黑银餐具,应该怎么办? « City life wiki 城市百科











1,一个小棉球蘸醋擦拭。 2,橡皮擦擦拭缓慢。


Black silver utensils that should be how to do?

black silver utensils that should be how to do?

sulfur dioxide and chemical changes in the formation of a layer of silver sulfide on the silver jewelry, its principle may be applied after the cut open Apple will slowly turn black (oxidation principle) the same

silver jewelry in the past year, became the mainstream of fashion jewelry, most consumers understand that money will be black, but do not know how you can not change it black or black in how to do, this is not some consumers to buy silver where the root node. So, to teach how to maintain and in addition to oxides, glossy way to restore consumer confidence in buying guarantee.

1. To avoid friction with hard objects, chemicals, flame temperature contacts, to prevent the protective layer (coating) off and crystal damage. Contact with perfume, cosmetics, household cleaning materials, grease and perspiration will make gold, silver black.

2. Avoid large-scale bending, Zhongshuai, when forced to wear uniform, to prevent product deformation or crystal fracture.

3. Do not display silver too crowded, it would lead to ornaments were entangled with each other causing scratches or breakage.

4. This product is for fashion clothing boutique, is mainly used for decorating the different colors of fashion, should not be the same as other ordinary long-term continuous wear jewelry, do not wipe after wearing the product should be preserved to avoid long-term and sweat, lotion and other physical contact.

5. Regular cleaning and processing. Usually at home when you can use a small amount of washing their fine quality of the toothpaste, such as the usual neglected maintenance, when the silver surface of the oxide scale into a block of black, they can buy a packet of washing photo imaging used in powder, mixed with 1000g of water and stir solution of silver jewelry soak 5 minutes, washed with water and soft cloth dry.

6. Silver is one of a kind of active metal, easy and sulfur in the air a chemical reaction to make silver black. Should not be a strong place in the chemical wear of gas, sulfur soap after coming into contact with immediately in clean water.

gently brushing with toothpaste and toothbrush. will become very bright.
not use wire brushes.

1, with a little cotton ball dipped in vinegar wipe . 2, with eraser wipe slowly.

best to get there, selling silverware to wash.05-11-26

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