PlayStation Network 挂点,拖着一堆老PS3 下水?
鎴栬€呭弽杩囨潵锛屾槸涓€鍫嗚€?PS3 鎷栫潃 PSN 涓嬫按銆傛€讳箣锛岀洰鍓嶆病浜烘竻妤氬彂鐢熶簡浠€涔堬紝鍙煡閬?PSN 鍏堝墠澶勫湪鎸傜偣鐨勭姸鎬侊紝杩炲甫鐫€璁╄澶氭棫鐨?PS3 涔熻窡鐫€鍑哄悇绉嶉棶棰橈紝鍖呮嫭鎰忎箟涓嶆槑鐨?8001050F 閿欒鐮併€佸綋鏈恒€佹椂闂撮噸璁俱€佺敋鑷充弗閲嶄竴鐐圭殑杩樻湁浜鸿祫鏂欐瘉鎹熴€傜洰鍓?Sony 姝e湪娣卞叆鐮旂┒闂鍑哄湪鍝噷锛屼絾浠?twitter 涓婄殑鍝嶅簲鐪嬶紝浼间箮鏂扮殑 PS3 slim 骞朵笉鍙楀奖鍝嶃€傚悇浣嶈鑰呯姸鍐靛浣曞憿锛?/div>

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