The third bus liability insurance company « China trip 中国行

闯红灯driver, slam the brakes, resulting in loosening of my gums (tooth extraction equipment), such as soft tissue injury chest.

report to the police to carry out that responsibility, of course, as the car you will not be the responsibility of people, but to take a program, you are no more than a third of the loss limit of liability insurance compensation from insurance companies.

“People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law,” the 76th article of traffic accidents caused by motor vehicle personal injury, property loss, by insurance companies in compulsory third party liability motor vehicle insurance liability limits the scope of compensation. More than some of the limits of liability, according to the following pattern of liability:
(a) of traffic accidents between motor vehicles, by the party responsible for the fault; both sides are at fault, in accordance with their proportion of fault shared responsibility.
(b) motor vehicles and non-motor vehicle drivers, traffic accidents between pedestrians and motor vehicles one by the responsibility; However, there is evidence that non-motor vehicle drivers, pedestrians in violation of road traffic safety laws and regulations, motor vehicle the driver has to take the necessary measures to dispose of and reduce the liabilities of the party motor vehicles.
the loss of traffic from non-motor vehicle drivers, pedestrians deliberately caused by motor vehicles is not responsible for the party.


  《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》 第七十六条 机动车发生交通事故造成人身伤亡、财产损失的,由保险公司在机动车第三者责任强制保险责任限额范围内予以赔偿。超过责任限额的部分,按照下列方式承担赔偿责任:

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