
容积泵专家ROBBINS&MYERS已引进一种在干运行条件下和高压情况下保护泵的无干扰压力传感器。   RM压力传感器被设计为安装在泵的出口处,与其它传统的‘出现/消失’探测器、定子温度探头和其它干扰型设备相反,它被认为是防止泵干扰运行的xxx方法。   同时容积泵被认为是功能xxx的泵设计之一,它具有这些优点:它能在最小磨损下,处理研磨性流体;准确计量粘稠液体;以及输送极度敏感型产品,它们的主要局限性(正如大多数泵产品)是受干运行的威胁。然而,对于用户来说,在干运行条件或高/低压情况下,使用RM压力传感器是保护他们的容积泵或其它处理设备的一种xxx的方法。   该装置由传感器、压力开关和控制箱三个基本组件构成。此传感器安装在两个标准的ANSI法兰之间,可以使流体通道畅通无阻。整个管道系统的压力探测确保外壳、固定装置或跨接不影响压力读数。还有一个特点是有一个充液压力表上可以目测到整个泵系统内的压力情况。

“ Pressure sensors for the normal operation of pumps to provide the most effective protection”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Displacement pump specialists ROBBINS & MYERS has been the introduction of a dry operating conditions and high-pressure circumstances to protect the pump without interfering with pressure sensors. RM pressure sensor is designed to be installed in the pump outlet, and other traditional 'appear / disappear' detectors, stator temperature probes and other interfering devices On the contrary, it is considered to prevent the pump to run interference with the most effective way. At the same time function of displacement pump is considered one of the most comprehensive pump design, which has these advantages: it can minimize wear and tear, to deal with abrasive fluids; accurate measurement of viscous liquids; and delivery highly sensitive products, their main limitation (as most of the pump products) is subject to the threat of running dry. However, for users, in the dry operating conditions or high / low pressure conditions, the use of RM pressure sensor is to protect their displacement pump or other processing equipment, one of the most effective method. The device consists of sensors, pressure switches and control box are three basic components. This sensor is installed in between two standard ANSI flange that allows fluid lanes. Detecting the pressure of the entire pipeline system to ensure that housing, fixed installations or jumper does not affect the pressure readings. There is also a feature of it is a fluid-filled pressure gauge can be visual to the entire pump pressure of the situation within the system.

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