
论文作者 李洪
论文导师 林玉池;姜金学,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 仪器仪表工程
论文单位 天津大学,点击次数 12,论文页数 46页File Size505k
2004-06-01 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_778121177/ 气动工具 ;质量控制; 质量管理
pneumatic tool; quality control; quality management
随着市场经济的发展,尤其是中国加入 WTO 组织以后,机电产品受到极大的冲击,气动工具也不例外。由于高品质的产品更需要严格有效的质量管理来保证。因此,认真研究质量管理体系,采取强有力的质量监督措施来保证气动工具的制造质量,是提高国内气动工具市场竞争力的重要环节,也已是迫在眉睫之事。 论文针对气动工具制造过程中的质量管理与控制问题,以前哨精密机械公司的质量管理工作为研究对象,基于现代质量管理理论,创造性地提出了一整套气动工具制造过程的质量管理方法;同时,结合气动工具制造过程的一些技术、管理特点,指出了气动工具制造过程中的质量控制点和控制方法。研究表明,气动工具生产制造全过程的质量控制点和控制方法尤为重要,这不仅对气动工具的生产制造业有极大的实用价值,而且对其它产品的制造过程的质量管理也具有参考价值。论文采用理论研究与实际应用相结合的方法,通过实际管理工作中的典型事例对气动工具制造业质量管理方法进行研究。 质量管理工作是一项技术与管理相结合的工作,在制造业中发挥质量技术的作用。主动提高产品质量,完善制造业质量管理体系是企业提升产品市场竞争力和创造更大经济效益的前提和保证。论文进行的关于质量管理和控制方面的研究成果,已在青岛前哨精密机械公司的质量管理体系中得到应用。实践表明,该方法的提出为企业的产品质量提高、经营水平的提高创造了条件,从而使企业经济效益得到明显提高。
With the development of market economy, electromechanical product including pneumatic tool has been greatly impacted, especially after China’s joining WTO. High quality must be guaranteed through strict quality control. So, to research the system of quality management and employ strong quality surveillance is vital and imperative for manufacturing quality of the pneumatic tools. This paper is intended to discuss quality management and control of pneumatic tools, which uses for a reference from Qingdao Qianshao PM Co. Based on modern thesis of quality management, the method of quality management in the process of pneumatic tool’s manufacturing is creatively presented. The method and point of quality management for pneumatic tool manufacturing is also given. Considering the characteristics of technology and management of manufacturing, the contents and methods of the control during the process of the pneumatic tools manufacturing. The research shows that the control contents and methods are very important. It not only has practical value for the industry of pneumatic tools manufacturing, but also it will be the reference for the process of other products to control quality. By combining the theory and applications in the practices in this paper, some typical examples are researched as well as methods of quality control to pneumatic tools. The quality control is a job about technology and management, which has very important in the quality. It is the precondition and ensuring to increase the ability of competition and bring big economy benefit. The research results and all the methods have been applied to Qingdao Qianshao PM Co. The conclusion can be drawn from this practice that the above methods provide the qualifications for the advance of product quality, level of management and financial gain.

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