
故障现象:修理工反映:“一辆125型踏板车(GY6发动机),发动机冷态很难启动,启动后开始工作的几分钟内运转不平稳,但发动机热态工作良好、启动容易。反复检查,汽缸密封与压缩良好;火花塞电极间跳火良好;燃油通路畅通;清洗化油器无效;试换点火线圈、点火器、点火充电线圈、脉冲触发线圈也无效;更换发动机润滑油,从火花塞孔向汽缸内注少量润滑油,还无效。怎么也找不到故障原因。” 故障分析与排除:根据修理工反映该车的现象与该车化油器上设置有“电热式自动启动加浓装置”的特点分析认为,该车故障的原因是“发动机冷态时电热式自动启动加浓装置的针阀不能开启,使可燃混合气不能加浓,不能适应发动机冷态启动需要。其他部位没有故障。”理由是,发动机热态工作良好,启动容易。 卸下化油器检查发现,电热式自动启动加浓装置的针阀因卡滞不能开启。xx其卡滞后,发动机冷态启动容易,怠速工作平稳,加速反应灵敏,故障排除。 值得注意的是,电热式自动启动加浓装置的电源线断路时,则使发动机冷态时启动、工作良好,但发动机热态时因混合气过浓而工作不良、不易启动以至启动困难。

“ engine cold start electric needle can not be opened”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国针型阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



Failure phenomenon: mechanic report: "a 125-type scooters (GY6 engines), it is difficult to start the engine cold, start to work within a few minutes after the operation is not smooth, but the engine thermal working well, start easily. Repeated examination, Cylinder seals and compression good; spark plug electrodes arcing good; fuel channel flow; cleaning carburetor is invalid; trial for ignition coil, igniter, ignition coil charging, pulse trigger coils are null and void; replacing engine oil, from the spark plug hole to the Injection of a small amount of cylinder lubricating oil, but also invalid. how could not find cause of the malfunction. " Troubleshooting: According to the mechanic to reflect the phenomenon of the car and the car carburetor set the "automatic start-enriched electric device" the characteristics of analysis, the causes of the car is "cold engine starts automatically when the electric-type plus thick needle device can not be opened, so that combustible mixture can not add thick, can not meet the needs of the engine cold start. other parts of the no fault. "The reason is that the engine thermal working well, start easy. Found to remove the carburetor, electric automatic start-enriched needle device can not be opened due to catching. To eliminate the card lag, the engine cold start easily, idle smoothly working to accelerate the response, and troubleshooting. It is worth noting that the electric automatic start-enriched devices, power line circuit, then the engine starts when cold, work is good, but the engine hot due to bad to work the mixture too thick and difficult to activate as well as difficulty in starting.


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