一种带可调式组合阀芯的闸阀- 中国闸阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-23 11:12:37 阅读4 评论0 字号:


一、技术背景: 现有的闸阀在阀体、阀盖及各部件均完好的情况下,仅仅是密封面稍有变形或腐蚀,阀门就不能使用。修复这些阀门非专业厂不行,所以造成极大的浪费。因此使用单位希望的闸阀是:阀座、阀板密封面不易变形,耐腐蚀,易损的密封材料可换。阀板在启闭时与密封面不要有磨擦或尽量减少磨擦。 二、发明目的:解决阀座和阀板的密封面腐蚀或变形后,阀板能自动补偿的并压紧密封面以及阀门与阀板间压力自动平衡的问题,解决软密封材料受磨擦而损坏密封面的问题,由于该闸阀的密封套可换,大大的增长阀门的使用寿命。 三、实用范围:通径φ50-φ400mm ,压力2.5-4.0MPa,小于200℃的各种常温液体。 四、技术方案:该阀为双平行闸板阀,入口密封方式,入口阀板由密封套和卸力阀板组成为主密封闸板。密封套与卸力阀板同步移动但又不相连,管道压力通过卸力阀板、调平力臂传递给出口面的阀座,这样将大幅度的提高软密封面的结合力。阀板外面套有耐腐蚀橡胶密封套。软密封材料在启闭过程中,与阀座保持有一定的距离,使软密封材料在无磨擦无折压的环境中工作。密封套将管道中输送的液体与阀芯内的部件隔离,免受液体的腐蚀和杂质的阻塞。此阀的密封材料更换非常方便,所以使用寿命是一般闸阀的5倍以上。 附:另有“三偏心球面密封闸阀”和“滑套式双面软密封闸阀”已申请办理专利。三偏心球面密封闸阀是一种直通管道式球面软硬双密封闸阀,具有软密封材料可换,阻力小,寿命长的特点。“滑套式双面软密封闸阀”是对有特殊要求双面软密封闸阀。此闸阀同样具有密封材料可换,寿命长的特点。

“ a kind of combination of adjustable valve spool of the ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

A technical background: The existing valve in the valve body, valve cover and all components are intact case, the sealing surface is only a slight deformation or corrosion, the valve can not be used. Repair of these valves non-professional works not, it caused great waste. Therefore, using the valve unit of hope is: the valve seat, valve plate sealing surface is not easy deformation, corrosion-resistant, fragile sealing material can change. Valve plate with the sealing surface of the headstock there is friction or not to minimize friction. Second, the invention Objective: To solve the valve seat and valve plate sealing surface corrosion, or deformation, the valve plate and which can automatically compensate for pressure close the cover and the pressure between the valve and the valve plate self-balancing problem, to solve the soft sealing material damaged by the friction sealing surface, because it is sealed, the valve cover can be changed, greatly increase the service life of the valve. Third, practical range: diameter φ50-φ400mm, pressure 2.5-4.0MPa, less than 200 ℃ in a variety of room temperature liquids. 4, the technology program: the valve pairs of parallel gate valve, sealing the entrance way, entrance valve plate from sealed packages and unloading force composed of the main seal gate valve plate. Seal kits and unloading force valve plate synchronize mobile but not connected to the pipeline pressure to force through the discharge valve plate, leveling arm passed to the export side seat, which would greatly increase the binding force of the soft sealing surface. Valve plate outside the set of a corrosion-resistant rubber seal set. The soft sealing material in the hoist process, with the valve seat to maintain a certain distance, so that the soft sealing material in the absence of friction-free folding pressure environment. Seal sets of the pipeline transport of liquids and spool components within the isolation from the corrosive liquids and impurities blocking. This valve is very convenient to replace the sealing material, so life is 5 times higher than normal valve. Attachment: Another "three eccentric spherical sealing gate valve" and the "sleeve-type double-sided soft sealing gate valve" has to apply for patents. Three eccentric spherical sealing valve is a direct pipeline spherical soft and hard pairs of sealing valve with soft sealing materials can be changed, the resistance, long life characteristics. "Sleeve-type double-sided soft sealing gate valve" is to have special requirements for double-sided soft sealing gate valve. This valve also has a sealing material can be changed, long life characteristics.

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