
城关区主要路段下月铺管网 今年建设3座污水提升泵站

2010-03-12 14:01:56 阅读3 评论0 字号:

根据今年兰州市管网建设计划,城区敷设管网121.24公里,分三个阶段进行施工。兰州市城乡建设局将{zd0}限度地降低对城市交通的影响。根据招标公告,白银路、民主路、定西路、平凉路、皋兰路于下月起陆续动工敷设管网。 今年建设3座污水提升泵站,基本达到城区污水全收集。明年将完成城区部分老旧管网改造,实现雨、污分流。管网敷设将分三批实施,{dy}批完成39.89公里,计划3月上旬开工;第二批完成44.18公里,于5月份开工;第三批建设37.17公里,计划6月份开工建设。今年开挖区域线长面广,将会给交通带来较大影响。由于工期紧张,施工方为加快工程进度,或昼夜施工,这将给沿线市民带来影响。由于受地下管线情况复杂等影响,个别路段可能会出现延误工期的情况。兰州市城乡建设局提出,将积极与交警部门密切衔接,合理确定开工的时间和地段,{zd0}限度地降低对城市交通的影响;要主动加大与各类地下管线单位的协调力度,尽可能做到同步敷设,避免重复开挖。 近期全收集配套管网施工路段为西津东路污水管、西津西路雨水管,170#路建兰新村污水、雨水管。

“ Chengguan District, the main road network this year, next month, construction of pipe-laying to upgrade three sewage pumping stations ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

According to this year's pipeline network construction projects in Lanzhou City, urban laying of pipe network 121.24 kilometers, divided into three phases of construction. Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of Lanzhou City to minimize the impact on urban traffic. Accordance with the tender notice, silver road, democracy Road, Dingxi, Pingliang, Gaolan Road, starting next month to commence the laying of pipe network. This year construction of three sewage lifting pumping station, basically reached the city-wide sewage collection. City will be completed next year, some of the old pipe network transformation, to achieve rain, sewage diversion. The laying of pipe network will be implemented in three tranches, the first batch of the completion of 39.89 kilometers, planning began in early March; the completion of the second batch of 44.18 kilometers, was started in May; 37.17 kilometers third building is planned in June construction. Excavation this year, a long face and broad regional lines, will bring greater impact to traffic. Due to tight deadlines, the construction side to speed up the progress, or day and night construction, which will impact the people along the route. Underground pipelines due to a complicated situation, individual sections may be delayed schedule situation. Lanzhou Municipal Urban and Rural Construction Bureau, will actively close link with the traffic police department, rationally determine the start time and location, to minimize the impact on urban traffic; to take the initiative to step up with all kinds of underground pipeline units in the efforts to do as much as possible to the simultaneous laying, to avoid duplication of excavation. Supporting pipe network to collect all the recent construction of roads in the Western Jin Road sewers, stormwater pipes Xijin Road, 170 # Lu Jian-Lan Village, sewage and rain water pipe.

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