春季保湿补水面膜一周用几次{zh0}» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网
















Spring moisture replenishment mask several times a week with the best

Deposition mask believe that we are often operated skin care program, may also be done 1-2 times a week. However, mask deposition, there are many considerations, your steps correct? Today, an up and sharing in the spring how to use moisturizing mask, how to spare skin-care steps to bar!

Mask before use, use the mask do first allergy test before the best

step1: use the mask before, it is best do first allergy test, will be dressing put on a little mask on the back of the hand, 30 minutes after the wash, if the smear place free of red itchy reaction, you can wipe the face. Especially for the DIY mask, but should adhere to do first allergy testing habits.

step2: Tu mask, we should take up remover, wash your face, if necessary, can also first go to horny, to facilitate the absorption of mask, but also to prevent dirt and dust into the pores.

Mask in progress, and the eyes should not be painted mask

step3: After washing face, before putting the mask first before with hot towels, wet compress on the face for three minutes, and then in the face three to five minutes throughout the massage to enhance at attaining results.

step4: Use moisturizing mask, if it is coated mask, you can in the bath at the same time, in particular, is conducive to recharge and absorption Oh! Apply mask is easy to dry, if you use a bath, to avoid a strong skin tingling can also be mask moisture from the skin anti-smoking Oh!

step5: Tu Mask of the order, from the neck, jaw, cheeks, nose, lips, forehead, from bottom to top; eyes and around the eyebrows, upper and lower lip is not painted mask parts. Must pay attention to the location of smear mask it! Best to start with easy to dry parts of T-painted effect, and finally the U District.

Mask after use, remove the mask to his face after the residue washed

step6: Mask coating about 15 minutes later, the touch of a finger can be used, if not feel sticky, you can start from the film edge, bottom-up slowly thrown off. Generally speaking, the mask will lead to dry skin tightening, wrinkles, so to immediately remove the mask when it is dry, do not long remain in the skin or overnight.

step7: remove the mask after the application of clean, warm water to wash his face residues, and then with cold towels Fumian a moment, to promote the pores shrink and finally painted soothing cosmetics. Do note that the convergence step, some cleaning or exfoliating of mask, if the latter handled carelessly, it is likely to cause injury to the skin Oh!

Special Note: For more texture, a special mask, you can follow the instructions to use the time to clean. Should the skin, but does not feel the need to immediately clean Oh! Information safety first then. For the DIY mask, preferably 15 minutes cleaning.

Mask the use of frequency Time: In principle, mask the use of two to three times a week can be, facial acne, chloasma, senile plaques who may be painted a week once or twice in order to enhance the effect; and proteins Mask , use is not frequent, twice a week or so to be limited.


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