
水力控制阀是由一只主阀及其外装之针形阀和先导阀等组合而成。 水力控制阀是一系列多用途控制与安全类阀门的总称。主要包括: 1)遥控浮球阀; 2)减压阀; 3)缓闭式止回阀; 4)泄压阀; 5)持压阀等等。 它们的主要特点是: 在作用 方式上利用介质自身压力及液压系统操作,并能自动控制,动作准确、性能可靠,可广泛应用于生活生产及消防给水系统管道中起控制与安全作用。 但在工程中应用水力控制阀时,还存在一定误区,如阀的适用条件,阀的设计选用要求,安装要点等,为此,本文拟以 CECS 标准《水力控制阀应用设计规程》(送审稿)为基础,结合本人的体会来阐述上述诸方面的问题。 1 、水力控制阀设计选用要点 ( 1 )工程式中应用的水力控制阀是经过制造厂检验合格,各种标识齐全,技术资料符合要求的产品。 ( 2 )根据功能要求,选择阀门种类,再根据管道输送介质、温度、建筑标准和业主 要要求 等,确定阀门的阀体和密封部位的材质。常用的阀 体材料有铸铁 、铜铁、铜、塑料等。常用的密封面和衬里材料有铜合金、塑料、钢、硬质合金、橡胶等。阀 体材料应与 管道材料相匹配。 ( 3 )阀门的公称压力有 0.6 、 1.0 、 1.6 、 2.5 和 4.0MPa 等不同级别,管道输送的介质,其工作压力应小于阀门的公称压力值。 ( 4 )工程中水力控制阀的设置应当有足够的空间,以便管理、操作、安装和维修,并应符合管路对阀门的要求。 ( 5 )管路采用法兰连接时,应采用法兰连接的水力控制阀;管路采用沟槽式连接时,应采用沟槽式连接的水力控制阀。 ( 6 )水力控制阀应设置在介质单向流动的管路上。 ( 7 )水力控制阀主阀体上的箭头方向必须与管路系统流向一致。 ( 8 )接水力控制阀管段不 应有气堵 、气阻现象。在管网{zg}位置 等存气段 应设置自动排气阀。 ( 9 )阀门水平安装时, 阀盖 、阀杆应朝上。垂直安装时, 阀盖 、阀杆应朝外。 ( 10 )阀门安装前应做强度和严密性试验。 ( 11 )阀门的强度和严密性试验应符合以下规定。 A 、阀门的强度试验压力为公称压力的 1.5 倍; B 、阀门的严密性试验压力为公称压力的 1.5 倍; C 、试验压力在试验持续时间内应保持不变,且壳体填料及阀瓣密封面无渗漏; D 、阀门试验持续时间按上表。 2 、 摇控浮球阀 ( 1 )一种液位自动控制阀门,利用控制回路中浮球阀的开启和磁闭来控制主阀的开启和关闭, 从而达到设定液位控制的阀门. (2) 遥控 浮球组应由 以下组件组成 ( 沿水流方向 ) A 、控制阀 (闸阀或蝶阀); B、过滤器; C、遥控浮球阀。 注:A、如介质较为洁净时,可用主阀导管系统内微型过滤器代替管道过滤器。 B、安装现场,应有拆卸过滤器的空间。 (3)当生活、生产、消防给水系统的水池(箱)其进水管公称直径大于或等于50mm时宜设置遥控浮球阀。 (4)遥控浮球的公称通径应与管路公称直径相同。 (5)遥控浮球阀前应设置过滤器,过滤器应符合下列规定: A、滤网材料应有足够强度和刚度,宜采用不锈钢和铜制作;滤网孔口水流总面积应为管道截面积的1.5~2倍,孔数应为20~60目。 B、应便于清污。 (6)遥控浮球阀应设置在水池或水箱的进水管道上,宜水平安装,阀盖朝上。其控制导管与浮球设置庆符合以下要求: A、遥控浮球阀控制导管应充分固定在水池或水箱上,控制导管总长度宜下超过8cm,浮球中心应距进水口1cm以外或进水管应采取消波装置。 B、同一水池或水箱内高出溢流水位以上部位应有防止回流污染破坏虹吸现象的通气孔,孔径10mm,孔中心与溢流水位高度应符合下表的规定。 (8) 遥控浮球阀出水管在水池或水箱内宜采用淹没出流方式,以减上水流噪声,管口应低于{zd1}水位,但距水池或水箱的应不小于 50mm 。 (9)遥控浮球阀紧贴水池或水箱壁安装。 (10)遥控 浮 球阀出水管为金属管或复合管时,在水池或水箱内管外壁应采取防腐蚀措施。 3、可调式减压阀 (1)能减动压和静压,并将阀前介质传递至阀后,且阀后压力在一定范围内可以自由调节的阀门。按结构型式可分为直接驱动的直接式减压阀和设有先导装置的先导式减压阀。 (2)可调式减压阀的组成(沿水流方向) A、控制阀; B、过滤器; C、阀前后的压力表; D、可调式减压阀; E、 可曲挠 橡胶接头或管道伸缩器; F、控制阀门。 注:A、当可调式减压阀主阀体带有压力表时,减压阀组可不设置压力表。 B、当可调式减压阀主阀体自身带有过滤装置时,减压阀组可不设过滤器。 C、安装现场应有拆卸过滤装置的空间。 (3)生活、生产、消防给水和热水供应系统,在需要减静压的场所,并符合下列情况时,应装设给水减压阀: A 、 高层建筑需要竖向分区给水,且不设置减压水箱时; B 、 需减静压时; C 、用水点或消防给水设施要求供水压力稳定时。 ( 4 )减压阀宜设置两组,其中一组备用。 ( 5 )减压阀的设置 诮 便于管理、操作、安装和维修;减压阀不宜设置在吊顶和住宅户门内;当减压阀设置在管道井内时应留出足够的空间。 ( 6 )减压阀应设置在单向流动的管道上。 ( 7 )可调式减压阀的选用应符合下列要求: A 、减压阀的直径应按产品的按产品的流量——水头损失曲线选定; B 、可调式减压阀的压力等级应高于预定的阀前压力值; C 、可调式减压阀阀后{zg}压力和{zd1}压力应符合下表的规定。( MPa ) D 、 阀前{zd1}压力应大于阀后动压力0.2MPa ; E 、生活给水系统可调式减压阀,阀前与阀后的{zd0}压差不大于0.4MPa ;在有安静要求的场所(住宅、旅馆、医院)生活给水系统可调式减压阀前与阀后的{zd0}压差不宜大于0.3 MPa。当生活给水系统可调式减压阀前与阀后的{zd0}压差值超过上述规定时,可调式减压阀宜串联设置或采取防噪声措施。 ( 8 )当可调式减压阀公称直径不大于 50mm 时,应采用直线式减压阀;当大于 50mm 小于 100mm 时,宜采用先导式减压阀。 ( 9 )对用水量极不均匀的某些高层民用建筑(如旅馆、住宅、医院),在有安静要求的场合,可调式减压阀 宜异径 并联设置。异径并联设置时应符合下列要求; A 、按主、副减压阀工作情况和流量特性确定主、副减压阀直径。一般副减压阀 宜比主 减压阀公称直径小两级或两级以上; B 、副减压阀阀 后压力宜比主 减压阀的阀 后压力 高 00.020~0.035 MPa (动压值)。 注:A 、异径并联设置时,通过的设计流量应按不同公称直径的或调式减压阀同时工作计算。 B 、异径并联设置只适用于可调式减压阀。 C 、主减压阀为直接式减压阀时,可不并联副减压阀。 D 、异径并联设置时,主减压阀可不再并连同径减压阀。 ( 10 )可调式减压阀宜水平安装。水平安装时,阀盖宜向上。 ( 11 )消防给水系统的减压阀阀后应有排水设施。 ( 12 )自动喷水灭火系统的需减压时,减压阀应设置在报警阀前(沿水流方向),与单个报警阀配套设置的减压阀,可不设备用减压阀;与多个报警阀配套设置的减压阀, 应设备 厂用减压阀。 ( 13 )用于热水供应工程的减压阀,应采用热水型减压阀。 ( 14 )采用干管干管循环方式(半循环方式)的热水供应工程,减压阀设置要求应与冷水工程相同;采用立管循环方式(全循环方式)的热水供应工程,减压阀设置应防止热水循环的破坏,各分区回水管在汇合点压力应平衡。 4 、缓闭式止回阀 ( 1 )利用介质自身压力控制并具延时关闭从而达到xx或缓解水锤的止回阀。 ( 2 )缓闭式止回阀组布以下组件组成(沿水流方向); A 、压力表;B 、可曲挠 橡胶软接头或管道伸缩器; C 、过渡器; D 、缓闭式止回阀; E 、控制阀(闸阀或蝶阀)。 注: A 、缓闭式止回阀阀体本身安装有压力表时,可不再设压力表。 B 、过滤器设置有困难时,可以不装。 ( 3 )生活、生产、消防给水系统中,需要在水泵停机时阻止介质回流并xx或缓解由此而产生的水锤现象,宜设置缓闭式止回阀。 ( 4 )缓闭式止回阀应设置在水泵出口段, 宜水平 安装, 阀盖朝上 。当垂直安装时, 阀盖宜 朝外。 ( 5 )一台水泵机组应配套设置一组缓闭式止回阀组。 ( 6 ) 缓闸止回阀 的公称 通径应与 管路公称直径相同。 ( 7 )安装前须冲洗管路。 ( 8 ){zj0}安装方位为立式,其它方位也可以。 ( 9 )确认系统的工 况 。压力、口径、介质、介质温度、流量。合理选择缓闭止回阀的规格。 ( 10 )安装时要保持阀门内腔的清洁。 ( 11 )在介质含有杂物较多的情况下,应多清洗过滤 装置内网 ,以保持阀门安全运行。 5 、泄压阀、 持压阀 ( 1 )一种压力自动控制阀门,它不借助任何外力而是利用介质自身压力进行开启或关闭。阀门开启压力在一定范围内可以调节,当压力恢复设定勤以下后,阀门自动关闭,阻止介质继排出。 ( 2 )该 阀用于管道中,可对压力波快速反应和快速释放,防止压力急剧增高而损坏管线及设备,特别适用于高层楼房消防系统泄压;并可用于保持主阀上游供水压力恒定。 A 、生活、生产、消防给水系统中需要保持管线压力在一定范围内(如 1.0 Mpa )防止压力突升及xx因流量变化而逐渐增大的压力过高给管路造成危害时,应设置泄压阀。 B 、生活、生产给水管路中,需要保持一定区域内管线的压力在某一规定值范围,应设置持压阀 。 ( 3 )泄压 阀组应 由以下组件组成(沿水流方向); A 、压力表; B 、控制阀(闸阀或蝶阀); C 、过滤器; D 、泄压阀。 注: A 、泄压阀阀体本身安装有压力表时,泄压 阀组可 不再设压力表。 B 、如介质较为洁净时,可用泄压阀导管系统内微型过滤器代替管道过滤器。 C 、安装现场,应有拆卸过滤装置的空间。 ( 4 ) 泄压阀应设置在设定保护区域管路系统前端,且应在管路系统止回阀之后(沿水流方向)。为防止水泵运行超压 和停泵水锤 超压而设置的 泄压阀应设在 水泵房内。 ( 5 ) 泄压阀应安装在与管路系统并联的泄水管上,并宜水平安装,阀盖朝上。 ( 6 )泄压 阀出口 端连接的管道,其管径不应缩小。 ( 7 )同系统的两台或两台以上的水泵机组可共用泄压阀。 ( 8 )泄压 阀出口 端排水管应有防止回京戏污染措施和消能装置。 ( 9 ) 持压阀组应 由以下组件组成(沿水流方向):A 、压力表;B 、控制阀(闸阀或蝶阀);C 、过滤器;D 、 持压阀;E 、控制阀(闸阀或蝶阀) 注: A 、 持压阀主阀体本身带有压力表时, 持压阀组可 不再设压力表。 B 、过滤器应有位移补偿装置。 C 、安装现场,应有拆卸过滤装置的空间。 ( 10 ) 持压阀可设置在干管或支管上,应串联设置在设定保压区域的最未端位置。并宜水平安装,阀盖朝上。 ( 11 )对重要管路,应并联设置持压阀 ,一用一备。 ( 12 ) 持压阀出口 端连接的管段不应缩小。 ( 13 ) 持压阀出口 端管段可不设压力表。 ( 14 )管路公称直径小于200mm时,泄压阀的公称通径应与管路公称直径相同或小一级规格;管路公称直径大于或等于200mm时,泄压阀的公称通径宜采用150mm。 ( 15 ) 持压阀的公换通径应 与被保护管路公称直径相同。 ( 16 )泄压含辛茹苦、 持压阀 的压力等级应根据给水(含消防)系统工作压力来确定。通常应与给水(含消防)泵出水管上的阀门压力等级一致。 ( 17 )如泄压阀排水口位置较远,泄水管路过长( >20m ),泄水管口径宜比泄劲压阀阀前管网压力稳定。 ( 18 )消防给水系统在试压过程中,如系统试验压力高于所选用泄压阀的公称压力,应关闭 泄压阀前的切断阀门,以免泄压阀损坏或失灵。 ( 19 )系统试压时,泄压阀应关闭。 ( 20 )泄压含辛茹苦、持压阀闻高整定开启压力 Ps 见下表。( MPa ) 注:PS值不宜设定的太低,否则极易泄压。 6 、水力控制阀的变化 在主阀不变的情况下,通过针形阀、先导阀及相应 控制系统,根据管网中不同的要求,可演变出几十种功能的阀门,除上述 5 种给水系统常用的以外尚有电动 浮 球阀、水力电动控制阀、电磁控制阀、流量控制阀、紧急关闭阀等。均有不同的设计选用要求和安装要求。 7 、结论 ( 1 )由于水力控制阀在作用方式上利用介质自身压力及液压系统操作,并能自动控制,动作准确,性能可靠,故在建筑给水(含消防)系统中广泛应用。 ( 2 )分别介绍了遥控浮球阀、可调式减压阀、缓闭止回阀、泄压阀和持压阀等几种常用的水力控制阀的设计选用和安装要点。 ( 3 )水力控制阀如同其他阀门一样尚有许多需要我们去认识、去开发的功能,如小口径的流量控制阀的开发、各种水力控制阀阀用橡胶的要求、弹簧的寿命等等,以便更好地应用到工程中。

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Hydraulic control valve is a main valve and the exterior of the needle valve and pilot valve combination. Hydraulic control valve is a series of multi-purpose control and safety valves of the general category. Include: 1) remote control float valve; 2) valve; 3) The slow closed valve; 4) The pressure relief valve; 5) The holding pressure valve and so on. Their main features are: the role of the way the use of media pressure and the hydraulic system's own operation and be able to automatic movements, accurate, reliable performance, can be widely used in the production of life and fire water supply system from the pipeline control and security role. However, in engineering applications when the hydraulic control valves, there are still some errors, such as the applicable conditions of valves, valve designs use requirements, installation elements, etc. Therefore, this article is intended to CECS Standard "Specifications for Design of Hydraulic Control Valve Applications" (submitted for examination draft), based on my experience combined to elaborate the above-mentioned aspects of the problem. 1, hydraulic control valve design uses elements of (1) the application of engineering-type hydraulic control valve is passing through the factory tests, all kinds of identification complete technical information to meet the requirements of the product. (2) According to the functional requirements, select the valve type, and then piped under the medium, temperature, building standards and the owners should be requirements to determine the position of the valve body and sealing materials. Valve body materials commonly used in cast iron, copper and iron, copper, plastic and so on. Commonly used sealing surface and lining materials include copper alloys, plastics, steel, alloy, rubber. Valve body material should be matched with the pipe materials. (3) Nominal pressure valves, 0.6, 1.0, 1.6, 2.5 and 4.0MPa different levels, the media pipeline, the working pressure should be less than the value of the valve nominal pressure. (4) Project Hydraulic Control Valve setting should have enough space to allow the management, operation, installation and maintenance, and should meet the requirements of pipeline right valve. (5) The pipe flange connection with should be used to connect the hydraulic control valve flange; pipeline to connect with groove when the groove should be used to connect the hydraulic control valve. (6) hydraulic control valve should be set in the medium one-way flow control on the road. (7) hydraulic control valve Fazhu the arrow on the flow direction must be consistent with the piping system. (8) hydraulic control valve pipe then there should be no air blocking, air resistance phenomenon. The highest location in the pipe network should be set automatically save gas exhaust valve segment. (9) the level of installation, the valve, valve cover, valve stem should be facing up. Vertical installation, valve cover, valve stem should be outward. (10) the valve should be done prior to installation strength and leak test. (11) of the valve strength and leak test should meet the following requirements. A, the intensity of test pressure valve for the nominal pressure of 1.5 times; B, the valve leak test pressure of 1.5 times the nominal pressure; C, the test pressure for the duration of the trial should remain unchanged, and the shell filling and sealing surface of valve disc without leakage; D, the duration of valve testing according to the above table. 2, remote-controlled floating ball valve (1) A liquid level control valve, float valve in the use of the control loop opening and magnetic closures to control the main valve is opened and closed, so as to achieve set the level control valve. (2) Remote Control Float Group comprising the following components (along the flow direction) A, control valves (gate valve, or valve); B, filter; C, remote control float valve. Note: A, such as the relatively clean medium when the main valve can be used within the micro-catheter system filter to replace pipe filters. B, the installation site should be demolished filter space. (3) When the life, production, fire water system pools (boxes) of its nominal inlet diameter is greater than or equal to 50mm an opportune time to set remote control float valve. (4) remote control float the nominal pipe diameter should be the same nominal diameter. (5) remote control float valve should be set before the filter, the filter should fulfill the following requirements: A, filter materials should have sufficient strength and rigidity, should adopt the stainless steel and copper production; filter the total area of orifice flow channel cross-sectional area should be 1.5 to 2 times the number of holes should be 20 ~ 60 mesh. B, should be easy to clean up. (6) remote control float valve should be set in the pool or tank of water pipe, should the level of the installation, valve cover upward. Its control catheter and Ball Set Qing meet the following requirements: A, remote control float valve catheter should be fully fixed on the pool or water tanks to control the total length of the catheter should for more than 8cm, Float Center should be 1cm away from the inlet into the water to be taken outside and wave devices. B, the same pool or water tanks within the site should be higher than the overflow water to prevent the return of pollution damage siphon phenomenon vent, aperture 10mm, hole centers and the overflow water level should be consistent with the provisions of the following table. (8) Remote Control Float Valve outlet pipe in the tank or water tanks, submerged within a flow method should be adopted in order to reduce the flow noise, possession of mouth should be less than the minimum level, but away from the pool or water tanks shall be not less than 50mm. (9) remote control float valve installed close to the pool or water tank wall. (10) remote control float valve for the metal pipe or outlet pipe composite pipe, in the pool or water tank outer wall of inner pipe anti-corrosion measures should be taken. 3, adjustable pressure reducing valve (1) can reduce dynamic pressure and static pressure, and valve to valve transfer after the former medium, and the back pressure valve within a certain range freely adjustable valve. According to structure type can be divided into direct drive with a direct-type pressure reducing valve and pilot devices, pilot-type valve. (2) adjustable pressure reducing valve of the composition (along the flow direction) A, control valve; B, filter; C, before and after the valve pressure gauge; D, adjustable pressure reducing valve; E, flexible rubber joint or pipe expansion joints; F, control valves. Note: A, when the adjustable pressure reducing valve when the main valve with a pressure gauge, pressure gauge valve group may from time to set up. B, when the adjustable pressure reducing valve main body with its own filter, the valve group may from time to set up filters. C, the installation site should be demolished filter space. (3) life, production, fire water and hot water supply system, in the place needed a reduction in static pressure and meet the following conditions, the water supply valve should be installed: A, high-rise building water supply needs of vertical partition, and does not set up water tanks decompression time; B, when you need to reduce static pressure; C, water points, or fire water supply facilities required water pressure stabilized. (4) The Regulator should set up two groups, one group back. (5) The valve settings blame manageable, operation, installation and maintenance; valve should not be set up in the ceiling and residential households door; wells in the pipeline when the valve should be set aside enough space. (6) The valve should be set in the one-way flow of the pipeline. (7), the choice of adjustable pressure reducing valve shall meet the following requirements: A, the diameter of valve should be the product by product flow - head loss curve of the selected; B, adjustable valve pressure rating should be higher than the expected pressure value before the valve; C, adjustable pressure reducing valve after the maximum pressure valve and the lowest pressure should be consistent with the provisions of the following table. (MPa) D, the minimum pressure valve before the valve should be larger than after the dynamic pressure 0.2MPa; E, Life adjustable valve water supply system, valves before and after the maximum pressure valve is not more than 0.4MPa; requirements in a quiet place (residential, hotels, hospitals) live water supply system with adjustable pressure reducing valve before the valve After the maximum pressure should not be greater than 0.3 MPa. When the adjustable valve water supply system of life before and after the maximum pressure valve exceeds the above requirements, the adjustable pressure reducing valve series is set or to take appropriate measures to prevent noise. (8) When the adjustable valve nominal diameter of not more than 50mm should be used straight valve; when larger than 50mm is less than 100mm, it is desirable use of pilot-type pressure reducing valve. (9) on the water is very uneven in some tall buildings (such as hotels, homes, hospitals), in a quiet occasion demands, adjustable pressure reducing valve should reducer parallel set. Reducing parallel set should meet the following requirements; A, according to Lord, Vice-reducing valve and flow characteristics of the work to determine the primary and vice valve diameter. General Vice-valve should the main valve nominal diameter than the small 2 or 2 above; B, Vice-valve back pressure valve should the valve than the main valve after the pressure is high 00.020 ~ 0.035 MPa (dynamic pressure value). Note: A, different-diameter parallel settings, through the design flow should be different from the nominal diameter, or transfer the work of reducing valve at the same time the calculation. B, Reducing parallel setting only applies to adjustable pressure reducing valve. C, the main valve to direct pressure reducing valve, the valve may from time to parallel vice. D, Reducing parallel setting, the main valve may no longer together with the valve diameter. (10) Adjustable appropriate level of valves installed. The level of installation, the valve should cover up. (11) Fire Water Supply System reducing valve after the valve should have drainage systems. (12) Automatic sprinkler systems required decompression, the valve should be set in the alarm valve before (along the flow direction), with a single matching set alarm valve reducing valve, may from time to equipment using valve; with a number of matching set valve alarm valve should be used valve equipment factory. (13) for hot water supply project of reducing valve should be used in water-type valve. (14) using dry pipe dry pipe loop mode (half-cycle mode) of the hot water supply engineering, pressure reducing valve set requirements should be the same as with the cold water works; using riser loop mode (full-cycle mode) of the hot water supply engineering, decompression valve setting should be to prevent the destruction of hot water circulating, the district back in the converging point of water pressure should be balanced. 4, slow closed-valve (1) the use of media self-pressure control, and a time delay shut down so as to achieve the elimination or mitigation of water hammer check valve. (2) The slow closed-valve Unit cloth of the following components (along the flow direction); A, pressure gauge; B, flexible rubber expansion joints flexible joints or pipes; C, transitional devices; D, slow closed valve; E, control valves (gate valve or butterfly valve). Note: A, slow closed valve when the valve itself is fitted with pressure gauge, pressure gauge can not be retained. B, filter settings have difficulty, you can not install. (3) life, production, fire water supply system, the need to prevent the media back when the pump shut down and eliminate or mitigate the resulting water hammer phenomenon, should set the relief valve closed. (4) The relief valve should be set at the pump with closed outlet section, should the level of the installation, valve cover upward. When mounted vertically, the valve cover should outwards. (5) a water pump is set to be supporting a group of Smolensky Check Valve Group. (6) The slow gate valve nominal diameter should be the same nominal diameter pipeline. (7) shall be washed before 

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