我如何水壶内的尺度« City life wiki 城市百科























How do I place inside the kettle scale

very thick, multi-formed

① kettle cooked potato detergent in a new bottle, the release of more than half of kettle potato, fill water will be potato cooked at a later time boiling water, it would not scale in the plot. But bearing in mind kettle boiled potato, the wall Do not scrub, otherwise they will lose descaling effect. Scale that had been flooded with the old kettle, using the above method of cooking a second, not only the original scale will gradually fall off, and can play the role of scale to prevent further accumulation.

② sodium bicarbonate addition to scale with the junction of the scale, when the aluminum kettle boil water, put 1 tsp baking soda, Shaofei a few minutes apart from the scale.

③ boiled eggs in addition to scale boiling pot of water, fouling hard and difficult to use for a long time except. If using it the last two boiled eggs, will receive the desired results.

④ In addition to scale potato skin, or aluminum pot aluminum pot used for a period of time, will bear a thin layer scale. The potato skin on the inside, plus adequate water, Shao Fei, cook about 10 minutes can be removed.

⑤ thermal expansion and contraction In addition to scale the empty bottle on the stove Shaogan scale in the water till the crack or till the Hu Di Hu Di has a “bang” sound when the pot removed, rapid injection cold water, or cloth wrapped handle and a spout, holding hands, sitting in the Shaogan the kettle quickly in cold water (do not let water into the Tsubouchi). Repeat two times to three times, Hudi a result of thermal expansion and contraction and falling scale.

⑥ In addition to scale, such as vinegar and water bottles with the scale burning can be invented vinegar into the water, burning 12 hours, apart from the scale. Such as the scale of the main ingredient is calcium sulfate, sodium carbonate solution can be poured cooking kettle can be detergent.

⑦ anti-plot scale mask placed in a clean pot boil water masks, boil water, the scale will be masks adsorption.

You can put four potatoes cut into kettle, add boiled 3-5 minutes. After cooling the ball with a brush or wire brush a wash, scrub scale was lost.
This is the method described in the central Taiwan, I have used results in very good shape, you can try.
wish you well!

Tsubouchi water, Yan Guo scale office, and then into vinegar, Small Thermal heating. furring natural shedding

clever to scale:
boil water kettle with a long time, in the kettle will bear a layer of white within the scale, is not easy cleansed. You can try before going to bed at night, with a very strong vinegar add a little salt water filled pot until the next morning, and then point trace of detergent scrub brush steel look, scale easily you fall off.

① kettle cooked potato detergent in a new bottle, the release of more than half of kettle potato, fill water, cook the potato, after re-boil water, it would not scale in the plot. But bearing in mind kettle boiled potato, the wall Do not scrub, otherwise they will lose descaling effect. Scale that had been flooded with the old kettle, using the above method of cooking a second, not only the original scale will gradually fall off, and can play the role of scale to prevent further accumulation.

② sodium bicarbonate addition to scale with the junction of the scale, when the aluminum kettle boil water, put 1 tsp baking soda, Shaofei a few minutes apart from the scale.

③ boiled eggs in addition to scale boiling pot of water, fouling hard and difficult to use for a long time except. If using it the last two boiled eggs, will receive the desired results.

④ In addition to scale potato skin, or aluminum pot aluminum pot used for a period of time, will bear a thin layer scale. The potato skin on the inside, plus adequate water, Shao Fei, cook about 10 minutes can be removed.

⑤ thermal expansion and contraction In addition to scale the empty bottle on the stove Shaogan scale in the water till the crack or till the Hu Di Hu Di has a “bang” sound when the pot removed, rapid injection cold water, or cloth wrapped handle and a spout, holding hands, sitting in the Shaogan the kettle quickly in cold water (do not let water into the Tsubouchi). Repeat two times to three times, Hudi a result of thermal expansion and contraction and falling scale.

⑥ In addition to scale, such as vinegar and water bottles with the scale burning can be invented vinegar into the water, burning 12 hours, apart from the scale. Such as the scale of the main ingredient is calcium sulfate, sodium carbonate solution can be poured cooking kettle can be detergent.

⑦ anti-plot scale mask placed in a clean pot boil water masks, boil water, the scale will be masks adsorption.

⑧ magnetization in the pot in place a magnet, not only does not fouling, boil the water is magnetized, but also has a prevention and treatment of constipation, pharyngitis role.
(I solemnly declare that: I did not copy other people’s answers, but from somewhere else reproduced over the,
see: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2280374.html)

In addition to scale, such as vinegar and water bottles with the scale burning can be invented vinegar into the water, burning 12 hours, apart from the scale. In addition to thermal expansion and contraction scale
empty water bottles on the stove Shaogan scale in the water, till the crack or till the Hu Di Hu Di has a “bang” sound when the pot removed quickly into the cold water, or cloth wrapped handle and a spout, holding hands, sitting in the Shaogan the kettle quickly in cold water (do not let water into the Tsubouchi). Repeat 2 times to 3 times.

scale supermarkets have sold, a cleaning agent, such as a bottle of detergent behind it, as long as four or so

money well spent, even the burnt bottom of the pot the black stains are washed live very clean, very convenient06-01-15

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