What is organic food « Industry info 工业信息

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What is organic food

organic food
organic food is an internationally known, is the literal translation from English Organic Food them there. By “organic” is not a chemical on the concept, but means taking an organic farming and processing methods. Organic food is produced in this manner and processing; products comply with international or national requirements and standards for organic food; and certified through the national accreditation body of all agricultural and processed products, including food, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, poultry livestock products, honey, fish, spices and so on.
In addition to organic foods, the current international also a number of derivative products such as organic cosmetics, textiles, forest products, or organic food production provided the means of production, including bio-pesticides, organic fertilizers and so on, referred to by the certified organic products.

organic food and other food difference between
At present, relevant departments in the implementation of the other signs of food there is pollution-free food and green food. Pollution-free food is in accordance with environment-friendly food production and technical standards and requirements for production, in line with general health standards and the safety of food products identified by the departments concerned. Strictly speaking, pollution-free food should be ordinary food products should meet a basic requirement.
foods were the beginning of China’s agricultural sector in the nineties the development of a food, divided into A and AA grade green food grade green food. Where, A grade green food production, to allow limited use of chemical synthesis of the means of production, AA grade green food is more strictly required in the production process does not use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, feed additives, food additives and other harmful environmental and health substances. In essence, green food, from the ordinary food to organic food development in a transitional product. Organic food and other food distinction is reflected in the following several aspects:
1) organic food in their production process in the absolute prohibition of the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones and other synthetic substances, and does not allow the use of genetic engineering technology; while other food is to allow limited use of these technologies, and does not prohibit the use of genetic engineering technology. Such as the green of genetic engineering and radiation technology are not being provided for the use.
2) is the production of transformation, from the production of other food to organic food needs of 2-3 year transition period, while production of other food products (including green food and pollution-free food) there is no transition period requirements.
3) is the amount of control, the organic food certification requirements scheduled to land, will be output, while other foods are not so strict requirements.
Therefore, the production of organic food is much more difficult than the production of other food products, need to establish a new production system and monitoring system, using the appropriate pest control, soil fertility conservation, seed production, product processing and storage of such alternative technologies.


类别: 餐饮食品


  有机食品是一种国际通称,是从英文Organic Food直译过来的。这里所说的“有机”不是化学上的概念,而是指采取一种有机的耕作和加工方式。有机食品是指按照这种方式生产和加工的;产品符合国际或国家有机食品要求和标准;并通过国家认证机构认证的一切农副产品及其加工品,包括粮食、蔬菜、水果、奶制品、禽畜产品、蜂蜜、水产品、调料等。

 1) 是有机食品在其生产加工过程中{jd1}禁止使用农药、化肥、xx等人工合成物质,并且不允许使用基因工程技术;而其他食品则允许有限使用这些技术,且不禁止基因工程技术的使用。如绿色食品对基因工程和辐射技术的使用就未作规定。
 2) 是生产转型方面,从生产其他食品到有机食品需要2-3年的转换期,而生产其他食品(包括绿色食品和无公害食品)没有转换期的要求。
 3) 是数量控制方面,有机食品的认证要求定地块、定产量,而其他食品没有如此严格的要求。

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