Preserves how to manufacture it? Eat it regularly preserved fruit ...

Category:catering food

Preserves how to manufacture it? Eat it regularly preserved fruit right?

preserved fruits, preserved fruits, is a traditional Chinese name of special foods widely held, has a long history of a product. Its soft texture, bright Jing Tou, Storability Yi Zang, Wei Jia shaped the United States, known not only domestic, but also renowned in the world. At present, the preserved fruit in the domestic sales of good, turnover of around four times annually.

one, preserved fruits, preserved fruits, Features
1. varieties, can become a series; 2. no chemical additives;
3. to maintain the natural color of fruits and vegetables, nutrition and flavor; 4. taste of young and old favorite;
5 . eat convenient, shelf-life up to 10 months; 6. a variety of vitamins and trace elements, low fat, low calorie;
7. can also be re-dried fresh water for human consumption, fresh products like feel.
2, preserved fruits production process simple alignments indicate
fruit and vegetable raw materials → selection → washing → Do not clean-cut sub-color-protecting vacuum impregnation → → → Fixing dry seasoning → → → Test → finished product weighing packaging
3, the main raw materials and Packaging
main raw materials: processing preserved fruits, preserved fruits, a wide range of raw materials, most fruits and vegetables can be used. Any bright color, unique flavor and nutritional value, the lower the high cost of raw materials are suitable.

raw materials used are as follows:

fruit: apple, pear, green plum (products such as: plum, crispy plums), persimmon, banana, pineapple, peach, dates, hawthorn, strawberry, mango, kiwi, star fruit, cantaloupe, etc. ;

vegetables: carrots, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, taro, lotus root, white gourd;

special categories: cactus, Taro

preserved fruit, candied fruit is a traditional name of special products, but recently a lot of preserved fruit, candied fruit excessive sulfur dioxide is worrying. Experts suggest that consumers choose products, preserved fruits, should pay attention to identifying the product packaging is up to standard, the products smell patterns are normal. At the same time, buy the regular sales channels selling products are also well-known enterprises a good way to ensure safety.


类别: 餐饮食品



一、 果脯、凉果产品特点
1. 品种多,可成系列; 2.无化学添加剂;
3. 保持果蔬xx色泽、营养和风味; 4. 口感男女老幼喜爱;
5. 食用方便,保质期长达十二个月; 6. 多种维生素和微量元素,低脂肪、低热量;
7. 可干食亦可复水食用,似鲜品感觉。
二、 果脯生产工艺路线简单示意
果蔬原料→选别清理 →洗涤 →切分护色 →杀青 →真空浸渍 →烘干 →调味 →称量包装 →检验 →成品
主要原料: 加工果脯、凉果的原料十分广泛,大部分水果、蔬菜都可以采用。凡是色泽鲜艳,风味独特,营养价值高而成本又较低的原料都适合。






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