How to determine - 二手摩托车- 分类信息- 运城分类信息网——[ad.0359 ...
How to determine if they belong to what kind of physical
Mild-type than normal, Qi-type often weak, yin deficiency type are most afraid of heat, Yang-type of the most stand the cold, damp-heat in love out of oil, qi-type love insomnia, phlegm-type easy to obesity, blood stasis easy to forgetfulness, special intrinsic type allergic How to identify her body t physical type I belong to it?
Mainly based on specific performance as a person:
Calm type: normal diet, sleep is good, two will be smooth, bright and cheerful disposition, social and natural adaptability, this is a typical physical calm.
Qi type: words being insipid, often out of sweating, easy to shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, this is the vital energy and physical fitness. Such a person from the character, the general introverted, emotionally less stable, less Daner small, things do not love risk.
Yin-type: if a person Heat intolerance, hands and feet often feel heart fever, cheeks flushing, or reddish, skin dry, and parched, easy to sleep, frequent stools dry, it is Yin. Most of them are more outgoing personality and love to, sexual Love is more edgy.
Yang-deficiency type: Even if hot summer day, nor more than to be in the air-conditioned room, because they were more afraid of the cold. Fat hands and feet are always cold did not dare eat cool things. Character more quiet and introverted. These people belong to Yang and physique.
Damp-heat: If you see a person, face and nose are always Youguangzengliang, but also easy for health acne, sore boil, an opening will be able to smell the odor, he is hot and humid physique. Such people are also vulnerable stool viscosity unhappy, and urine yellow, compare thick
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