
杭州余杭区污水收集处理系统不断健全 泵站建设完成90%

2010-03-11 11:04:37 阅读5 评论0 字号:

处于江南水乡的余杭,水网丰富,却是一个“水质性缺水”的地区。就像全国大多数地区一样,因为长期受生活污水和生产污水直接排放的影响,水质受到污染,环境也受影响。在经济社会快速发展的今天,人们逐渐认识到保护环境的重要性。余杭区委区政府越来越重视对水体的保护,特别是在建设“美丽之洲”这一战略目标提出之后,加大污水工程建设、促进截污纳管工作、实现达标排放这一关乎人们生活质量和社会后续发展的话题,被提上议事日程。近两年来,整个余杭区由西向东,污水工程、截污纳管工作全面铺开,污水收集处理系统正不断完善和健全。 污水工程大力推进 组建水务公司,实现排水与供水的统一管理与运作,是余杭区委区政府致力于污水收集处理工作的一大举措。公司在成立还不到两年的时间里,开工、投运、启动的污水工程,已经远远超过当初的设想。 回顾这两年来实施的污水工程,可圈可点的不在少数,但在水务公司总经理韩建荣的心里,最为满意的还是径山污水工程、崇贤污水处理厂工程和余杭组团污水处理工程这三大工程。径山污水工程是太湖流域污染治理的重点项目之一,工程的实施直接影响着整个太湖的水体安全。因为污水收集处理系统的长期匮乏,径山镇长乐片、潘板片、双溪片和余杭镇义桥片、苕溪北片等地区的生活污水和工业污水一直都是直排入河。随着人口和企业的增加,污水排放量也集聚上升。建设完善的污水工程、保护生态环境变得迫在眉睫,这正是实施径山污水工程的一大背景。该工程包括污水输送系统和污水收集系统。其中,输送系统需要新建3座泵站,敷设18.8公里的DN500污水管;收集系统要新建2座泵站,敷设22公里的DN300-800管道。工程浩大,但从2008年9月开工以来,才不到1年半的时间,已经完成全部5座泵站的建设,管线敷设了35公里,总工程量的进度达到90%,工程预计2010年9月就可以全部竣工,速度之快,让人惊叹。余杭区致力于污水收集处理系统的建设和完善,必将对环境的改善起到关键性的作用。

“ Hangzhou Yuhang District wastewater collection and treatment system continues to improve the pumping station be completed in 90% of the ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

In Yuhang Jiangnan Water, water network is large, it is a "lack of water" areas. Like in most parts of the country the same as long-term by domestic sewage and production effects of direct discharge of sewage, water pollution, the environment is also affected. The rapid development of economy and society today, people gradually realized the importance of protecting the environment. Yuhang District District Government increased emphasis on the protection of water bodies, especially in the construction of "Beautiful Island" was put forward in this strategic goal to increase the sewage works construction, and promote the work of cutting pollution nanotube to achieve discharge standards that relates to the people quality of life and social follow-up to the development of the topic was put on the agenda. The past two years, the entire Yuhang District, from west to east, sewage works, Sewage Interception nanotube is in full swing, sewage collection and treatment systems are continuously improved and sound. Sewage works vigorously promote The formation of Water, drainage and water supply to achieve the unity of the management and operation is Yuhang District District Government is committed to the sewage collection and treatment work in a big move. The establishment of the company less than two years, started, put into operation, start of the sewage works, has been far more than originally envisaged. Recalling the past two years the implementation of the sewage works, remarkable for a minority, but in Water Jian-Rong Han, general manager of the mind, the most satisfactory or Keng Shan sewage works, Chong-Xian sewage treatment plant works and sewage treatment works, Yuhang organize groups of these three a major project. Keng Shan sewage pollution control in Taihu Lake Basin project is one of the focus, implementation of the project directly affects the security of the whole body of water in Taihu Lake. Sewage collection and treatment systems because of the long-term lack of Changle Town Trail films, Pan sheet, film and Yuhang town of Sungai yiqiao films, Shao Sibei piece of living areas such as sewage and industrial effluent into the river has always been straight. As the population and businesses increase, increased concentration of effluent emissions. Construction of proper sewage works, protecting the ecological environment has become imminent, this is the implementation of a major sewage works Keng Shan background. The project comprises the sewerage system and sewage collection systems. Among them, three delivery systems need a new pumping station, laying of 18.8 kilometers of sewage pipes DN500; collection system to a new two pumping stations, laying of 22 km DN300-800 pipe. Enormous task, but in September 2008 has been started only less than a year and a half, has completed the construction of five pumping stations, pipelines, laying of 35 kilometers, the total project amount of the progress bar reaches 90% of the project is expected in 2010 can all be completed in September, faster than amazing. Yuhang District is committed to the construction of wastewater collection and treatment systems and improvement of improvement of the environment is bound to play a key role.

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