1, Election of China Leather Association, leather and footwear machinery Professional Committee and deputy president of the Standing Committee;

2, through the China Leather Association, leather and shoe-making machinery of professional work of the Commission regulations;

3, study of China Leather Association, leather and footwear machinery professional mission work of the Committee;

4, inform the “Eleventh Five-Year” leather industry development planning, domestic and international leather and leather machinery development;

5, Research Products and striving for famous brand leather machinery, and industry self-regulation program of work. (07-11-16)

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