调速阀的三大常见故障排除技巧- 中国闸阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-22 14:04:37 阅读6 评论0 字号:

调速阀常见的故障有流量调节失灵、流量不稳以及内泄漏量增大三类,这里简单介绍了三大故障的排除方法以供参考。 (一)流量调节失灵 这是指调整节流调节部分,出油腔流量不发生变化,其主要原因是阀芯径向卡住和节流调节部分发生故障等。 减压阀芯或节流阀芯在全闭位置时,径向卡住会使出油腔没有流量,在全开位置(或节流口调整好)时,径向卡住会使调整节流调节部分出油腔流量不发生变化。 另外,当节流调节部分发生故障时,会使调节螺杆不能轴向移动,使出油腔流量也不发生变化。发生阀芯卡住或节流调节部分故障时,应进行清洗和修复。 (二)流量不稳定 减压节流型调速阀当节流口调整好锁紧后,有时会出现流量不稳定现象,特别在最小稳定流量时更易发生。其主要原因是锁紧装置松动,节流口部分堵塞,油温升高,进、出油腔最小压差过低和进、出油腔接反等。 油流反向通过QF型调速阀时,减压阀对节流阀不起压力补偿作用,使调速阀变成节流阀。故当进、出油腔油液压力发生变化时,流经的流量就会发生变化,从而引起流量不稳定。 因此在使用时要注意进、出油腔的位置,避免接反。 (三)内泄漏量增大 减压节流型调速阀节流口关闭时,是靠间隙密封,因此不可避免有一定的泄漏量,故它不能作为截止阀用。当密封面(减压阀芯、节流阀芯和单向阀芯密封面等)磨损过大后,会引起内泄漏量增加,使流量不稳定,特别会影响到最小稳定流量。

“ control valve of the three common troubleshooting techniques ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国调节阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Governor valve failures are common failure of flow regulation, flow instability and increased leakage within the three categories, here a brief introduction of the three trouble-shooting methods for reference. (A) flow regulator failure This refers to the adjustment of throttle adjustment part, the oil chamber flow rate does not change, mainly due to the radial stuck and the throttle valve core part of the failure of regulation and so on. Core or the throttle valve closed position in the entire core, radial stuck out of the oil will not flow chamber, in the fully open position (or the mouth to readjust the throttle), the radial will adjust the throttle stuck conditioning part of the cavity out of the oil flow rate does not change. In addition, when the throttle adjustment part of the failure, will not adjust screw axial movement, resorted to the oil cavity flow does not change. Place-conditioning part of the throttling spool jammed, or failure, should be cleaned and repaired. (B) Flow instability Decompression-type throttle control valve when the throttle lock, after I adjusted well, sometimes there flow instability, particularly in the minimum stable flow more likely. The main reason is the locking device loosening, cutting mouth partially blocked, oil temperature rise, into and out of the oil pressure is too low and into the smallest cavity, the oil chamber reversed and so on. Oil flow back through the QF-based speed control valve, pressure reducing valve on the throttle can not afford to compensate, so that control valve into the throttle. Therefore, when entering and leaving the oil cavity fluid pressure changes, the traffic flows will change, causing flow instability. Therefore, when you should pay attention to the use of entering and leaving the location of the oil chamber to avoid reversed. (C) The increase in leakage Decompression speed throttle-type throttle valve port is closed, depending on clearance seal, it is inevitable that a certain amount of leakage, so it can not be used as a cut-off valve. When the sealing surface (valve core, core and one-way throttle valve core sealing surface, etc.) wear and tear is too large, it will cause an increase in the amount of leakage, so that flow instability, in particular, will affect the stability of flow to a minimum.

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